Una imagen vale más que mil palabras//A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words[ESP/ENG]

Un saludo cordial para @Freewriters y para el concurso de Una imagen vale más que mil palabras.
Esta es participación


¿Qué veo?
Veo a un niño, molesto porque tiene mucha tarea, tiene todos los libros en la mesa para tratar de hacerla toda, como todos los días. Él no está de acuerdo y está pensando que hacer para cambiar eso.
¿Que siento ?

Siento que este niño está molesto y a la vez preocupado porque es mucha tarea y a pesar de que comenzó temprano no va a poder hacer toda esa tarea.

Mi historia

Ya estoy cansado de que la maestra mande tanta tarea para un solo día. Que puedo hacer. Voy a pesar como explicarle a la maestra que no nos debe mandar tantas tareas para un solo día.

A ya sé que le voy a decir.
Igual voy a tratar de terminar toda mi tarea.

Llegando al colegio, llame a mis amigos compañeros de clase les pregunte,
—quien termino todas las tareas, y lo que escuchaba era

—Yo No
—Yo Tampoco
—Ni yo
—Ni Yo
—Yo tampoco
—Era mucha tarea y me quede dormida de cansancio y por eso no la termine
—vamos a hacer una cosa, levante la mano quienes terminaron la tarea completa
—Yo levanté la mano, porque aunque estaba muy molesto, con todos los libros encima de la mesa donde hago mis tareas, la pude terminar.
Nadie más levanto la mano.
—Amigos estoy con ustedes. Vamos a hacer una cosa. Vamos a hablar con la maestra, primero hablo yo y después ustedes se van parando y dicen lo que opinan, pero eso si me apoyan todos.
¿Me van a apoyar?
—Todos dijeron Si Si
Nos vamos todos al salón, estamos todos sentados y calladitos. Entra la maestra y dice
— Buen día
Todos contestamos
—Bueno día, Maestra
Enseguida la muestra pregunta
— ¿Vamos a ver? ¿Levante la mano todos los que hicieron las tareas de ayer para hoy?
En ese momento yo levanto la mano y les digo. Queremos hablar con usted maestra
—Que será Maximiliano
—Maestra con todo respeto ayer usted mandó muchas tareas. Y fíjese que no levanto la mano ninguno. Porque eran muchas tareas
—Con todo respeto, maestra, no habrá otra forma de estudiar aquí en el salón y no tanta tarea para la casa. Como por ejemplo. Cada día usted escoge a 2 alumnos y nos da un tema que nosotros expliquemos que entendimos de lo que nos dio el día anterior, pero así libre de decir lo que entendimos y así usted ahí mismo nos corrige y evalúa.

—Maximiliano me parece muy buena idea.
— ¿Vamos a ver cuanto de tus compañeros están de acuerdo?
Todos levantaron la mano.

La muestra dijo
—Hoy doy la clase y mañana voy a escoger 4 de ustedes para que me hablen de lo que hoy les voy a hablar.
—¿De acuerdo?
Todos dijeron
—Si maestra
Entonces la maestra ahora vuelvo a preguntar
—¿Levante la mano todos los que hicieron las tareas de ayer para hoy?
Y el único que levantó la mano fui Yo
—Te felicito Maximiliano por haber hecho la tarea y por querer ayudar a tus compañeros.
Desde ese día, las clases fueron más amenas, la maestra explicaba más y no se iba tanto tiempo del salón y todos estábamos atento a todo lo que ella nos decía

Y al siguiente día todos queríamos hablar.
Todo cambió para bien de nuestros.

[Gracias por visitar mi blog]

El Banner editado en Polish




Kind regards to @Freewriters and to the A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words contest.
This is participation


What I see

I see a boy, upset because he has a lot of homework, he has all the books on the table to try to do it all, like every day. He disagrees and is thinking what to do to change that.

What I feel

I feel that this child is upset and at the same time worried because it is a lot of homework and even though he started early he is not going to be able to do all that homework.

My story

I'm tired of the teacher sending so much homework for one day. What can I do. I'm going to think about how to explain to the teacher that she shouldn't send us so much homework in one day.

I know what I'm going to tell her.
I'm still going to try to finish all my homework.

Arriving at school, I called my classmates and asked them,
-Who finished all the homework, and what I heard was

-I didn't
-Neither did I
-Neither did I
-Neither did I
-Neither did I
-It was a lot of homework and I fell asleep from exhaustion and that's why I didn't finish it.
-Let's do one thing, show of hands for those who finished the whole assignment.
-I raised my hand, because even though I was very upset, with all the books on the table where I do my homework, I was able to finish it.
No one else raised their hand.
-Friends, I'm with you. Let's do one thing. Let's talk to the teacher, first I'll talk and then you can stand up and say what you think, but if you all support me.
Will you support me?
-Everyone said Yes Yes
We all go to the classroom, we are all seated and quiet. The teacher comes in and says
-Good morning
We all answered
-Good morning, Teacher
Then the teacher asks
-Let's see, everyone who did yesterday's homework for today, raise your hand?
At that moment I raise my hand and tell them. We want to talk to you, teacher
-That will be Maximiliano
-Teacher, with all due respect, yesterday you sent in a lot of homework. And notice that none of them raised their hands. Because there were a lot of homework assignments.
-With all due respect, teacher, there is no other way to study here in the classroom and not so much homework. For example. Every day you choose 2 students and give us a topic that we can explain what we understood from what you gave us the day before, but that way we are free to say what we understood and you can correct and evaluate us right there.

-Maximiliano, I think it is a very good idea.
-Let's see how many of your colleagues agree?
All of them raised their hands.

The sample said
-Today I teach the class and tomorrow I am going to choose 4 of you to talk to me about what I am going to talk to you about today.
They all said
-Yes, teacher.
Then the teacher asked again
-Did everyone raise their hand who did yesterday's homework for today?
And the only one who raised his hand was me.
-I congratulate you Maximiliano for doing your homework and for wanting to help your classmates.
From that day on, classes were more enjoyable, the teacher explained more and didn't leave the classroom for so long, and we were all attentive to everything she said.

And the next day we all wanted to talk.
Everything changed for the better for our children.

Thank you for visiting my blog

The Banner edited in Polish




excelente post, maximiliano ademas de ser un niño aplicado es el líder del salón de clases


Hola @norberto1, gracias por leer mi Blog. Que bueno que te gusto mi historia. Y si Maximiliano, No pensó solo en él, sino también ayudar sus compañeros.


Great or worked. I don't understand the homework. I rarely had it at primary school. My children were daily sent home with 10cm piled homework. I have strong doubts about teachers and teaching.


Thank you @freewritehouse for your comment.
This story is not far from reality. Here in Venezuela, with the problem of low salaries for teachers, they went on strike more than 3 years ago asking for a raise. They started to work only two days a week and sent that amount of homework to the students. With guides, without much explanation so that they could study at home. And it was practically like that, only in the public schools. Because they don't really have decent salaries.


It's a telling sign when only one student out of an entire class finished all the assigned homework. Either it was extremely difficult or it was too much. Teachers can learn from students too where all can be engaged and successful.

Lovely story. Take care.


Hello my dear friend @justclickindiva. Thank you for reading my story
That's right, it was too much homework. And Maximiliano who is a very good student, applied and responsible in his studies did all the homework. He got exhausted and that's why he was so upset. That's why he thought afterwards to look for a solution to that problem with the teacher.

