13 March 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt - Part 2 Conclusion (Day 2674) | Prompt: art of lying (el arte de mentir)


Part 1:

It was the night of their second year wedding anniversary. Fifty of Rosalind and Freeman Murphy's relatives and closest friends gathered to celebrate their accomplishment. The lavishly furnished, two-story home was everything that Rosalind desired. Of course, all couples struggle with finances and other aspects of their relationship at some point, she reasoned while approving the final touches for the event.

The day before the gala, Rosalind's friend visited to assist with last minute touches. All went well.

However, the night of the party caught her sitting at the vanity. She couldn't remember how long she stared into the mirror. A few seconds later, a knock at her bedroom door interrupted her thoughts.

Dabbing her face to apply the final layer of dark circle covering makeup, she looked perfect. With steadfast precision, she finished applying lipstick. But recalling her friend's visit ushered in a painful stab in the pit of her stomach.

Rosalind descended the staircase with the ease and grace that was her personality and style. A glowing smile capped off her entrance as Freeman met her at the bottom stair and escorted her into the large living room.

The crowd cheered amidst loud applause as though the couple had just won a relationship of the year award.

"They say if you make it past your first year, you've got a good chance at survival," one friend whispered to another.

"True, but if that time is fraught with anxiety, should one continue in hopes the next one will improve?" interjected Rosalind's sister with a sneer, who'd overhead the conversation.

Music and dancing ensued. The hour was late, and the party was winding down. Rosalind tapped her wine glass requesting quiet. The cake cutting ceremony was at hand.

Guests gathered close with no clue of the surprise event waiting.

Rosalind beckoned for Freeman to join her. She planted a lingering kiss, then led the smiling spouse toward the cake stand. Moments later, instead of using the knife to cut the cake, she turned and placed it on a side table as if to move it out of her reach.

She smiled, then turned her attention to the cake. Rolling up the sleeve of her evening dress, in a violent motion, she swiped the intricately designed pink and brown roses off the top, licked some icing that stuck to her hand, then proclaimed loudly, "that's some damn good frosting!"

Before anyone could react, she reached deep inside the center of the beautifully decorated, five-layered chocolate cake.

In one swift motion, she plunged her hand down in the center of the cake and removed a remote control, then held it above Freeman's head. With the other hand, she wiped cake filling from the remote and pushed the ON button.

"Have you gone mad! What the hell?!" was Freeman's immediate response, coupled with embarrassment. His wife had never acted in such a fashion. Quickly, he scoured the room hoping to salvage his reputation as he observed guests gasping at his wife's unexpected and uncharacteristic move.

Some stretched their necks to get a glance. Others jockeyed for position to see what the heck was going on.

The confrontation. As unconventional as one could imagine or witness.

Now: Part 2 - Conclusion


Perplexed, but with one accord, Rosalind's parents and other family members silently moved forward and grasped each other's hand. Rosy, as they nicknamed her, was a level-headed young woman of impeccable character. Of her husband, they decided to reserve judgment until whatever unveiled that night concluded.

On her family's behalf, her father spoke. "Rosy, if you're certain you want to proceed, you have our support, no matter the outcome. You can never cast a shadow on this family."

"My faithful husband deserves no less. I'm just grateful for your advice not to have children immediately. Thank you, dad, for your wise insight. Although you didn't approve, you supported my decision to marry that person I'm pointing to who didn't and still doesn't deserve me."

Rosalind's voice rose slightly, lowering the chatter from confused guests, some of whom covered their mouths in disbelief.

"Quiet please, everyone. The entertainment is about to commence."

Angry tears flowed. Rosalind started, then paused her shaking, rage-filled voice. She glanced at a wide-eyed Freeman standing helplessly as if cemented to the expensive marble floor.

Inhaling a long, deliberate breath, she released it, then focused on the large screen wall-mounted television.

Bitter, seething words meant to provoke erupted as Rosalind cursed, then spat in Freeman's face, followed up with a sweet cocktail to mix with the spittle, compliments of a nearby waiter.

"My friends, what you're about to witness is the real Freeman Murphy."

The room fell radio silent.


"SLIDE #1:"
"This first slide you see is me sitting on the examination table waiting for my OBGYN's nurse to return. Anyone notice the tears? Well, I'd just been told that I had contracted a severe Sexually Transmitted Disease from my husband. Luckily, my doctor advised, they caught it early. I'm scheduled for surgery, then begin treatment. Hopefully, I'll be able to have children in the future. I've reported Freeman to the Centers For Disease Control so they can place his name on the list."

Rosalind paused to gauge the crowd. Women wept. Men stared at the floor. Still, silence prevailed. Shock, she assumed, her heart and mind steely from that day returning home from the clinic.

"SLIDE #2:"
"What have we here? This one may need a bit of explaining. Freeman, would you?"

Freeman opened and closed his fists; shoulders heaved rapidly. A pinched face revealing a clenched jaw was evident. Flames directed at his wife shot from his squinted eyes. But no response, so Rosalind continued.

"Well, there's the happy couple after winning the casino's hour jackpot. Ahh... there's an excited Freeman showcasing the check to the crowd while planting a passionate kiss on his companion's lips. How lovely. But there's more! Notice the hotel camera captured the couple, giddy from their downstairs venture, entering the elevator on the way to their weekend suite. The same weekend he was supposed to be on a company business sales trip."

"SLIDE #3:"

Rosalind pointed to Freeman's boss.

"You may want to investigate your Receivables Dept. I understand Freeman's companion is employed there. Automatic raises. Stock share splits. Monthly bonuses for sales teams he explained to me. That's awesome, except he was moved from sales for low performance and placed on probation. Then how can they afford a luxury condo they moved into? Perhaps by diverting our personal savings. God only knows what happened on your company's end. But as we all know...all good things must come to an end."

The air was thick with disgust. Rosalind could taste the bewilderment, and it wasn't as sweet as the icing on her anniversary cake. Guests gasped, exchanging frowns and shaking their heads as Freeman stood silent, a dazed look on his face.

She turned and faced her husband, who'd now retreated a few steps.

Freeman was a tall man, six feet to be exact; except when he'd been caught in a lie. Then, he melted into a lump of misfortune, his head hung low and demeanor switched to gaslight mode as he attempted to weave a tangled web.

Now, he stood there in paralyzing horror watching his web of lies unravel.

He quickly recovered, though his voice was thick and unsteady as he blurted, "all lies concocted with the sole purpose of embarrassing me and extracting all my hard-earned resources. None of what was presented here tonight is true. Disparaging my character is what's happening. You all know me!"

He turned toward his boss with a pleading countenance. No sympathy there, as he merely gazed at Freeman with his mouth agape.

But it was the next act that shocked their guests.

Time slowed as all watched Rosalind tear off her evening gown to the waist with ease. Men looked away anticipating a scene reserved for intimate moments. But their spouses tugged on their arms, so they returned to observe with amusement.

As if performing a striptease dance, Rosalind moved her hips in tandem as she pushed a button on the remote. The music flowed through the room to the rhythm of a nightclub tune. She stepped from the gown, pushed it aside, then lowered her head between her legs, swinging her hair from side to side. All the while emitting an eerie, screeching laugh.

When she'd completed the dance routine, she stood clad in a high-end exercise outfit.

"Whew...that was a lot, I must admit," Rosalind shouted, out of breath. "But please don't leave dear friends. It's only the opening act. There's a bottomless pit to his deceit you mustn't miss. I've also streamed the event for those who couldn't attend."

In a fit of rage, suddenly Freeman grabbed a champagne bottle and held it high. Rosalind's two brothers stepped forward, restraining him.

Freeman spat loudly, "Why, you spiteful, hateful," but didn't dare say the word dancing on his tongue. Instead, "you don't understand the whole story. Jumping to conclusions. If you'd only talked to me first, we could have avoided this situation. You're only embarrassing yourself. You're not hurting me."

Rosalind turned toward Freeman and laughed loudly, "Apparently not, Freeman. Now you can live out your true name. A Free Man."

"Walk away now, sis. He's not worth it," her brothers recommended.

Rosalind glanced around the room, then spoke calmly. "Enjoy the anniversary party everyone, paid for by my husband's infidelity winnings and other illegally gained monies. And please don't waste you pity on me. There's someone out there deserving of my love and my time. I just need uphold the high standards my parents taught and not settle."

With that, Rosalind strode over to the closet and retrieved her coat.

She parted a path to the front door. Halfway, a male pushed his way to the front row and grabbed Rosalind's arm. She shot a glance at Ellis.

"Well done!, soon to be Ms. Calloway."

"Thank you, Ellis. There are only so many true friends in one person's lifetime. I count you among the few," Rosalind responded in a soft tone, but one that could be heard by all standing near.

She looked upward and gently removed the wine glass from his raised hand, took a large gulp, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, then returned it to him.

She shot a menacing stare at Freeman, whom her brothers had now released and stood in the middle of the room; shame written over his face. If the floor would open up at that moment and swallow him whole, she knew he'd gladly succumb. She knew that he realized he'd now been devalued.

The video was still playing out the episodes of his deceit. Rosalind's calm voice injected a surreal atmosphere to the captions scrolling across the screen explaining each unethical episode over the past two years.

Rosalind nodded to her family to follow, then left the party and her marriage.

The infidelity money, her friends later informed, was well spent. First-class caterers and excellent event decor warranted a recommendation. She laughed, then happily obliged, gladly spreading the vendor's business contact information.

She didn't ask whether she'd be invited to a similar function. She hoped not but didn't believe that the art of lying lay only with her former spouse.


My story is based on 13 march 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2674: art of lying


! [Invitation To A Wedding Anniversary]

Invitación a un aniversario de boda


Ahora: Parte 2 - Conclusión


Perplejos, pero al unísono, los padres y demás familiares de Rosalind avanzaron en silencio y se cogieron de la mano. Rosy, como la apodaban, era una joven sensata de carácter intachable. De su marido, decidieron reservarse el juicio hasta que concluyera lo que se hubiera desvelado aquella noche.

En nombre de su familia, habló su padre. «Rosy, si estás segura de que quieres seguir adelante, tienes nuestro apoyo, sea cual sea el resultado. Nunca puedes hacer sombra a esta familia».

"Mi fiel esposo no merece menos. Sólo agradezco tu consejo de no tener hijos inmediatamente. Gracias, papá, por tu sabia perspicacia. Aunque no lo aprobaras, apoyaste mi decisión de casarme con esa persona a la que señalo y que no me merecía ni me merece «.

La voz de Rosalind se elevó ligeramente, acallando la algarabía de los confundidos invitados, algunos de los cuales se taparon la boca en señal de incredulidad.

"Silencio, por favor, todo el mundo. El espectáculo está a punto de comenzar «.

Brotaron lágrimas de rabia. Rosalind empezó a hablar, pero luego detuvo su voz temblorosa y llena de rabia. Miró a un Freeman con los ojos muy abiertos que permanecía impotente como si estuviera pegado al caro suelo de mármol.

Inhaló un largo y pausado suspiro, lo soltó y se concentró en la gran pantalla de televisión montada en la pared.

Rosalind profirió palabras amargas e hirvientes destinadas a provocar, maldijo y luego escupió en la cara de Freeman, seguido de un cóctel dulce para mezclar con la saliva, cortesía de un camarero cercano.

"Amigos míos, lo que estáis a punto de presenciar es el auténtico Freeman Murphy ».

La sala se quedó en silencio.


"SLIDE #1: »
"Esta primera diapositiva que veis soy yo sentada en la mesa de exploración esperando a que vuelva la enfermera de mi ginecólogo. ¿Alguien notó las lágrimas? Bueno, me acababan de decir que había contraído una grave Enfermedad de Transmisión Sexual de mi marido. Por suerte, según mi médico, la habían detectado a tiempo. Estoy programada para cirugía, y luego comenzar el tratamiento. Con suerte, podré tener hijos en el futuro. He informado de Freeman a los Centros de Control de Enfermedades para que incluyan su nombre en la lista «.

Rosalind hizo una pausa para medir a la multitud. Las mujeres lloraban. Los hombres miraban al suelo. Pero reinaba el silencio. Conmoción, supuso ella, con el corazón y la mente agarrotados por el día en que regresó a casa de la clínica.

"SLIDE #2: »
"¿Qué tenemos aquí? Esto puede necesitar un poco de explicación. Freeman, ¿quieres? «

Freeman abrió y cerró los puños; los hombros se agitaron rápidamente. Una cara pellizcada que revelaba una mandíbula apretada era evidente. De sus ojos entrecerrados salían llamas dirigidas a su mujer. Pero no hubo respuesta, así que Rosalind continuó.

"Bueno, ahí está la pareja feliz tras ganar el bote de la hora del casino. Ahh... ahí está un emocionado Freeman mostrando el cheque a la multitud mientras planta un apasionado beso en los labios de su compañera. Qué bonito. ¡Pero hay más! Fíjate en que la cámara del hotel captó a la pareja, mareada por su aventura en el piso de abajo, entrando en el ascensor de camino a su suite de fin de semana. El mismo fin de semana que él tenía que estar en un viaje de negocios de la empresa «.

"SLIDE #3:"

Rosalind señaló al jefe de Freeman.

*"Quizá quiera investigar su Departamento de Cuentas por Cobrar. Tengo entendido que el compañero de Freeman trabaja allí. Aumentos automáticos. Reparto de acciones. Bonificaciones mensuales para los equipos de ventas, me explicó. Eso es genial, excepto que fue trasladado de ventas por bajo rendimiento y puesto a prueba. Entonces, ¿cómo pueden permitirse un condominio de lujo al que se mudaron? Quizá desviando nuestros ahorros personales. Sólo Dios sabe lo que pasó en su empresa. Pero como todos sabemos... todo lo bueno se acaba».

El aire estaba cargado de repugnancia. Rosalind podía saborear el desconcierto, y no era tan dulce como el glaseado de su tarta de aniversario. Los invitados jadeaban, fruncían el ceño y sacudían la cabeza mientras Freeman permanecía en silencio, con una expresión aturdida en el rostro.

Se volvió y miró a su marido, que había retrocedido unos pasos.

Freeman era un hombre alto, de un metro ochenta para ser exactos, excepto cuando le pillaban mintiendo. Entonces, se convertía en un bulto de desgracia, con la cabeza gacha y el comportamiento cambiado al modo luz de gas mientras intentaba tejer una red enmarañada.

Ahora, se quedó paralizado de horror al ver cómo se deshacía su red de mentiras.

Rápidamente se recuperó, aunque su voz era gruesa y temblorosa cuando soltó: «Todas son mentiras urdidas con el único propósito de avergonzarme y extraer todos los recursos que tanto me ha costado ganar. Nada de lo que se ha presentado aquí esta noche es cierto. Desprestigiar mi carácter es lo que está ocurriendo. Todos ustedes me conocen».

Se volvió hacia su jefe con semblante suplicante. No hubo compasión, pues se limitó a mirar a Freeman con la boca abierta.

Pero fue el siguiente acto lo que conmocionó a sus invitados.

El tiempo se ralentizó mientras todos observaban cómo Rosalind se arrancaba el vestido de noche hasta la cintura con facilidad. Los hombres apartaron la mirada anticipando una escena reservada para momentos íntimos. Pero sus esposas tiraron de sus brazos, así que volvieron a observar con diversión.

Como si estuviera bailando un striptease, Rosalind movió las caderas a la vez que pulsaba un botón del mando a distancia. La música fluyó por la habitación al ritmo de una melodía de discoteca. Se quitó la bata, la apartó a un lado y bajó la cabeza entre las piernas, balanceando el pelo de un lado a otro. Todo ello mientras emitía una risa espeluznante y chirriante.

Cuando terminó la rutina de baile, se quedó vestida con un conjunto de gimnasia de alta gama.

"Uf... eso ha sido mucho, debo admitirlo ». gritó Rosalind, sin aliento. Pero, por favor, no os vayáis, queridos amigos. Es sólo el primer acto. Hay un pozo sin fondo en su engaño que no debéis perderos. También he retransmitido el acto para los que no hayan podido asistir «.

En un arrebato de ira, de repente Freeman agarró una botella de champán y la levantó en alto. Los dos hermanos de Rosalind se adelantaron para sujetarle.

Freeman escupió en voz alta: «¿Por qué, rencoroso y odioso?», pero no se atrevió a pronunciar la palabra que bailaba en su lengua. En su lugar, «no entiendes toda la historia. Sacas conclusiones precipitadas. Si hubieras hablado conmigo primero, podríamos haber evitado esta situación. Sólo te estás avergonzando a ti mismo. No me haces daño».

Rosalind se volvió hacia Freeman y soltó una sonora carcajada: *"Parece que no, Freeman. Ahora puedes vivir tu verdadero nombre. Un hombre libre».

«Aléjate ahora, hermanita. No merece la pena», le recomendaron sus hermanos.

Rosalind miró alrededor de la habitación, luego habló con calma. "Disfrutad todos de la fiesta de aniversario, pagada con las ganancias de la infidelidad de mi marido y otros dineros obtenidos ilegalmente. Y, por favor, no malgastéis vuestra compasión conmigo. Hay alguien ahí fuera que merece mi amor y mi tiempo. Sólo necesito mantener los altos estándares que me enseñaron mis padres y no conformarme «.

Rosalind se dirigió al armario y cogió su abrigo.

Se abrió paso hasta la puerta principal. A medio camino, un hombre se abrió paso hasta la primera fila y agarró a Rosalind del brazo. Ella lanzó una mirada a Ellis.

«¡Bien hecho!, pronto será la señorita Calloway».

"Gracias, Ellis. No hay muchos amigos verdaderos en la vida de una persona. Yo te cuento entre los pocos «, respondió Rosalind en un tono suave, pero que podía ser oído por todos los que estaban cerca.

Levantó la vista y le quitó suavemente la copa de vino de la mano, bebió un buen trago, se limpió la boca con el dorso de la mano y se la devolvió.

Lanzó una mirada amenazadora a Freeman, a quien sus hermanos habían soltado y se había quedado de pie en medio de la sala, con la vergüenza escrita en la cara. Si el suelo se abriera en ese momento y se lo tragara entero, ella sabía que sucumbiría de buena gana. Sabía que se había dado cuenta de que lo habían devaluado.

El vídeo seguía reproduciendo los episodios de su engaño. La voz calmada de Rosalind inyectaba una atmósfera surrealista a los subtítulos que se desplazaban por la pantalla explicando cada episodio poco ético de los últimos dos años.

Rosalind hizo un gesto con la cabeza a su familia para que la siguiera y abandonó la fiesta y su matrimonio.

El dinero de la infidelidad, según informaron más tarde sus amigos, estaba bien gastado. El catering de primera clase y la excelente decoración del evento merecían una recomendación. Ella se echó a reír, luego accedió encantada y difundió la información de contacto del proveedor.

No preguntó si la invitarían a un evento similar. Esperaba que no, pero no creía que el arte de mentir fuera sólo cosa de su ex cónyuge.


My story is based on 13 march 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2674: art of lying


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.





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b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
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g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding



The EPIC comeuppance -- YES! LOVED IT!


I think so too. As the saying goes, "No good deed goes unpunished." I truly believe this to be true.

Thanks so much for your visit. Much appreciated.



"No good deed goes unpunished" -- this is true. The Lord Jesus Christ, doing the ultimate good deed for mankind, is the epitome of this ... but that also tells us that while the forces of evil can hand out punishment for resisting their will, they also ARE defeated ... there is a day of reckoning coming, and with that, reward for those who did the right thing anyhow.


I knew the concluding part would be memorable! 😄 I applaud Rosalind for exposing Freeman's infidelities with a bold and dramatic show and right at their anniversary party. The meticulous planning makes her revenge all the more satisfying!

As the slides were playing, I wondered when Freeman would put on his own show and predictably, he resorted to denial even in the face of concrete proof. You capture it well here—

....demeanor switched to gaslight mode as he attempted to weave a tangled web.

This is often the response that naturally comes to a disloyal person. An enjoyable read with a satisfying end! Well done. Take care and have a great day! ✨


I was hoping for that exact reaction from my readers @kemmyb. I'm pleased to hear you found it to be memorable. I wanted something different from the victim to ensure that all who attended the wedding anniversary party would never forget. Hopefully, if any male in attendance was involved in a similar situation, they'd take note. Sadly, males are predictable. They read from the same book of denial, first, second, and last. And we shouldn't believe our lying eyes.

When I think of actual situations I've known personally and heard of over the years, it saddens me to think a person could treat another with such lack of disrespect and dishonesty and still feel entitled to be a part of any relationship. Such is human nature.

Not everyone has the resources to uncover another person's deceit. It's often swept under the rug with no proof. An endless cycle of gaslighting in all its disgusting forms.

Thanks for your visit and thoughtful analysis of the characters. I appreciate it as always and glad you enjoyed the story. Until next time, take care and have a good rest of your week.




what a story!!! That is all I can say. It was fun to read and see a cheater get what he had coming.


It was fun writing it too @myjob. But a bit sad to know that fiction mirror real life, and I've known several individuals who fit the profile my male character cheater exhibited. No redemption. Best to distance one's self from the situation.

Thanks for stopping by and viewing the conclusion of my story. I appreciate it and am pleased you enjoyed the ending. Take care.



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