POBPhotocontest-Caution Wet Floor


This is my entry for this week's #POBPhotocontest by @friendlymoose. The subject for this week is WETNESS.

Check out the original post HERE.

When I saw the subject for this week's contest, a particular photo popped up into my mind. I thought it would be perfect for this week's contest.


This was taken early this school year... that would be sometime in August I think. It was raining hard, and the roof of the school's canteen extension had a massive leak. Thus when the rain pours heavily, it also rains under the roof.

The funny thing is, even after the rain has stopped, the roof still keeps on dripping. Needless to say, the roof would get wet... not just wet... flooded.

Overstating the Obvious

I wonder though if it is the maintenance personnel's sense of humor or why... he placed the warning cone that says "Caution! Wet floor." on an overly obvious wet floor! Intentional humor or not, I laughed and took a shot at it.

As you can see, the roof is still dripping when I took this shot.

This is how the canteen extension looks on a sunny day. This was taken earlier.


Thanks For Reading.

Post No. 2024-13
Date Posted: February 24, 2024.
All Images used are mine unless otherwise indicated
Camera/Phone: Huawei Nova 7 SE
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