Concurso de la Comunidad de Señoras de la Colmena nº 190//Ladies of Hive Community Contest #190[ESP/ENG]

Feliz tarde para todas Ladies of Hive. Mis felicitaciones a las ganadoras del concurso 189

Voy a responder las dos preguntas de esta semana


Los cambios son inevitables, pero a veces nos cuesta adaptarnos a ellos. ¿Hubo alguna circunstancia o cambio repentino que afectó a tu vida, rutina o estilo de vida? ¿Cómo lo afrontaste? ¿Lo pasaste mal? Por favor, comparte la historia.

Mi esposo, mi hija y yo vivíamos alquilado en una casa en Barinas. Mi niña tenía solo 8 años. A mi esposo lo cambiaron de un día para otro, para trabajar a la capital y me toco que quedarme sola en casa. Enseguida que se fue mi esposo, vino el dueño de la casa pidiéndome desocupación, Porque se corrió la voz de que él me había Abandonado. Llame a mi esposo y él llamó al dueño de la casa y no le creyó y pidió que le desocuparamos su casa.

Comencé a buscar y nada. Mi hija le contó a su amiguita y ella se lo comentó a su mamá. Al otro día en el colegio la señora me pregunto y me dijo que ella tenía una pieza grande con un baño, que se puede dividir en dos habitaciones y un espacio pequeño para cocinar. Pero igual ella me preguntó, que había pasado. Pero tu esposo te dejo. Yo le dije que no. Solo lo mandaron para la capital a trabajar.
Le pregunté que cuánto sería el alquiler. Me dijo que nada. Porque su niña le pidió papá que nos ayudará. Y si me mude a esa pieza grande.
Como pude metí todo lo que teníamos ahí. Fue muy difícil lo que vivimos y si logre con cortina dividir la sala del cuarto y la cocina. Mi hija y yo dormíamos junto. Así duramos cuatro meses, mientras terminaba el año escolar. A mi esposo le fue super bién. Y rápido alquilo un apto con opción a compra en Los Teques. Fue muy fuerte separar a esas dos niñas. Como lloraron. Al igual que yo con sus papás. Pocas personas hacen algo así. Después tuvimos bastante comunicación por un buen tiempo.


Algunas mujeres se cortan el pelo ellas mismas no principalmente para ahorrar dinero, sino porque les divierte hacerlo. ¿Alguna vez te lo has cortado tú misma? ¿Cómo te ha quedado? ¿Lo volverías a hacer?

Yo siempre voy a la peluquería. Pero cuando ya me comienza a crecer la pollina o la parte de adelante, yo misma me lo corto o cuando lo tengo más largo de lo normal. Hago como me dicen mi peluquera. Agarro me lo hecho todo hacia adelante, pegado de la frente que me ponga una cola amarrando todo el cabello. Después mido dos dedos y pongo otra cola. Y debajo de la segunda cola corta el cabello. Y me queda bien. Sí lo volvería hacer.


Esta es mi tijera profesional y tengo también y capa que usan las peluqueras. A veces mi hija viene a que yo le corte y siempre le digo que no, porque yo lo hago porque es mi cabello. Pero no me atrevo hacérselo a otra persona.

Gracias por leer mi blog

La fotografía fue tomada con mi celular Tecno Spark

Editor de foto Polish


Happy afternoon to all Ladies of Hive. Congratulations to the winners of the 189th contest.

I will answer this week's two questions


Change is inevitable, but sometimes we have a hard time adjusting to it. Was there a sudden circumstance or change that affected your life, routine or lifestyle? How did you deal with it? Did you have a hard time? Please share your story.
My husband, my daughter and I lived in a rented house in Barinas. My daughter was only 8 years old. My husband was transferred from one day to the next to work in the capital city and I had to stay home alone. As soon as my husband left, the owner of the house came and asked me to vacate the house, because word spread that he had abandoned me. I called my husband and he called the owner of the house and he didn't believe him and asked to vacate his house.

I started looking and nothing. My daughter told her friend and she told her mom. The next day at school the lady asked me and told me that she had a big room with a bathroom, which could be divided into two rooms and a small space for cooking. But she still asked me what had happened. But your husband left you. I told her no. He was just sent to the capital to work.
I asked her how much the rent would be. She said nothing. Because his little girl asked daddy to help us. And I did move into that big room.
As best I could, I put everything we had in there. It was very difficult what we lived through and I managed to divide the living room from the bedroom and the kitchen with a curtain. My daughter and I slept together. That's how we lasted four months, while the school year ended. My husband did very well and quickly rented an apartment with option to buy in Los Teques. It was very hard to separate those two girls. How they cried. As I did with their parents. Few people do something like that. After that we had a lot of communication for a long time.


Some women cut their hair themselves not mainly to save money, but because they enjoy doing it. Have you ever cut it yourself? How did it look? Would you do it again? I always go to the hairdresser. But when I start to grow out my chignon or the front part, I cut it myself or when it's longer than normal. I do as my hairdresser tells me. I grab my hair and pull it all the way forward, sticking it to my forehead and put it in a ponytail, tying it all together. Then I measure two fingers and put another tail. And under the second tail she cuts the hair. And it looks good. I would do it again.


This is my professional scissors and I also have and cape that the hairdressers use. Sometimes my daughter comes to me to cut her hair and I always say no, because I do it because it's my hair. But I don't dare to do it to someone else.

Thank you for reading my blog

The photo was taken with my Tecno Spark cell phone

Polish photo editor



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It's so terrible of your landlord to make you vacate the house but it's good that the circumstance allowed you to meet other beautiful souls who spared a room for you and your daughter and even became your friend.

So awesome that your hairdresser taught you how to trim your hair and it looks good. Maybe try doing the same for your daughter hehe. You never know, you might be great at it :)

Thanks for this !LADY ❤️


Hola Amiga @ifarmgirl. I have always said that things happen for a reason. He thought he hurt me. He went on the side of gossiping about people. That made me meet good hearted people and most importantly my husband was able to get an apt here in Los Teques which was where my parents and almost all my family lived, so I could share more with them.

My daughter always tells me like this. That I should do it because it suits me.



I admire those that freely open their home to a family in need. Housing is badly in short supply in my country. I returned the favor by renting my suite to another single mother of meager means, rather than see her and her children homeless.


Hola @kerrislravenhill. Te felicito, qué bonito es ayudar sin mirar para atrás. Yo a raíz de eso que me paso y recibí ayuda. Yo comienzo ayudar a las personas dentro de mis posibilidades. Por hora busco ropa usa en muy buen estado para adulto y niños. Y me siento bien. Yo siempre digo ayúdame a ayudar. Y qué bonito se siente uno ayudando

Gracias por compartirme tu historia.

