Concurso Cazadores de reflejos ~ Ronda 192🎺 Anuncio 🎺//Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 192🎺 Announcement 🎺[ESP/ENG]
Hello happy evening to @Shadow-Hunters @olgavita @melinda010100 @enency @hive179017 and the other contributors.
Hoy les traigo este reflejo que me conseguà en una tarde noche que fui a la estación de metro de la rinconada y pase por un parque que lo adornaron con mucho angelito de hecho de metal y.
Las luces le dan los colores y quise compartirlos con ustedes los angelitos se ve reflejado las bombillas que están en los postes también dan reflejo. La primera foto que es la que va concurso vemos varios ángeles uno morado otro martillo y otro morado más atrás, a todos les pusieron una trompeta y todos se ven reflejado en una pequeña laguna que hay en el parque también vemos reflejados unos árboles en la laguna.
Today I bring you this reflection that I got me in an evening that I went to the subway station of the corner and passed by a park that was decorated with a lot of little angel made of metal and.
The lights give it the colors and I wanted to share them with you, the little angels are reflected in the light bulbs that are on the posts also give reflection. The first photo that is the one that goes contest we see several angels one purple one another hammer and another purple one more behind, to all they put a trumpet and all are reflected in a small lagoon that there is in the park also we see reflected some trees in the lagoon.

Thank you for visiting my blog
The photo is from my family album
this is truly an extraordinarily beautiful reflection.
Thank you my dear friend @reachdreams. That's what I thought when I saw it. And I didn't think too much to take the pictures. How seldom I can get reflections. Thanks for visiting me.
Beautiful reflection