Hair loss? | LOH #202 contest week
Greetings ladies, today in edition 202 we are going to talk about something that affects many women: our hair and how we react to the changes that our hair has or suffers.
Saludos ladies, hoy ena edición 202 vamos a hablar de algo que a muchas mujeres nos afecta es nuestro cabello y como reaccionamos ante los cambios que nuestro cabello tiene o padece.

Given the influence of global beauty standards on our perceptions of hair, many individuals strive for thick and strong hair to achieve their desired styles. Hair loss can be particularly distressing and is often perceived as a significant issue. Have you experienced hair loss yourself? If so, how did it impact your emotional well-being? Were you able to identify an effective solution, or have you found ways to cope with it calmly and confidently?
I have been obsessed with my hair since I was very young. As a teenager I had a problem when I got my hair cut at the hairdresser's and for two consecutive years it kept the same length, from that moment my obsession began because I always wanted to have long hair. During that time I researched and applied a lot of treatments that I put to the test for 3 months, sticking with the most important ones:
- Drinking plenty of water
- Eating fruit
- Massage the scalp for at least 5 minutes daily
- Apply sealing oil to the ends daily
- Apply a mask containing coconut oil once a week
- I lowered the temperature of the hair straightener
- I added a heat protector
After 2 more years I had long hair that I couldn't even believe myself and quite abundant, I spent some time without doing anything to my hair and always kept the same habits, although little by little I began to stop eating fruit so often.
Dada la influencia de los estándares de belleza globales en nuestra percepción del cabello, muchas personas se esfuerzan por tener un cabello grueso y fuerte para lograr los estilos deseados. La caída del cabello puede ser particularmente angustiante y, a menudo, se percibe como un problema importante. ¿Has experimentado la caída del cabello? Si es así, ¿cómo afectó tu bienestar emocional? ¿Pudiste identificar una solución eficaz o has encontrado formas de afrontarlo con calma y tranquilidad?
Yo desde muy joven me he obsesionado con mi cabello. De adolescente tuve un problema una vez que me corté el cabello en la peluquería y por dos años consecutivos mantenía el mismo largo, desde ese momento comenzó mi obsesión porque siempre deseaba tener el cabello largo. En ese tiempo investigué y me apliqué un montón de tratamientos que ponía a prueba por 3 meses, quedandome con los mas importantes:
- Tomar bastante agua
- Comer frutas
- Masajear el cuero cabello por al menos 5 minutos diaramente
- Aplicar aceite sellador de puntas diariamente
- Aplicar una mascarilla que contiene aceite de coco 1 vez por semana
- Disminuí la temperatura de la plancha de cabello
- Añadí un protector de calor
Al cabo de 2 años más tenía una cabellera larga que ni yo misma podía creerlo y bastante abundante, estuve un tiempo sin hacerme nada en el cabello y siempre mantuve los mismos hábitos, aunque poco a poco empecé a dejar de comer frutas tan seguidos.
In 2022 I decided to bleach my hair because I wanted to look different for my birthday, I wanted to feel beautiful and I wanted a radical change. This was the year of my disaster, after I had this procedure done my hair started to fall out, when I showered considerable amounts of hair fell out, the first week I started to get very desperate and in fact, my hair did not look healthy, this was something I did not confess to anyone in my close circle but I was afraid of going bald, I even considered the option of shaving my hair because I could not stand to see my own hair anymore, one day I sat down with myself and took a deep breath, I knew that if I shaved my hair out of desperation I might have fallen into a black hole of depression, so I tried to find solutions, obviously I was already afraid to go to any other beauty salon, at that moment I found an alternative. (I also dyed it blue with children's coloring so as not to feel bad).
En el año 2022 se me ocurre realizarme una decoloración de cabello porque yo quería verme diferente para mi cumpleaños, me quería sentir hermosa y quería un cambio radical. Este fue el año de mi desastre, después de yo realizarme este procedimiento el cabello se me empezó a caer, cuando yo me duchaba se me caían considerables cantidades de cabello, la primera semana yo empecé a desesperarme mucho y de hecho, mi cabello no se veía saludable, esto fue algo que no se lo confesé a nadie de mi circulo cercano pero yo tenía miedo de quedarme calva, incluso consideré la opción de raparme porque ya no soportaba verme mi propio cabello, un día me senté conmigo misma y respiré profundo, sabía que si me rapaba por desesperación quizá podría haber caído en un agujero negro de depresión, así que intenté buscar soluciones, obviamente ya me daba miedo asistir a algún otro salón de belleza, el aquel momento encontré una alternativa. (También lo pinté azul con colorante para niños para no sentirme mal).

I have always used vinegar for my hair as it is very good for cleaning the scalp and sealing the cuticle especially on dyed hair, I used it diluted in water 1:1
The next thing was that I bought some Olaplex products that really did help me save what was left of my hair. Olaplex N°0 and N°3 are treatments that are used together to help strengthen the bonds of your hair, improve the appearance, protect the structure, it is a more intensive treatment. This helped me with the gummy look that my hair had, when I wet my hair it looked like gum, it seemed like it was going to break, this product strengthened it and helped me a lot.
After strengthening my hair a little, when it was no longer elastic, I decided to cut it little by little, every 3 months I would remove burned ends, I didn't want to do a drastic bob style cut, so every 3 months I would remove a considerable amount of burned hair. Something important is that, if the hair is really burned, you should not hold on to it because it does not look good. Another thing that I almost forgot is that during this whole process I hardly held my hair, I always wore it loose because I was afraid of breaking it during this whole process, until I felt it stronger.
From July 2022 until this year you can see the improvement that my hair has had, to this day I continue to maintain my routines, I even no longer use a hair straightener as often, I have a different approach which is to use my natural hair when I want to and I feel good about it, my hair is wavy. Although the real recommendation is always to go to a specialist and not trust everything you see on the internet or at least try to investigate and verify that there are results as I was doing due to the fear I had. Nowadays, my hair is not so thick anymore, it looks thinner now, in terms of thickness, but I also have a lot of new hair growing, so maybe in 2 more years I can regain some of the thickness, for now I have to be patient and not commit another irresponsible act.
Siempre he usado vinagre para mi cabello ya que es bastante bueno para limpiar el cuero cabello y para sellar la cutícula especialmente en el cabello teñido, lo usaba diluido en agua 1:1
Lo siguiente fue que me compré unos productos de Olaplex que realmente sí me ayudaron a salvar lo que quedaba de mi cabello Olaplex N°0 y N°3 son tratamientos que se utilizan juntos para ayudarte a fortalecer los enlaces de tu cabello, mejorar la apariencia, proteger la estructura, es un tratamiento mas intensivo. Esto me ayudo con el aspecto chicloso que tenía mi cabello, cuando yo mojaba mi cabello parecía chicle, parecía que se iba a romper, este producto lo fortaleció y me ayudó bastante.}
Después de fortalecer un poco la hebra de mi cabello, cuando ya no era elastico, decidí cortarlo poco a poco, cada 3 meses iba quitando puntas quemadas, no quería hacer un corte drástico estilo bob, así que cada 3 meses iba quitando una cantidad considerable de cabello quemado. Algo importante es que, si el cabello realmente está muy quemado, no hay que aferrarse a el porque no se ve bien. Otra cosa que casi me olvido es que yo durante todo este proceso casi no sujetaba mi cabello, siempre lo llevaba suelto porque me daba miedo quebrarlo en todo este proceso, hasta que lo sentí mas fuerte.
Desde julio del 2022 hasta el presente año se puede ver la mejora que ha tenido mi cabello, al día de hoy yo sigo manteniendo mis rutinas, incluso ya no uso plancha de cabello con tanta frecuencia, tengo un enfoque diferente que es usar mi cabello natural cuando lo deseo y me siento bien por ello, mi cabello es ondulado. Aunque la verdadera recomendación siempre es ir con un especialista y no confiar en todo lo que vean en internet o al menos traten de investigar y verificar que sí existan resultados como yo lo estuve haciendo ante el miedo que tuve. Actualmente ya no tengo el cabello tan abundante, ahora se ve mas delgado hablando del grosor pero también tengo bastante cabello nuevo naciendo, así que quiza en 2 años más pueda recuperar algo del grosor, de momento toca ser paciente y ya no volver a cometer una locura irresponsable.

Have a great day
You too my friend
I wonder why you used the blue dye when you already had a bad experience with the bleach.
I have realized that chemicals effect our hairs quite badly and so we should stay away from them.
Your blog demonstrates that you have gained a lot of knowledge about the products that work for various hair conditions. It is the representation of the depth of the research you would have conducted during your hair growth journey.
Thanks for sharing the helpful tips with us. !LADY
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The blue product was actually a product for kids, but since I already had bleached hair I wanted to experiment with it. It actually helped me with the look, because the blonde looked extremely dry... On the other hand, I did learn a lot from that experience and I don't think I'll experiment again. I think that you really have to invest a lot of money in this area if you want a good, professional result. Even though I went to a well-known hair salon and my hair was still ruined, if someone had told me "hey, maybe this isn't for you", I would have accepted it because I only explained that I wanted a radical change and maybe something with highlights, and the supposed professional did the rest of the work.
At least there were some good tips left from this.
your hair is beautiful.. I missed my old hair like that..
I tried using vinegar, but I don't like the smell and stays for a few days in my scalp,,people thought I perfume vinegar, lol..
haven't tried dying my hair coz I'm afraid it might be damaged.. I guess using hair dryer contributed to getting hair loss... I stopped since I get back here in the Philippines.. I was using that for many years when I was abroad..
Hair is a whole topic believe me. The hair dryer doesn't really do that much damage, it depends on the heat and frequency of use too, and if you use a brush or not, even the type of brush, yes it is quite a topic to talk about but when it is done right, nothing bad happens.
On the other hand, the vinegar thing you probably weren't doing it right, that's what I think, if you allow me I will explain a few things below. I will start by saying that when I was little my mom would put vinegar in my hair but the way she did it was to use it after shampoo, she would use it as a conditioner and then wash it out with water, this always left my hair smelling like vinegar and in fact I hated it and stopped doing it... Until the year came when I did more research among them I found the way to use vinegar. First you have to dilute it, applying vinegar directly would damage the hair because the concentration is very strong, so you dilute it in equal parts. If you're going to use a cup of vinegar then dilute it with a cup of water (1:1). The next thing is that 1 hour before I shower is when I take the opportunity to use this, personally I already have it in a spray bottle so 1 or 2 hours before going to shower I apply the vinegar and massage my head, after that time I wash my hair, I always wash it 3 times with shampoo applying only to the scalp, then I use conditioner, cream bath, when I get out I place a towel without rubbing or squeezing, I apply heat protector, I use the dryer a little and at the end I apply a tip sealer oil. But this fact of applying the vinegar before washing my hair helped me so that the smell was gone.
Hair loss is one thing that scares every lady, a man can still deal because a man by standard can barb the hair but ladies case is different.
That's right! We feel different about it
Yo ya estoy casi sin cabello de tanto estrés, a decir verdad, ¡gracias por tus sugerencias sobre el cuidado del cuero cabelludo y el cabello! ¡Tomaré en cuenta algunos consejos y los pondré en práctica! ¡Saludos!
Seguro que sí, si te pones a examinarte y darte cuenta de que por ejemplo dejas de hacer cosas, tipo beber agua con frecuencia o no ingerir algunos nutrientes, eso afecta bastante. Sí supieras que algunos de mis problemas se solucionaron tomando más agua, por ejemplo la perdida de peso fue uno) al parecer estaba reteniendo bastante líquido y por esos años yo si acaso me tomaba 2 vasos de agua al día. Cuando empecé a tomar 2 litros diarios en 3 meses ví un cambio en varios aspectos, quedé loca
Vale Jose! Gracias por tus observaciones, los tendré en cuenta! Si tomo mucha agua, pero también estoy dejando el vicio de tomar mucho refreso! Saludos!
Que hermosura de cabello tienes, se ve que le has puesto aprendizaje para saber como cuidarlo mejor. Muchísimo éxito y un abrazo.
What beautiful hair you have, it looks like you have put some learning into it to know how to take better care of it. Much success and a hug. @josehany
Ha sido una investigación profunda y también de bastante paciencia, como empiezan un proceso te das cuenta de que debe pasar al menos 1 año para que puedas notar que todo lo que has venido haciendo con constante tiene resultados, y claro a partir de ahí sigues con tu rutina.
Sin duda buenos datos, en eso tienes razón toma tiempo observar esos cambios y se requiere paciencia y espera. Un abrazo. @josehany
Hair loss can be so annoying, and it's something I personally don't want to experience ever again.
Glad you later found what works best for your hair to prevent damages, so delightful. Also your hair is nice that too you are pretty. 😄
Thanks it was a long way def !