De novata a aficionada 🤭: primera vez probando Soju 🥂

English Hello everyone, welcome to my blog, I tell you that a few weeks ago I went to a Korean restaurant, I had never tried anything Korean, but that's not the point, today I decided to talk about soju, the so famous Korean liquor and here I tell you how was the first time I tried it, I must say it was a memorable experience that I will never forget, that day it took me a lot to leave my house 😅 because I live far away and I spend an hour in public transport, so no way, I had to change that reservation from a lunch to a dinner 🤭for a long time (since I saw it in the kdramas 😅) I had the desire to try the famous soju, a traditional liquor from South Korea known for its flavor and versatility because it comes in different flavors like strawberry, grape, grapefruit, peach, peach, peach, peach, peach, peach, peach, peach, peach, peach, peach and so on, grape, peach, etc, and I was very excited for the opportunity to try it, I think the wish was so big that it was fulfilled ☺️ for me it was a special night, for the first time my dinner was Korean themed.

Cuando llegamos al restaurante, la decoración era acogedora y la atención muy buena después de pedir una variedad de platos coreanos que incluían ramen, kimchi y parrilla, llegó el momento de elegir la bebida, al fin! Mi momento había llegado 🤭 y decidí probar el soju de fresa, me dijeron que era un alcohol dulce y muy rico. Al primer sorbo, la sensación fue algo intrigante, el soju de fresa presentaba un buen equilibrio entre la dulzura de la fruta y la calidez del alcohol, aunque el sabor inicial era agradable me lo imaginé más dulce y con menos alcohol 😅, la fortaleza del soju, a pesar de su dulzura, era una parte que no me esperaba, el grado de alcohol era de 16% tal vez no demasiado, pero para mi si era bastante, es más que una cerveza, yo imaginaba anticipadamente que sería menos fuerte, pero a medida que avanzó la noche, me di cuenta de que ese 16% era más de lo que esperaba.
English When we arrived at the restaurant, the decor was cozy and the service very good after ordering a variety of Korean dishes including ramen, kimchi and grill, it was time to choose the drink, finally! My moment had arrived 🤭 and I decided to try the strawberry soju, I was told it was a sweet and very rich alcohol. At the first sip, the sensation was somewhat intriguing, the strawberry soju presented a good balance between the sweetness of the fruit and the warmth of the alcohol, although the initial taste was pleasant I imagined it sweeter and with less alcohol 😅, the strength of the soju, despite its sweetness, was a part that I did not expect, the alcohol content was 16% maybe not too much, but for me it was enough, it is more than a beer, I imagined in advance that it would be less strong, but as the night progressed, I realized that that 16% was more than I expected.
Igualmente seguí disfrutando de mi bebida, la verdad si sabe bastante a alcohol pero tambien tiene su toque dulce es como un vino más bien, aunque el vino lo siento menos fuerte y mas dulce, si me recordó a eso, pero no puedo negar que la combinación del sabor dulce y el calor del alcohol hizo que cada sorbo fuera más placentero, no se por qué pero a medida que más tomaba se sentía mas rico creo que me iba acostumbrando 😂 fue una de las experiencias más divertidas y que más he disfrutado, y por supuesto el soju se complementaba muy bien con los alimentos, algo así como unir sabores y juntos crear una experiencia culinaria única e inolvidable.
English I continued enjoying my drink, the truth is that it does taste quite alcoholic but it also has a sweet touch, it's more like a wine, although the wine feels less strong and sweeter, it did remind me of that, but I can't deny that the combination of the sweet taste and the warmth of the alcohol made each sip more pleasant, I don't know why but the more I drank it the richer it felt, I think I was getting used to it 😂 it was one of the most fun and enjoyable experiences I have ever had, and of course the soju complemented the food very well, something like joining flavors and together creating a unique and unforgettable culinary experience.

But of course, you should not overdo it with this drink even though it is very tasty, you have to drink it in moderation and even more if you are new to this like me; you have to be responsible. And so it was friends, that night I seriously couldn't stop smiling, I loved such a pleasant experience drinking soju for the first time, and of course I almost forgot, the price of the bottle here in Merida is 10$ the place is called Xu Cafe Korean Grill I really recommend it, the service is very good and you have to treat yourself once in a while, as they say once a year doesn't hurt 😉. Without a doubt, soju became a drink that I want to keep exploring, venturing to try other flavors and varieties to see what else it has to offer, and finally I can say that the first experience with strawberry soju was a mix of discovery and fun, I fulfilled my wish and tasted a memorable drink for me hehe, I will never forget this night, no doubt, I will remember it forever in my heart.
For the best experience view this post on Liketu
Amiga tengo añossss siguiendo la ola Coreana y ¿crees que he probado el Soju? La verdad es que no, en realidad no consumo casi ningún tipo de alcohol, pero he querido probar soju por un largo tiempo y aun no se me ha dado la oportunidad, ya veo que el sabor no es tan fuerte como lo imaginaba, gracias por recordarme este deseo que había olvidado, espero que lo que hayas comido te haya gustado. Btw re ves hermosa como siempre en tus fotografías 💕
Gracias amiga 🤗 yo tampoco tomo casi alcohol pero quería probar soju una vez 😅 estaba todo rico 😋 la verdad si me gustaría volver a ir y probar algo más. Saludos ❤️
I never try Soju I see it only in dramas 😋😋
I had also seen it only in the kdramas but thank God I had the opportunity to go 🙏🏻