Blockchain Poets Weekly prompt - Gratitude
Meek, gentle and humble.
It drops it at one's feet.
How cool are its operations, without pressure.
Specially seen, bringing unlimited smiles.
The sense of gratitude, Notice.
It goes further to think and show that gesture.
Pouring out its flawsome Kindness and empathy.
It's conscious and feels it thankfulness.
It shows forth that positive emotions.
For tangible and intangible things.
It can't do without showing it through appreciating.
Gratitude softens the mind.
Creating a special space in one's heart.
The opposite is a threat to one's life.
That's why it's inevitable in us.
Thank you very much for reading.
This is my entry to Blockchain poets weekly prompt gratitude
This poem is a wonderful reminder of the transformative power of thankfulness. It urges readers to create a thankful mindset and embrace the practise of expressing gratitude for the benefits in their lives.
That's true dear.
Thank you very much for stopping by 😊
Celebrating 🎉 the concept of gratitude and positive impact on others lives.
Gratitude brings smile and create warmth to others.
Haven't seen this word before so I had to Google it haha 😂 flaw and awesome combined interesting
That's true dear.
Gratitude brings smile and create warmth to others.
😃 Flaw and awesome combined together.
Thank you very much dear for stopping by.
Always a pleasure to read your masterpiece
Thank you very much dear.