Big or Least risk?? | LOH #194 contest week


One more week of answering this community's contests, and I'm happy because a long time ago I decided to participate more often and I achieved it now I just need to interact/engage more.

Una semana más de estar respondiendo los concursos de esta comunidad, y me alegra porque hace tiempo me propuse participar más seguido y lo logré ahora solo me falta interactuar más.


What is a big risk to take in life for you at this moment in time, and what is the least risk you feel around you? Imagine big risk as losing everything — be it physical goods or loss of a loved one — placing you into a risky situation. Least risk might be learning something new that might bolster you up going forward in life, art, photography, music which would you feel comfortable doing.

A big risk at this moment would be to move to another country again, especially now that I am quite stuck with my expenses, starting from scratch sets you back in many things and even more so when you are a not very social person, it becomes more difficult for you to get things because It is a fact that knowing a lot of people and being charismatic can help you in some things.

The least risky thing at the moment I think is what I'm doing now, I'm trying out freelance jobs. That is, one day I can be a model for a local brand, the next day I can be replacing a barback, a few days ago I was replacing an activities supervisor, but of course I decide which activities to apply for because I know I can handle it quickly or things that I can learn easily.

¿Cuál es el mayor riesgo que debes asumir en la vida en este momento y cuál es el menor riesgo que sientes a tu alrededor? Imagine un gran riesgo como perderlo todo, ya sean bienes físicos o la pérdida de un ser querido, lo que te coloca en una situación de riesgo. El menor riesgo podría ser aprender algo nuevo que pueda impulsarte a seguir adelante en la vida, el arte, la fotografía y la música, con lo que se sentiría cómoda haciendo.

Un gran riesgo en este momento sería mudarme a otro país otra vez, sobretodo ahora que estoy bastante ahorcada con mis gastos, empezar desde cero te retrasa en muchas cosas y más aún cuando eres una persona poco social, se te hace más difícil conseguir cosas porque es un hecho que conocer bastante gente y ser carismático te puede ayudar en algunas cosas.

Lo menos riesgoso en este momento creo que es lo que estoy haciendo ahora, estoy probando trabajos de forma independiente. Es decir, un día puedo ser modelo para una marca local, al otro día puede estar reemplazando a un barback, hace pocos días estuve reemplazando a un supervisor de actividades, pero claro yo decido cuales actividades postularme porque sé que puedo manejarlo rápidamente o son cosas que puedo aprender.

How do you feel when alone answering your thoughts? Possibly you shared things in the past with your mother, grandmother, or sister — someone now no longer with you — do you turn to them asking what would they say if they were with you today? Please share those inner thoughts and fears you carry in your heart.

Well, all this year I have been talking to myself in my thoughts and everything seems like a dark cloud, I am not afraid to say it here because I feel that it is normal, what I always talk about is my lack of motivation to do the things I like, I make plans and I can't put them into action, I feel like I'm busy with things that aren't so important and when I look at the clock it's time to sleep again and I go to bed thinking I'm failing, I try to talk to myself and ask myself what is happening to me, and the next day I return to the same thing, I try to break that circle that is trapping me but I am having a hard time and I don't know why, maybe there is something deeper that I myself have not wanted inquire.

¿Cómo te sientes cuando estás sola respondiendo a tus pensamientos? Posiblemente compartiste cosas en el pasado con tu madre, abuela o hermana, alguien que ahora ya no está contigo, ¿te diriges a ellos y les preguntas qué dirían si estuvieran contigo hoy? Por favor comparte esos pensamientos internos y miedos que llevas en tu corazón.

Bueno todo lo que va del año he estado conversando conmigo misma en mis pensamientos y todo parece una nube oscura, no me da miedo decirlo por aquí porque siento que es normal, lo que siempre converso es sobre mi falta de motivación para hacer las cosas que me gustan, todos los planes que hago y no logro llevarlo a la acción, siento que me ocupo en cosas que no son tan importantes y cuando miro el reloj es ahora de dormir de nuevo y voy a la cama pensando que estoy fracasando, trato cómo de dialogar conmigo misma y preguntarme qué es lo que me está pasando, y al día siguiente vuelvo a lo mismo, trato de romper ese círculo que me está atrapando pero me está costando y no sé por qué, quizá hay algo más profundo que yo misma no he querido indagar.


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I usually break that cycle by going even FURTHER out of my comfort zone. Does not always work, but because you get challenged with other items, sometimes you end up breaking the cycle without even noticing. And you learn new stuff along the way.

That being said, sometimes breaking the cycle is a question of "how much collateral damage" to others... including myself. Feelings wise or not.

Indaga... is my point... as much as you can when you can... things eventually reveal themselves.


Oh, I understand what you are saying, in fact I have had my extreme moments where I really dare to do things that are beyond what I would have thought, and the most satisfying thing is when we achieve it, in addition to that adrenaline rush that leaves us confused about whether we want to do more things like this or not, because it's kind of fun and scary.


I usually feel the same way. I have a lot of plans, but it's hard for me to take any action, which makes me even more demotivated. I hope that I can go through this and take things more seriously about my life now.


And it's really hard to get out of that circle, and it gets worse when you put pressure on yourself and feel like you're disappointed for not doing it. I am starting to do micro actions that can lead me to establish the routine I want, so far it is going well


Hashing out whether to move or not always risky unless following a destination path you desire.

Moving ourselves out of crazy cycles sometimes more difficult that we care to admit. Easier enjoying a comfort zone, many of us get into rituals, only we can move ourselves out. PS: I talk to myself all the time!



Yes, 4 years ago I moved to the country and there are still some things that I can't get used to, the fact of wanting to make friends to go out for a coffee from time to time is difficult. Sometimes I go out alone but it's kind of boring not having a person in front of you with whom you can exchange words or some funny fact.

Personally, it has been quite difficult for me to break the vicious cycles that I have, but I am taking things calmly now because I understood that the worst thing I can do is put pressure on myself, especially with such complex goals, I think that is one of the main reasons is wanting to start with big things, instead of climbing little by little.

