Ladies of Hive Community Contest #211

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¿Cómo habéis celebrado tú y tu familia la Temporada de la Cosecha de este año? ¿Como Halloween, el Día de Muertos, el Día de Todos los Santos, Samhain u otra cosa?

How did you and your family celebrate this year's Harvest Season? As Halloween, La Dia de Muertos, All Saints day, Samhain, or something else?

¡Hola a todos! Hoy quiero contarles sobre cómo celebramos Halloween y el Día de Muertos en mi familia. Estas dos fechas son muy especiales y, aunque a veces se parecen, en realidad tienen diferentes significados y costumbres. Halloween, que se celebra el 31 de octubre, es conocido en muchos países. La gente se disfraza de monstruos, fantasmas o personajes divertidos, y sale a pedir dulces. Hay muchas fiestas de disfraces y las casas se decoran con calabazas, telarañas y luces espeluznantes. En otros lugares del mundo, como en México, el Día de Muertos se celebra el 1 y 2 de noviembre. Es una manera de recordar y honrar a nuestros seres queridos que ya no están con nosotros. Las familias suelen hacer ofrendas con comida, flores y fotos de los difuntos, creando un ambiente hermoso y lleno de amor.
Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about how we celebrate Halloween and Day of the Dead in my family. These two dates are very special and, although they sometimes look alike, they actually have different meanings and customs. Halloween, which is celebrated on October 31, is well known in many countries. People dress up as monsters, ghosts or funny characters, and go out trick-or-treating. There are many costume parties and houses are decorated with pumpkins, cobwebs and spooky lights. In other parts of the world, such as Mexico, the Day of the Dead is celebrated on November 1 and 2. It is a way to remember and honor our loved ones who are no longer with us. Families often make ofrendas with food, flowers and photos of the deceased, creating a beautiful and loving atmosphere.

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En mi casa, cada persona celebra a su manera. Algunos de mis familiares no se preocupan mucho por estas fechas. Para ellos, son solo días normales. Sin embargo, mi mamá tiene una tradición que ella sigue con mucho cariño. Cada Día de Muertos, visita a sus padres en el cementerio. Lleva flores y les habla, recordando los buenos momentos que pasaron juntos. Para ella, es una forma de sentirlos cerca y de mantener viva su memoria. Por mi parte, yo celebro Halloween un poco sola. Me encanta ver películas de terror y disfrutar de la atmósfera de esta celebración. Aunque en mi país no se piden dulces, encuentro alegría en mis propios rituales. Así que, a pesar de que todos somos diferentes, cada uno de nosotros encuentra su manera de disfrutar y recordar en estas fechas tan significativas.
In my house, everyone celebrates in their own way. Some of my relatives don't care much about these dates. For them, they are just normal days. However, my mom has a tradition that she follows with great affection. Every Day of the Dead, she visits her parents at the cemetery. She brings flowers and talks to them, remembering the good times they had together. For her, it's a way to feel them close and to keep their memory alive. As for me, I celebrate Halloween a bit alone. I love to watch horror movies and enjoy the atmosphere of this celebration. Although there is no trick-or-treating in my country, I find joy in my own rituals. So, even though we are all different, each of us finds our own way to enjoy and remember these significant dates.

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Como les contaba, tengo mi ritual personal para celebrar halloween es ver películas de miedo, este año fue un especial de animes de terror, uno en particular que me encantó es Yakusoku No Neverland 100% recomendado, lo que suelo hacer es escoger varias películas que me resulten interesante, preparo comida, termino todas mis responsabilidades temprano y tomo varias horas para disfrutar de ellas, eso cuenta además como mi descanso en esa semana, el año pasado vi varias películas de Tim Burton, ese fue mi especial, honestamente no soy una gran creyente de este tipo de celebraciones, sin embargo; me gusta unirme a mi manera a esta festividad.
As I was telling you, I have my personal ritual to celebrate halloween is to watch scary movies, this year was a special of horror anime, one in particular that I loved is Yakusoku No Neverland 100% recommended, what I usually do is choose several movies that I find interesting, I prepare food, I finish all my responsibilities early and take several hours to enjoy them, that also counts as my rest in that week, last year I saw several Tim Burton movies, that was my special, honestly I am not a big believer of this type of celebrations, however; I like to join in my own way to this holiday.

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Mi mamá también tiene sus rituales, en realidad es común visitar los difuntos en día de muertos en mi país, año tras año ella visita a mis abuelos, quienes fallecieron hace muchos años, limpia sus tumbas, coloca hermosas flores, habla con ellos sobre cosas que pasan en su vida, es su forma de honrar su memoria y mantenerlos presente en su vida, la he acompañado un par de veces, pero no es una tradición que comparta, para ser sincera.
My mom also has her rituals, actually it is common to visit the deceased on the day of the dead in my country, year after year she visits my grandparents, who passed away many years ago, she cleans their graves, places beautiful flowers, talks to them about things that happen in their life, it is her way to honor their memory and keep them present in her life, I have accompanied her a couple of times, but it is not a tradition I share, to be honest.

Este año no fue una excepción cada persona en mi familia pasó diferente estas fechas, unos celebramos, otros no, creo que en muchas familias es igual, cada persona tiene sus creencias. ¿Y tú, como celebraste estas fechas?
This year was no exception, each person in my family spent these dates differently, some celebrated, others did not, I think that in many families it is the same, each person has their own beliefs. And you, how did you celebrate these dates?

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Imágenes tomadas desde mi POCO X3. || Images taken from my POCO X3.
Separadores hechos en Canva. || Dividers made in Canva.
Ediciones hechas en Canva. || Editions made in Canva.
Translator Deepl.


It is very touching the way your mother remembers her loved ones, as you say, creating a beautiful atmosphere full of love, and yes, everyone has their own rituals for the celebration of these holidays, in fact it is common to visit the deceased on the day of the dead in my country,


Certainly friend, each person has their rituals on days like these, I appreciate your comment.


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There are so many ways in celebrating this time of the season and I find it refreshing with there being so many ways from the Traditional religious, popular culture or even as a part of one’s spiritual journey. Today, I just visited the resting place of my ancestors and parents to express my gratitude and celebrate our good memories. I enjoy the classic Horror genre and got into some of the Anime products too, time permitting, and thank you for suggesting – Neverland @jennyzer



Each person has their rituals on days like these, many people visit their deceased, perhaps seeking comfort, or like my mother to provide a company, I hope you see the movie is very good, I appreciate your comment.


she visits her parents at the cemetery. She brings flowers and talks to them, remembering the good times they had together.

That is a lovely tradition, @jennyzer !


Mi madre también tiene como tradición visitar a mi abuela en el cementerio, acompañada de sus hermanas, realizar un rosario para los difuntos.

No tenemos como tradición celebrar halloween, y aunque no veo películas de terror para esta fecha, me encanta ver anime, me agrado leerte. Dios te bendiga

My mother also has a tradition of visiting my grandmother in the cemetery, accompanied by her sisters, to say a rosary for the deceased.

We don't have a tradition of celebrating Halloween, and although I don't watch horror movies on this date, I love watching anime, I enjoyed reading you. God bless you.


Creo que visitar a los difuntos es algo común en estas fechas, algunas personas van solas, otras acompañadas, lo importante es que cumplen con su ritual, gracias por comentar.


Reading your blog made me remember the cartoon Coco... It's interesting to know it's still a thing in the real world. Thank you for sharing.


Yeah, it is indeed different. For me, us, we basically just attend Mass and go about our daily activities as normal.

Oh and I shall pay no heed to your anime recommendation. I'm not a fan of horror movies, at all. Haha. I did decide to start seeing anime, though, but I haven't gotten around to it. Yet. Any recommendations that aren't horrific? 😣
