Splinterlands Art Contest Week 244! / Wood Nymph / Eng- Esp
For a few days it was hard for me to take my tablet and resume Illustration due to the grief and difficulties I am going through, but yesterday I felt encouraged and had wanted to represent the character of Wood Nymph for several days. This style of Ninfa is super striking, I love her skin colors, her hair and I decided to represent them with a meditation style.
Durante algunos días me costo tomar mi tablet y retomar la Ilustración debido al duelo y dificultades que estoy pasando, pero el dia de ayer me senti animada y tenia varios dias queriendo representar el personaje de Wood Nymph. Es super llamativo este estilo de Ninfa, ame sus colores de piel, cabello y decidi representarlas con un estilo de meditación.
🌺ENGLISH Start the process by making the sketch in the FireAlpaca program, with a 20 pt brush I make the outline to shape the base pose.
🌺ESPAÑOL Inicie el proceso realizando el boceto en el programa FireAlpaca, con un pincel de 20 pts realizo el trazado para dar forma en la pose base.
ENG: Space to enjoy the creative moment having a cup of coffee
SPA: Espacio para disfrutar el momento creativo tomando una taza de cafecito
ENGLISH: I continue adding the colors always with the reference of the main character and trying to maintain its essence always with the particular special touch.
ESPAÑOL: Continuo anexando los colores siempre con la referencia del personaje principal y tratando de mantener su esencia siempre con el toque especial particular.
ENGLISH: In the end I decided to keep it simple and allow the character's colors to stand out on their own, only with circles, attached logo and name of the character.
ESPAÑOL En el fondo decidi hacerlo simple y permitir que los colores del personaje destacaran por si solos, unicamente con circulos, anexo logo y nombre del personaje. 💕
Thanks for reading.
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Me encanta lo delicado que se ve ❤️
Gracias Rizzito!😍
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Excellent these labels have served me and helped a lot!
que bella quedo sin duda ^^
Gracias Daddyyy!
Thanks for sharing! - castleberry#6859

Gracias my love!
es hermosa y bien coqueta
Enamora a primera vista
jajaja te hechizo !🤣😍
Caer con honor por tu ninfa
No es deshonra
Jajaja gracias loquis prince!💜💜
cute art,i love it great work @josmariyuyi
Thanks babe! 💜
you are so welcome honey, keep up the good work.
I love these illustration. I'm trying to learn but i'm not that creative.
What matters is that if you enjoy the time trying to continue, in the repetitiveness is the continuous improvement, a hug.
Thank you for giving me some confidence.