Between laughs/my favorite person|Community contest #221 ✨🤍[ESP-ENG]


Hola chicas, espero estén muy bien y cada una siendo feliz y plena, el día de hoy quise ser participe de las preguntas de la semana, puesto que, enseguida las leí, me encanto la idea de responder cada una de ellas, ya que, conecte con cada una de ellas.

1️⃣ ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que te reíste tanto que lloraste o te dolió la panza? ¿Por qué?



Me caracterizo por ser una persona bastante risueña, a veces parece que necesito un botón de apagado, pero es lo que mas amo hacer, reir y que las personas que me rodean sean feliz con mi risa, tengo grandes amigos que me han llegado a decir "tu risa me da vida" y para mi ese es de las cosas mas lindas que me pueden decir.

Partiendo del hecho que soy muy risueña, podría decir que siempre me rio hasta que ya no pueda con el dolor en el pecho, pero lo ultimo que recuerdo haberme reido demasiado, fue un video que vi de un perrito al que le decian que la perrita del vecino se habia envenenado con algo que comio y que el tambien lo habia comido, no puedo explicarles la cara del perrito que al parecer entendio todo lo que le dijeron y lo hizo notar, pero si de por si eso ya me habia causado suficiente gracia, me meto a los comentarios y estalle de risa con cada uno de ellos, debido a que ponian los comentarios en dominicano y realmente al leerlo en ese acento, se volvia cada vez mas gracioso cada comentario, dure riendome de eso todo el dia cada vez que me acordaba y ahora mismo me sigue causando muchisima risa.

2️⃣ ¿Tienes un familiar favorito? Si es así, ¿quién es y qué hace que vuestra relación sea especial?



Lo he dicho en varias oportunidades, porque realmente es de mis personas favoritas en el mundo y se trata de mi hermano menor Rodrigo, de forma cariñosa le decimos roro y siempre es "mi roro" y para el yo soy "gangy" creo que no alcanzo a explicar con palabras lo importante que es roro para mi, tenemos una conexion realmente magica, el es todo lo que yo soy, pero en version hombre, es mi otra mitad, como si desde que nacio, algo se hubiera conectado entre nosotros y desde ese dia, somos uno solo.

Entonces siempre que me preguntan sobre mis personas favoritas, roro siempre esta de numero uno, ocupando el espacio mas grande en mi corazon, realmente tenerlo en mi vida siempre sera de las mejores formas que Dios ha tenido para mostrarme su amor infinito a traves de roro, tengo muchos años sin verlo y ha sido bastante dificil, sin embargo, en mi corazon solo existe la posibilidad de este año volver a verlo y decidire mantener siempre mi fe con respecto a eso.

Les mando un fuerte abrazo, muchisimas Gracias por llegar hasta aqui ❤️


Hello girls, I hope you are doing well and each one of you is happy and fulfilled. Today I wanted to participate in the questions of the week, since, as soon as I read them, I loved the idea of ​​answering each one of them, since I connected with each one of them.

1️⃣ When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried or your stomach hurt? Why?



I am characterized by being a very cheerful person, sometimes it seems like I need an off button, but it is what I love to do the most, laugh and that the people around me are happy with my laughter, I have great friends who have told me "your laughter gives me life" and for me that is one of the nicest things that can be said to me.

Starting from the fact that I am very cheerful, I could say that I always laugh until I can no longer bear the pain in my chest, but the last thing I remember laughing too much was a video I saw of a dog who was told that the neighbor's dog had been poisoned by something she ate and that he had also eaten it. I cannot explain the face of the dog who apparently understood everything they told him and made it known, but that had already caused me enough laughter. I go to the comments and burst out laughing with each one of them, because they put the comments in Dominican and really when reading it in that accent, each comment became funnier and funnier. I spent the whole day laughing at that every time I remembered it and right now it still makes me laugh a lot.

2️⃣ Do you have a favorite family member? If so, who is it and what makes your relationship special?



I have said it on several occasions, because he really is one of my favorite people in the world and he is my younger brother Rodrigo, we affectionately call him Roro and he is always "my Roro" and for him I am "gangy" I think I cannot explain with words how important Roro is to me, we have a truly magical connection, he is everything I am, but in a male version, he is my other half, as if since he was born, something had connected between us and since that day, we are one.

So whenever they ask me about my favorite people, Roro is always number one, occupying the largest space in my heart, really having him in my life will always be one of the best ways that God has had to show me his infinite love through Roro, I have not seen him for many years and it has been quite difficult, however, in my heart there is only the possibility of seeing him again this year and I will decide to always keep my faith regarding that.

I send you a big hug, thank you very much for getting here ❤️


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It's nice that you are cheerful and make anyone around you feel your joy too. I can imagine there is never a dull moment with you :)

Your special connection with Roro is heartwarming. May you see him soon and enjoy your time together.💗 !LADY
