23 January, 2025 @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2625 | Prompt: director of the movie (director de la película)

It didn't happen all at once. Not like Ingrid expected. She'd heard others say that experiencing betrayal was one of the most powerful emotions. The emotion that plays out in one's mind comprises a mix of helplessness, frustration, anger, and disappointment. Of these, the breach of absolute trust she felt was most devastating. And the feeling that took forever it seemed to diminish.
It was the winter of her resentment, attempts at healing, and regret.
Taking time off from work, her employer advised after the accident last year, would have been the sensible course. Staying busy, keeping her mind cluttered with matters that won't creep close was the decision that won out.
"I never expected him to betray me," Ingrid confided in her closest friend and co-worker, Kathleen, during a scheduled break.
"If I could see it since college, I know you sensed the situation that escalated to the point of boiling over for years. A dark cloud hovers over Jeremy like a stale vengeance never resolved," Amy pointed out not too gently. "Someone is going to pay the price. I hope it's not either you or your husband."
"Are you hinting that I had feelings other than friendship for Jeremy?" Ingrid retorted angrily. She hurriedly looked away before continuing in a shaky voice, "I wouldn't have led Antoine on, then married him if that were true."
A silence fell between them that stretched and transformed into a rift of indifference. For Ingrid, their ten-year friendship cracked and melted from lack of nurture. No calls, no luncheon meetups, and no one to confide in.
Afterward, in public, she attempted a stoic face. In private, she would wake suddenly unable to pierce the ice and resurface.
But life had to move forward without Antoine. And her best friend.

A year later, the secondary opportunity she'd waited for materialized. However, it came with conditions. Even so, excitement filled the air as she woke early to prepare.
Arriving at the scene, familiarity set in. She'd lost count of the times she'd returned to this exact spot the past two years. The spot that had been the focus of her dreams.
The forest surrounding the lake cast off an eeriness as though it held a guarded secret that warned her not to explore. Despite her fear, she remained in close proximity until a hand beckoned her to approach.
A hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her back under the brush. A veil of friendship. That was her thinking as she stood against the bare tree staring out over the frozen lake.
No one would miss me if I didn't return home. Ingrid immediately shook off the thought as frost pierced her jacket, chilling her to the bone. A sudden urge overtook her.
I finally got the chance of a lifetime, and I stand here reminiscing and miss my cue, she admonished herself.
The next moment, she hurriedly stepped high through the snow toward the edge of the frozen river. She stood ramrod straight, as a few drops of snow landed on the backside of her gloved hands.
She then leaned against a nearby barrel. Glancing down, she noticed several drops of snow had splattered against one of the uncovered rocks.
In the distance, out of the corner of her eye, she watched as rolling blankets of gray clouds stood still, partially obscured by the enormous snow-capped mountains that could have easily touched the heavens. Though she couldn't see it, her thoughts captured the picturesque divide.
If ever I'm to conquer my fear and put the betrayal in the past, it's now, she encouraged herself.
Ingrid moved closer to the shoreline. Pausing just shy of the riverbank where the ice attached itself to the edge of the frozen grass, she softly tapped the glistening sheet, then breathed a heavy sigh.
Good. It's sturdy. Of course it was sturdy. What did she expect, another betrayal?
"This time you'll gird up the nerve to go through with it," a voice goaded.
Another lighter voice interrupted, "no she won't."
Yes, I had been betrayed, she thought, but life did go on.
She reached down and adjusted her boots, then kissed her wedding ring. Simultaneously, Jeremy's faint voice whispered to her from the clouds. The tug of the rope fastened to her waist. I shouldn't be thinking of him in the same thoughts as my husband, she brandished, shaking her head violently.
An echo from the other side of the river reached her. She glanced up to see Jeremy waiving as if urging her to proceed.
Was it a trick? What was he doing here on my job? This has to be a mistake. Immediately her thoughts returned to the day she received the call from her agent. "I should have to remind you, but conditions apply. You must be willing to work with others on a professional level."
She couldn't back out of it after waiting for the opportunity, so she finished tying her boots. Owning up to my trust in Jeremy was too soon, she sternly reminded herself.
"Trust in yourself" was the next voice she allowed to burst through. She'd walked that trail across the frozen lake numerous times without incident.
"The day I placed my trust in another was the day I sentenced my husband to his fate", she retorted hotly. But she couldn't retreat.
A black hooded figure stood as if waiting for a decision long in coming. Ingrid glanced down with the knowledge that she was to blame for both men's plight.
For a long condescending moment, Ingrid hesitated remembering the ordeal. Antoine didn't deserve to die by way of drowning, especially in the company of Jeremy.
Jeremy was cleared of all wrongdoing. Still, his actions weighed heavily. There's always another route to justice. He took the liberty of defending me without my knowledge. Apparently Antoine was leading a double life during the entire time we were married.
Ingrid was blind to the attention that Jeremy lavished upon her. It didn't matter that she was happily married. Others with a more discerning eye analyzed the looks, the innocent touches, the tossing of her hair back from her shoulders to showcase her beautiful neck, he'd say. Still, she pretended no clue.
Had I known, I would have handled the situation differently, she acknowledged. No matter his faults, Antoine would be alive today to live out his dreams that didn't include me.
One man's fate had been decided. Ingrid had the power to determine another.
With a wide grin and shaking arms, she stepped confidently onto the ice without looking down. The beating of her heart thumped loudly, drowning out uncertainty as she forged straight ahead.
It didn't happen all at once. The ill-placed betrayal she imagined him lavishing upon her melted with each step across the frozen lake.
Jeremy was waiting for her. The man she knew was the one she desired to be with for the future.
On script and off.
The assistant leaned over and whispered something into the director of the movie's ear that only took seconds, then handed him a sheet of paper before walking away.
Ingrid hoped it wasn't a list of replacements.
The director yelled, "cut," then himself rose quickly from his chair almost toppling it over then smiling and waiving from across the frozen lake with a signal that pleased Ingrid, before following in the footsteps of his assistant.

For my theme, I was inspired by and utilized the @daily.prompt's publishing of:
23 January 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2625: director of the movie.

! [Could Not Have Written A Better Script]
No se podría haber escrito un guión mejor
Source...No ocurrió de golpe. No como Ingrid esperaba. Había oído decir a otros que experimentar la traición era una de las emociones más poderosas. La emoción que se desarrolla en la mente de uno comprende una mezcla de impotencia, frustración, ira y decepción. De todas ellas, la ruptura de la confianza absoluta que sintió fue la más devastadora. Y el sentimiento que tardó una eternidad en desaparecer.
Fue el invierno de su resentimiento, sus intentos de curación y su arrepentimiento.
Tomarse una baja laboral, según le aconsejó su jefe tras el accidente del año pasado, habría sido lo más sensato. Mantenerse ocupada, con la mente ocupada con asuntos que no se acercan, fue la decisión que triunfó.
"Nunca esperé que me traicionara », confió Ingrid a su mejor amiga y compañera de trabajo, Kathleen, durante un descanso programado.
«Si pude verlo desde la universidad, sé que intuyó la situación que se agravó hasta el punto de hervir durante años. Una nube oscura se cierne sobre Jeremy como una rancia venganza nunca resuelta», señaló Amy sin demasiada delicadeza. «Alguien va a pagar el precio. Espero que no sean ni tú ni tu marido».
"¿Estás insinuando que sentía algo más que amistad por Jeremy?, replicó Ingrid con enfado. Se apresuró a apartar la mirada antes de continuar con voz temblorosa: "No habría engañado a Antoine y luego me habría casado con él si eso fuera cierto ».
Entre ellos se hizo un silencio que se alargó y se transformó en una grieta de indiferencia. Para Ingrid, sus diez años de amistad se resquebrajaron y se derritieron por falta de cariño. Ni llamadas, ni almuerzos, ni nadie en quien confiar.
Después, en público, ponía cara de estoica. Pero en privado, se despertaba de repente incapaz de atravesar el hielo y resurgir.
La vida tenía que seguir adelante sin Antoine. Y sin su mejor amiga.
Un año más tarde, la segunda oportunidad que había esperado se materializó. Sin embargo, venía con condiciones. Aun así, se levantó temprano para prepararse.
Al llegar al lugar, se sintió familiarizada. Había perdido la cuenta de las veces que había vuelto a este mismo lugar en los últimos dos años. El lugar que había sido el centro de sus sueños.
El bosque que rodeaba el lago desprendía un aire inquietante, como si guardara un secreto que le advertía que no debía explorar. A pesar de su miedo, permaneció cerca hasta que una mano le hizo señas para que se acercara.
Una mano la rodeó por la cintura y tiró de ella hacia atrás, bajo la maleza. Un velo de amistad. Eso fue lo que pensó mientras permanecía apoyada contra el árbol desnudo mirando el lago helado.
Nadie me echaría de menos si no volvía a casa. Ingrid se sacudió inmediatamente el pensamiento cuando la escarcha caló su chaqueta, helándola hasta los huesos. Un impulso repentino se apoderó de ella.
Por fin tengo la oportunidad de mi vida, y me quedo aquí recordando y pierdo mi oportunidad, se amonestó a sí misma.
Al momento siguiente, se apresuró a caminar por la nieve hacia la orilla del río helado. Se mantuvo erguida, mientras unas gotas de nieve caían sobre el dorso de sus manos enguantadas.
Luego se apoyó en un barril cercano. Al mirar hacia abajo, se dio cuenta de que varias gotas de nieve habían salpicado una de las rocas descubiertas.
A lo lejos, con el rabillo del ojo, vio cómo unas nubes grises se quedaban quietas, parcialmente ocultas por unas enormes montañas nevadas que podrían haber tocado el cielo. Aunque no podía verlas, sus pensamientos captaban la pintoresca divisoria.
Si alguna vez he de vencer mi miedo y dejar la traición en el pasado, es ahora», se animó a sí misma.
Ingrid se acercó a la orilla. Se detuvo justo antes de llegar a la orilla del río, donde el hielo se adhería al borde de la hierba helada, dio unos golpecitos suaves en la brillante lámina y exhaló un fuerte suspiro.
Qué bien. Es resistente. Claro que era resistente. ¿Qué esperaba, otra traición?
«Esta vez te armarás de valor y lo harás», la incitó una voz.
Otra voz más ligera interrumpió: «No, no lo hará».
Sí, me habían traicionado, pensó, pero la vida seguía.
Se agachó, se ajustó las botas y se besó el anillo de casada. Simultáneamente, la débil voz de Jeremy le susurró desde las nubes. El tirón de la cuerda sujeta a su cintura. No debería pensar en él con los mismos pensamientos que en mi marido, blandió, sacudiendo violentamente la cabeza.
Un eco procedente del otro lado del río llegó hasta ella. Levantó la vista y vio a Jeremy haciendo señas como si la instara a continuar.
¿Era un truco? ¿Qué estaba haciendo aquí en mi trabajo? Tiene que ser un error. Inmediatamente sus pensamientos volvieron al día en que recibió la llamada de su agente. «Debería recordárselo, pero se aplican condiciones. Debes estar dispuesta a trabajar con otros a nivel profesional».
No podía echarse atrás después de esperar la oportunidad, así que terminó de atarse las botas. Confiar en Jeremy era demasiado pronto, se recordó a sí misma con severidad.
«Confía en ti misma» fue la siguiente voz que dejó escapar. Había recorrido ese sendero a través del lago helado numerosas veces sin incidentes.
«El día en que confié en otro fue el día en que condené a mi marido a su destino», replicó acalorada. Pero no pudo retroceder.
Una figura negra encapuchada estaba de pie, como esperando una decisión que tardaría en llegar. Ingrid bajó la mirada sabiendo que ella era la culpable de la situación de ambos hombres.
Durante un largo instante condescendiente, Ingrid vaciló al recordar el calvario. Antoine no merecía morir ahogado, y menos en compañía de Jeremy.
Jeremy fue absuelto de toda culpa. Aun así, sus acciones pesaban. Siempre hay otro camino hacia la justicia. Se tomó la libertad de defenderme sin mi conocimiento. Al parecer, Antoine llevaba una doble vida durante todo el tiempo que estuvimos casados.
Ingrid estaba ciega ante la atención que Jeremy le prodigaba. No importaba que estuviera felizmente casada. Otros con un ojo más perspicaz analizaban las miradas, las caricias inocentes, el echarse el pelo hacia atrás de los hombros para mostrar su hermoso cuello, diría él. Aun así, ella fingía no tener ni idea.
De haberlo sabido, habría manejado la situación de otra manera, reconoció. Independientemente de sus defectos, Antoine estaría vivo hoy para vivir sus sueños, que no me incluían a mí.
El destino de un hombre estaba decidido. Ingrid tenía el poder de decidir el de otro.
Con una amplia sonrisa y los brazos temblorosos, pisó con confianza el hielo sin mirar hacia abajo. Los latidos de su corazón retumbaban con fuerza, ahogando la incertidumbre mientras avanzaba con paso firme.
No sucedió de repente. La traición malintencionada que imaginaba que él le prodigaba se derretía con cada paso que daba sobre el lago helado.
Jeremy la estaba esperando. El hombre con el que sabía que deseaba estar en el futuro.
En el guión y fuera de él.
El ayudante se inclinó y susurró algo al oído del director de la película que sólo le llevó unos segundos, luego le entregó una hoja de papel antes de alejarse.
Ingrid esperaba que no fuera una lista de sustitutos.
El director gritó «corten» y se levantó rápidamente de la silla, casi volcándola, para luego sonreír y hacer una señal desde el otro lado del lago helado que agradó a Ingrid, antes de seguir los pasos de su ayudante.
Para mi tema, me inspiré y utilicé la publicación de @daily.prompt de: 23 January 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2625: director of the movie.

a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
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g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.
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pixresteemer tipped justclickindiva
@kemmyb(1/5) tipped @justclickindiva
Whenever the heart is sad and worried, such places with scenic views give us comfort.
They certainly do @djbravo. The scenery is lovely with a place to clear your head and attempt to sort out your problems. Thanks so much for your visit. I appreciate it and your engagement. Take care.
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tokens.@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @djbravo and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (1/25 calls)
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Wait, all of these took place on a film set? Ha, I didn't see that coming. Ingrid's reflections on her loss and betrayal had me wondering what really happened between Antoine and Jeremy. The last paragraph makes me ask if her emotional journey is genuine, or is it simply part of a scripted narrative?
All the same, this is a fine story! You capture the mood and setting vividly. Betrayal will make anyone struggle with trust issue and I'm hoping Ingrid finds closure with Jeremy, if it's not scripted. Nicely done. ✨
The tragedy took place off script a year before among herself, her husband, and Jeremy. Once she got the call from her agent that she'd landed a role in a movie, she didn't hesitate to accept. The caveat was to work with anyone they paired her with. To her surprise, it was Jeremy, a fellow actor who secretly had feelings for her, hated her husband, and helped get her the role.
Once on set, she recalled the event and the truth that Jeremy exposed about her husband. She felt betrayed by Jeremy and her husband. But once she saw Jeremy, the frozen lake between then melted. He saved her from an adulterous husband, and realized she loved Jeremy.
Coincidence was that the accident happened on the lake.
Thanks so much for your visit and thorough analysis of my story. You were spot on in your review. I appreciate it. Apologies for the late response, but Saturday was my niece's homegoing service.
Take care and have a good start to your week.
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tokens.@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @kemmyb and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (4/25 calls)
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😔 I'm so sorry for your loss. My condolence to you and your family. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Do take care.
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