Difficult situation into a valuable life lesson | LOH#206 WEEK CONTEST

Greetings ladies, today's question is quite precise, and it brought back good memories.

Saludos ladies, hoy la pregunta la tenemos bastante precisa, además de que me trajo buenos recuerdos.

Me, always creating food

Can you share a time when you turned a difficult situation into a valuable life lesson?

When my country was beginning to fall into a deep crisis (without me knowing it yet), it was when I was starting my small business with the support of my ex-partner at the time, he always mentioned that I am very good at cooking naturally. and that I also make desserts very well. Since I by nature tend to show my affection through food, I was always surprising him with new things and I prepared many desserts to sweeten his day or that is what I liked to think. Anyway, he made a suggestion that maybe I could start selling some of that, food or desserts… The idea stayed in my head for a while and I made the decision to sell desserts. I started preparing them and taking them to different places. At first we went to his work since he worked in a very large company and for the state. At first I started making a few and then I ended up making a lot of desserts. I was doing great and suddenly the worst crisis in history hit. There were no supplies anywhere, it wasn't even a lack of money. There was no food in the supermarkets, we were dying of hunger and everything fell apart.

The lesson? I thought I couldn't do it. Even without trying, I denied my success. I tried and I myself had to keep my mouth shut. So try it if you're scared, maybe things can turn out well. Another thing is that even though I was scared and thought I was going to fail, there was another tiny part of me that was dying to try and I listened to it, so I think your subconscious knows what you are capable of.

After all that, the crisis was quite difficult the following years, I worked remotely, saved money and left the country. I didn't try again with desserts but I did try to open a small restaurant, it didn't work out but for reasons that I didn't want to continue forcing the situation or harm my physical and mental health, I was in a difficult moment especially mentally, but I know that I would have achieved it with a little more time. Now, I am currently looking for other opportunities.

¿Puedes compartir una ocasión en la que convertiste una situación difícil en una valiosa lección de vida?

Cuando mi país estaba empezando a caer en un fuerte crisis (sin saberlo aún yo), fue cuando yo estaba empezando mi pequeño emprendimiento con el apoyo de mi ex – pareja en ese momento, él siempre mencionaba que yo soy muy buena en la cocina naturalmente y que también los postres me salen muy bien. Ya que yo por naturaleza suelo demostrar mi afecto a través de la comida, siempre lo estaba sorprendiendo con cosas nuevas y le preparaba bastante postres para endulzarle el día o era lo que me gustaba pensar. En fin, él me hizo una sugerencia de que quizá yo podría empezar a vender algo de eso, comida o postres… La idea se quedó en mi cabeza un tiempo y tomé la decisión de vender postres, empecé preparando y llevando a diferentes lugares, al principio fuimos a su trabajo ya que el trabajaba en una empresa muy grande y para el estado, al principio empecé haciendo pocos y después terminé haciendo muchos postres, me está llevando de maravillas y de repente cayó la peor crisis de la historia, no había insumos por ningún lado, ni siquiera era la falta de dinero, no había comida en los supermercados, moríamos de hambre y todo se vino abajo.

¿La lección? Yo creía que no podía, aun sin intentarlo negaba mi éxito. Lo intenté y yo misma tuve que callarme la boca. Así que inténtalo si tienes miedo, quizá las cosas puedan salir bien. Otra cosa también el hecho de que aunque yo tenía miedo y pensara que iba a fracasar, había otra pequeñísima parte de mí que se moría por intentarlo y le hice caso, así que creo que tu subconsciente sabe de lo que eres capaz.

Después de todo eso, la crisis se vio bastante difícil los siguientes años, trabajé de forma remota, ahorré dinero y me fui del país. No lo volví a intentar con los postres pero sí intenté abrir un pequeño restaurante, no funcionó pero por motivos de que no quise seguir forzando la situación ni dañar mi salud física y mental porque yo sé que sí lo hubiera logrado con un poco más de tiempo. Ahora, actualmente estoy buscando otras oportunidades.


Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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Difficult situations are unavoidable. They happen and yes, you made use of what skill you had and even if it didn’t work out the way you expected, you still understood a lot of things in the process. True that the subconscious knows


We must always believe in an inner strength


What an inspiring and heartfelt story! It's amazing how your passion for cooking and desserts turned into a small business, despite the challenging circumstances you faced. Your experience shows that sometimes, even in the face of fear and uncertainty, it’s essential to listen to that little voice inside urging you to try. The lessons you've learned about resilience and self-belief are so powerful.

Thanks for sharing, do have lovely days ahead!


Thank you, learning is always present in our lives, even more so when something scares us to try.


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What terrible timing, just when you are getting successful traction in the business. I hope you find the opportunity to once again make good use of your talent preparing sweets @josehany ❤️


Thank you, I also hope to find an opportunity


You really faced a tough decision and there was nothing much you could do back then. You took steps for yourself and decided to leave the country. Also, you have opened a small business. That's really very brave of you...


And I was scared all the time but I did it!


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