Home repairs and how to celebrate it | LOH #193 contest week


Greetings ladies, happy to be alive and breathing another day, we are here again to participate in the community contests

I would like to know how you have taken on and accomplished a home repair or upgrade project that you are proud of.

I know I've done several repairs but strangely I can't remember anything until last year and this year. This year when I moved in, at first everything was fine with the apartment and after a month passed, a part of the kitchen wall started to peel off the paint, at first I thought it must be a leak from a water leak, so which I first investigated and asked about, fortunately it was not as serious as that. But it was saltpeter on the walls and it is because this is a fairly humid area, the climate in general is always humid and we live quite close to the sea.

To fix it, I used sandpaper on the walls, then I applied a liquid wall sealer, applying 3 coats. When it dried, I was able to paint the walls and the problem disappeared.

Saludos ladies, feliz de estar otro día más viva y respirando, otra vez nos encontramos aquí para participar en los concursos de la comunidad

Me gustaría saber cómo has llevado y realizado un proyecto de reparación o mejora de tu hogar del que te sientas orgullosa.

Sé que he hecho varias reparaciones pero extrañamente no logro recordar nada sino hasta el año pasado y este año. Este año cuando me mudé, al principio todo estaba bien con el departamento y después de pasar un mes, una parte en la pared de la cocina empezó a desprenderse la pintura, al principio pensé que debía ser una filtración de una fuga agua, por lo que primero investigué y pregunté, afortunadamente no era tan grave como eso. Pero sí era salitre en la paredes y se debe a que esta es una zona bastante húmeda, el clima en general siempre está húmedo y vivimos bastante cerca del mar.

Para solucionarlo yo usé lija en las paredes, después apliqué un sellador para paredes, apliqué 3 capas. Cuando secó, pude pintar las paredes y el problema desapareció


And, after a job well done, what will you do to celebrate?

Normally to celebrate I like to eat, especially pizza, I feel like it is like a reward for me, even though I am a pizza lover I don't usually eat it that frequently either.

Y, después de un trabajo bien hecho, ¿qué harás para celebrarlo?

Normalmente para celebrar me gusta comer, especialmente pizza, siento que es como un premio para mi, a pesar de que soy amante de la pizza tampoco suelo comerla tan frecuentemente.


Good work @josehany, as long as it's just a humidity issue.
I didn't get off as easily living in my 80 year old home. The old copper pipe cracks in a few places over the years that often involved me having to tear down the water damaged wall board, shut off the water and cut off the leaky 10" section and replace it with a new 10" between two 5/8ths Compression fittings, test the fix and screw the new wall board in place before the plaster, sanding and finally painting. I have my kids help, I let them pick from our favorite Papa Leo's pizza restaurant. 🍕🛠

BTW, I should remind you that in order to qualify, your post’s URL should be posted in the comments section of the original contest #193 post.


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