Piano: my favorite musical instrument


Hello everyone, it's great to connect with you again. I'm @johndoy0. We're now in week 10 of the Afri-Inleo initiative, and this week brings an exciting topic. Stay calm as we dive into "MY FAVORITE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT."

Everyone has at least a couple of musical instruments they love, whether playing or listening to them. Among the many I enjoy, I'll focus on one today. I might not cover everything, but I'll do my best.

My favorite musical instrument is the piano usually called keyboard by people but a keyboard is an electronic device that is used to send in data into the computer. While;
The piano is a flat surface with musical keys, notes, and sounds used to produce melodies. There are different types of pianos, including:

a. Grand piano
b. Harpsichord
c. Electric piano
d. Organ

The electric piano is the most commonly used because in it is the features of other types of pianos. While each type has a unique sound, the electric piano is known for its multiple sound.

Keys on the Piano
A piano has twelve keys: seven white keys (often called flats) and five black keys (often called sharps). The white keys represent the natural or major notes, corresponding to the first seven letters of the alphabet (A to G).

In chemistry, an element in its octa state is stable. Similarly, in music, an octave is the interval or distance between two identical keys. For example, from one key to the next same key is an octave, which consists of eight keys. For instance from key C to key C is regarded as an octave, it is easily done by counting.

Identification of Keys

Key C: Is the first white key before two black keys.
Key D: Is the second white key between two black keys.
Key E: Is the third white key after the two black keys.
Key F: Is the fourth white key before three black keys.
Key G: Is the fifth white key between the first two black keys of the three black keys.
Key A: Is the sixth white key between the second two black keys of the three black keys.
Key B: Is the seventh white key after the three black keys.
Scale and Fingering

Scale: Running a series of notes in ascending or descending order.
Fingering: The technique of running scales.
Types of Scales

Pentatonic scale
Blues scale
Chromatic scale
Pentatonic Scale:
Pentatonic scale is derived from two words "Penta" (according) and "tonic" (doh), the pentatonic scale runs from doh to doh (an octave). Melodies are composed using solfa notations:
Doh, Reh, Meh, Fah, Soh, Lah, Tih, Doh (solfa notations). The better you know these notations, the better you'll play, as music is fundamentally about sounds.

Fingering for Pentatonic Scale
Since we all have five fingers and these fingers have specific keys they need to cover, here's a simple method:
The thumb is the first finger, followed by the other fingers.

Thank you for reading through. I hope you enjoyed it, and see you again next week!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Thank You for breaking down these few tips about your favorite musical instrument to us:)


Thank you so much sir. An thank you for reading


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Happy to see a fellow instrumentalist and a keyboardist at that.

Awesome write-up 👏

Celebrate you sir


Ah what an opportunity. Thanks for reading through
