How does it feel start from scratch | LOH #195 contest week

Greetings ladies, I'm glad to be here for another week, it's amazing how time goes by quickly, especially when you focus on something, let's move on to this week's questions.

Saludos ladies, me alegro de estar otra semana más aquí, increíble como pasa rápido el tiempo sobretodo cuando te enfocas en algo, vamos con las preguntas de esta semana


We are in times of many changes, thousands of people have had to leave their home to start from scratch. Tell me, what do you think about immigration? Have you lived this experience, or do you have someone close to you who has had to go to another country? How do you feel about that?

I thought for a while before answering because it is not easy to answer, many things come to your mind. I have been away from my country for almost 4 years, if I start to think about the years it seems like it was yesterday, as if I had slept and all this time has passed and I have not noticed it but also when I think about my family I feel the distance, not only in miles but in time, and you understand that where there was once happiness there is now sadness, it is not like moving inside your own country, where one day you wake up and say I will go visit my mother, I will hug my family, I will see the people, my mom's pets, my childhood friends, I will eat at my favorite places... But when you are abroad you have things a little more difficult because you are even extra careful with your expenses and you can't afford a trip to your country of origin as often as you want, until now I am trying to save money to go at some point and hug my mother, time may be infinite but we humans are not.

On the other hand, the experience has been liberating to know that there are things you can achieve, barriers that you can break, it is rewarding but the further away you are I think more you are demanding to yourself, the negative part is that you have no one to share your achievements with.

Estamos en tiempos de muchos cambios, miles de personas han tenido que salir de su hogar para empezar de cero. Cuéntame, ¿qué opinas sobre la inmigración? ¿Has vivido esta experiencia o tienes alguien cercano a ti que ha tenido que irse a otro país? ¿Cómo te sientes sobre eso?

Me quedé pensando un rato antes de responder porque no es fácil responderlo, muchos cosas vienen a tu cabeza. Tengo casi 4 años fuera de mi país, si me pongo a pensar en los años parece que hubiera sido ayer, como si hubiera dormido y todo este tiempo ha pasado y no lo he notado pero también cuando pienso en mi familia se siente la distancia, no solamente en kilómetros sino en tiempo, y entiendes que donde una vez hubo felicidad ahora hay tristeza, no es como mudarte en tu propio país, donde un día despiertas y dices iré a visitar a mi mamá, abrazaré a mi familia, veré a las mascotas de mi mamá, mis amigos de la infancia, comeré en mis lugares favoritos... Pero cuando estás en el extranjero tienes las cosas un poco más difíciles porque pones aún extra cuidado con tus gastos y no te puedes permitir un viaje a tu país de origen con la frecuencia que deseas, yo hasta ahora estoy tratando de reunir dinero para ir en algún momento y abrazar a mi mamá, el tiempo podrá ser infinito pero nosotros los humanos no.

Por otro lado, la experiencia ha sido liberadora saber que hay cosas que puedes lograr, barreras que puedes romper, es gratificante pero mientras más lejos estás creo que más te exigen, la parte negativa es que no tienes con quien compartir tus logros.

This Sunday, we celebrate Children's Day in my country (Venezuela). If you have children, how do you celebrate their day? If you don't have children, do you ever let that "child inside you" out? Tell us what you do, and how does this make you feel?

I don't have children and I said I wouldn't have them until I am financially well but I don't know if that time will come... Cries in Spanish* but I do let out my inner child, many times I feel like running around when I visit the countryside It makes me want to touch everything as if it were the first time, walk barefoot, get wet in the rain, enjoy games, in those moments I propose to enjoy everything with innocence and without prejudice, it is the best.

Este domingo celebramos el Día del Niño en mi país (Venezuela). Si tienes hijos, ¿cómo celebras su día? Si no tienes hijos, ¿alguna vez dejas salir ese "niño que llevas dentro"? Cuéntanos qué haces y ¿cómo te hace sentir esto?

No tengo hijos y dije que no los tendría hasta que esté económicamente bien pero no sé si ese momento llegará... Llora en español* pero sí dejo salir mi niña interior, muchas veces me da por querer corretear por ahí, cuando visito el campo me dan esas ganas de tocar todo como si fuera la primera vez, caminar descalza, mojarme en la lluvia, sobretodo disfrutar de juegos, en esos momento me propongo disfrutar de todo con inocencia y sin prejuicios, es lo mejor.


I can relate to the letting out my inner child come to play when I'm at some places 😂😂😂 you practically won't get that satisfaction if you haven't let that inner child do what it wants to do.

And for leaving one's country home and then planning to visit again takes close to half of the year to plan. Because, the expenses to and fro isn't something to come-by at a go with other things to consider.


Leaving your home and finding your luck in other country is quite challenging. You must be prepared emotionally. But I guess even the strongest person break the moment the reality hit you that you cannot be with your family for a long period of time😖.
