9 January 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2612 | Prompt: the worst result (Part 5 - Conclusion) ENG/ESL


Part 4

Getting to the bottom of the mysterious happenings at the Brownstone proved difficult for Monica. But conceding wasn't an option. Meanwhile, while Monica was investigating Thorny without any assistance, the real culprits who'd set in motion the events had fallen radio silent.

Not having the luxury of being long-term tenants, they underestimated the vindictiveness ingrained in Thorny. Of all the tenants, Maddie's negative reaction toward the other tenants gave them cause to worry. Added to the fact that Thorny did nothing to decrease the stress.

It didn't take long for the tenants to notice one of them was missing. No one had spotted Monica exercising in the common room the last two weeks.

But they had their own issues pressing against their front doors. Thorny's antagonistic attitude spread to every tenant in the building. After a few months dealing with it, they reasoned that Thorny blamed them for Monica's push back.

We must stand firm on our decision, they agreed, lest we create even heightened tension in the building. The fact that Monica no longer spoke to them confirmed their unsubstantiated suspicion that she must be considering dragging them into her alleged lawsuit.

Tension was the highest they'd ever encountered in the Brownstone. What they thought would be a fleeting back and forth turned into an avalanche that had snowballed its way down their boulevard, threatening to bury them under their complicity.

"It was us," Maddie reminded the others, "that disrupted our Brownstone livelihood and amenities. And it is us whom I believe that suffered most the consequences." Glancing around and nodding, they locked hands as if drawing strength from one another in a coalition of hope that the situation would resolve itself.

In that moment, Monica's problems faded into Unit #209.

The tenants had no idea the agony Monica had endured. She no longer trusted nor confided in them. So it was no surprise that they hadn't heard from her in two weeks nor knew her whereabouts. Rumors swirled, but they didn't dare ask Thorny.

That something else, the tenants could not have anticipated. Unbeknownst to them, Monica had taken time away from work."

Three hours into the drive home, Monica pulled over out of harm's way. She stepped from her vehicle and bent over. Her face turned beet red as a sharp pain in her left side intensified.

Several moments later, she vomited. Holding onto the car's door handle, she leaned against the hood until she could return inside. But she couldn't drive another mile.

Immediately, she called her parents. Within the hours, they arrived at the hospital. They were solid in their support. She'd only divulged a smidgen of information on the Brownstone situation. Now, she explained her ongoing saga with Thorny.

It wasn't in her nature to play games with people, but If it's games he wants to play, she mused, then let the games begin. Trick him she would, if merely to save her own sanity.

"Remember, in all dealings with irascible individuals, kill them with kindness," her father reminded her. He continued, "revenge is best served cold. Just be smart going forward. And don't allow anyone to push you out of your home without a valid reason determined by law."

Her mother, always a voice of reason, glanced sharply at her father, then added, "dealing with men, no matter who, is really quite simple, dear." She then nodded and her husband removed himself from the room.

Monica listened quietly.

Five days later after her emergency appendectomy, she was released from the hospital. She requested, and it was approved, a short medical leave from her job. With the help of her parents, her rent was paid in advance for the next year. Her parents and best friend insisted she recuperate at their homes, but she refused.

Back to the Brownstone she was headed.

Now, Part 5 - Conclusion


No one saw Monica leave. No one witnessed her return. And she preferred it that way.

Settled into her apartment again, she scoured the living room, deposited her suitcase, then glanced toward the small balcony that was her retreat. She stepped outside away from the stale air.

Overlooking the balcony was a quiet cul-de-sac where the Brownstone sat. A perfect location from her job, on a clear day, she could see the outline of the building. She was excited to become a tenant after signing up for a six-month waiting list.

She half-smiled.

From the outside, the Brownstone resembled the perfect, tranquil environment. She sighed as though weary returning from a battlefield. But she was voluntarily headed back into battle.

The last thing she wanted to do was to begin the lawsuit process. She'd consoled several friends who'd gone through those procedures for various reasons. Time nor resources were at her disposal. But she understood why they proceeded. When someone pushes you to the limit, then you've no place to go for relief but to the courts.

Reluctantly, Monica consulted an attorney.

"It's not guaranteed," the lawyer stated, "but if you keep accurate details and record of dates, events, and conversations, we could offer that as evidence."

So she set her plan in motion. With plenty of ammunition, all that needed was documentation.

First thing was to purchase a reliable voice recorder. It a battle of wits; her word against his.

But she was dead tired of the drama. She frowned as a twinge flowed through her stomach. She returned inside and top a short nap.

The Brownstone fell into a vacuum. The quiet unnerved Monica. Was it her anxiousness or had the eighteen tenants who started the downward spiral and subsequent drama had vacated the premises.


During her convalescence, she'd only heard Thorny's voice twice when he visited her floor. Not anticipating a friendly encounter, she remained in her apartment.

Two weeks later, Monica returned to work.

She continued her normal routine, except the strenuous exercise, reducing her workouts to two times a week. She approached the common room and twisted the doorknob cautiously expecting it to be locked.

To her surprise, the room was unlocked on the first occasion. The next time she visited, it was locked. This cat-and-mouse game continued for several more weeks.

The same occurrences happened with the laundry room and first-floor bathroom facilities. As far as her trash pickup, once she set her container on the curb, she photographed it and the surrounding area. No dogs were to be seen.

Finally, on the fourth week, she secured evidence from a nearby neighbor that Thorny was the culprit in removing her trash bag from the bin. Her excitement in this discovery cemented her suspicion.

Her mother's advice to solicit assistance from outside the building while she was away at her job worked perfectly. Now she possessed photo evidence.

Monica confronted Thorny.

With her recorder ready, she politely requested a meeting. His blustering attitude still presented itself uncontrollable so she dared not hold the meeting behind closed doors in his apartment. She requested they meet in the common area with the door open. Hesitant at first, he consented.

Once there, Monica extended her hand toward Thorny.

"I don't have time for games. What's that?" The moment he glanced at the photo, his face turned burst into flames.

"What the hell is this? An invasion of privacy as I see it! he ranted, then slammed his fist on the table.

Monica quietly stood staring while Thorny's flailing arms barely missed her face. His nostrils flared. He resembled someone about to succumb to a cardiac arrest as he grabbed his chest.

But Monica knew he was embarrassed and angry at being caught in the act of sabotage. He quickly scoured the room, then looked beyond her into the hall, probably to ascertain whether any other tenant witnessed their exchange.

When he was certain no one else heard them, he calmed down enough and snatched the photo from her hand, then tear it to shreds. His back stiff, he clenched his fist and thrust his jaw forward. Monica watched as anger spread across his face, like fire leaping from one eye to the other gathering weapons.

"What is that, you ask? An exercise in futility like the other underhanded things you've done in the Brownstone to make life miserable for me and, by unintentionally, the other eighteen tenants. I now have that evidence and others to take to the management company and my attorney."

Monica stared as Thorny stood silent. His large, round stony face looked as if frozen in time as though the loss of his manager position and additional incentives flashed before his eyes. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

Monica stepped back anticipating his lunge.

But he didn't. Instead, Thorny rushed past her, brushing hard against her shoulder before disappearing from the common room.

Just as my mom predicted. Confront a bully, and he'll back down.


The next day, Monica readied herself for the meeting with the Brownstone owner. She desired to give management a chance to respond before taking the evidence to her attorney.

"How may I assist you?" the receptionist's polite voice answered.

Monica set up a meeting with the building owner for the coming week. Confident in her position, Monica ignored the other tenants while Thorny dared not approach her.

It's funny how situations work out sometimes, Monica mused as she exercised with her friend without interference.

Three days later, an incident occurred that forever changed the Brownstone and all its tenants.

Returning from work, as soon as Monica opened the door to the building, she smelled a dull unpleasant odor. Her training told her it was bad sign. Why didn't any of the other tenants notice the smell? she thought, as she retreated out the door to her car. She placed her work items inside, then returned to the building.

As she suspected, the odor was not something emanating from mere bad smelling garbage. It was rotten eggs. A gas leak.

Monica sprang into action. She pulled the fire alarm to awaken any sleeping tenants. She ran from door to door on each of the floors. Thank God it's only twenty of us.

The last door she knocked on was Thorny's. But she didn't remain to see whether he answered. She knew she had to act quickly.

Within ten minutes sirens rang out from down the boulevard. Tenants gathered in the hallways.

"Spread the word. There's a gas leak in the building. Everyone out. NOW! Down the stairs. And don't take the elevator."

Inside the Brownstone the air was dense with panic as Monica watched tenants push to gain advantage on each other. They ran amidst the chaos from the building. She scoured the inside, but didn't see Thorny come down the stairs.

It was instinct that caused her take two flights of steps at a time. No matter who that person is, it's another human being. She didn't think of him as Thorny, her enemy. Banging on his door, he finally answered, out of breath. He'd heard the alarm, but this time his heart actually actually fluttered. He felt light headed.

Save Me! Thorny screamed. his eyes widened in disbelief.

It was a heavy task, but Monica placed Thorny's arm around her neck and managed to help him down one flight of stairs just as the emergency crew rushed inside. The crew assisted them both from the building.

Tenants, neighbors, and others stood outside away from the building staring at the flurry of activity. They were advised to clear the area.

While hurrying away to safety, several tenants commented how lucky they were that Monica arrived home in time. They all rushed to her and personally shook her hand.

"What an awesome neighbor," Maddie shouted. "Our hero!" She'd make an excellent building manager. She stared at Monica as though they were best friends.

Silent, Thorny stood to the side and stared blankly at the Brownstone. No one could tell what he was thinking at that moment. But Monica knew full well. He'd heard the comments from the other tenants, but kept silent.

Monica didn't expect him to join in. They were enemies, she remembered. But she couldn't help watching him alternately stare at her, then the ground, then the building.

What came next was so unexpected that Monica's head jerked back. There was Thorny speaking to her in a tone that was almost civil.

"We just may become friends after this ordeal. Imagine that." Thorny spoke while looking at another tenant.

The friend from hell, Monica thought. Then she remembered what her mom told her in the hospital. Kill them with kindness.

She had accomplished this that day. Although she wished it were under different circumstances. They all could have been killed.

It's funny how situations and life work out sometimes, she thought. Just get through this night.

She'd consider the situation with Thorny, the Building Owner, and the lawsuit tomorrow. As my dad always quoted his favorite scripture, "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you."

Thank God for mom and dad, she smiled thinking.


The inspiration for my story were three prompts from the @daily.prompt:

Mi historia se inspiró en tres mensajes de @daily.prompt:

11 January 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2614: friend from hell

2 January 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2605: bad sign

30 December 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2602: save me!


! [The Uncooperative Tenant Part 5 Conclusion]

Now, Part 5 - Conclusion



Nadie vio salir a Mónica. Nadie fue testigo de su regreso. Y ella lo prefería así.

Instalada de nuevo en su apartamento, recorrió el salón, depositó su maleta y luego miró hacia el pequeño balcón que era su refugio. Salió y se alejó del aire viciado.

El balcón daba a una tranquila calle sin salida donde se encontraba la casa de piedra rojiza. Una ubicación perfecta desde su trabajo, en un día claro, podía ver el contorno del edificio. Le hacía ilusión ser inquilina después de apuntarse a una lista de espera de seis meses.

Ella esbozó una media sonrisa.

Desde fuera, la Brownstone parecía el entorno perfecto y tranquilo. Suspiró como si volviera cansada de un campo de batalla. Pero ella se dirigía voluntariamente de nuevo a la batalla.

Lo último que quería era iniciar un proceso judicial. Había consolado a varios amigos que habían pasado por esos trámites por diversos motivos. No disponía de tiempo ni de recursos. Pero entendía por qué procedían. Cuando alguien te lleva al límite, no tienes más remedio que acudir a los tribunales.

A regañadientes, Mónica consultó a un abogado.

«No está garantizado», afirmó el abogado, “pero si guardas detalles precisos y un registro de fechas, acontecimientos y conversaciones, podríamos ofrecerlo como prueba”.

Así que puso en marcha su plan. Con munición de sobra, todo lo que necesitaba era documentación.

Lo primero fue comprar una grabadora de voz fiable. Una batalla de ingenio: su palabra contra la de él.

Pero estaba harta del drama. Frunció el ceño y sintió una punzada en el estómago. Volvió al interior y echó una cabezadita.

El Brownstone cayó en el vacío. La tranquilidad inquietó a Mónica. ¿Era su ansiedad o los dieciocho inquilinos que iniciaron la espiral descendente y el drama posterior habían abandonado el lugar?


Durante su convalecencia, sólo había oído la voz de Thorny dos veces cuando visitó su piso. Como no esperaba un encuentro amistoso, permaneció en su piso.

Dos semanas después, Mónica volvió al trabajo.

Continuó con su rutina normal, excepto el ejercicio extenuante, reduciendo sus entrenamientos a dos veces por semana. Se acercó a la sala común y giró el pomo de la puerta con cautela, esperando que estuviera cerrada.

Para su sorpresa, la habitación estaba abierta la primera vez. La siguiente vez que la visitó, estaba cerrada. Este juego del gato y el ratón continuó durante varias semanas más.

Lo mismo ocurrió con el lavadero y los aseos del primer piso. En cuanto a la recogida de basura, una vez que depositó el contenedor en la acera, lo fotografió junto con la zona circundante. No se veía ningún perro.

Finalmente, a la cuarta semana, consiguió pruebas de un vecino cercano de que Thorny era el culpable de sacar la bolsa de basura de la papelera. Su emoción por este descubrimiento cimentó su sospecha.

El consejo de su madre de solicitar ayuda fuera del edificio mientras ella estaba en su trabajo funcionó a la perfección. Ahora tenía pruebas fotográficas.

Mónica se enfrentó a Thorny.

Con la grabadora preparada, solicitó amablemente una reunión. Su actitud fanfarrona seguía presentándose incontrolable, así que no se atrevió a celebrar la reunión a puerta cerrada en su apartamento. Le pidió que se reunieran en la zona común con la puerta abierta. Al principio vaciló, pero accedió.

Una vez allí, Mónica extendió la mano hacia Thorny.

«No tengo tiempo para juegos. ¿Qué es eso?» En el momento en que miró la foto, su cara se convirtió en llamas.

"¿Qué demonios es esto? Una invasión de la intimidad, tal y como yo lo veo! despotricó, y luego golpeó la mesa con el puño.

Mónica se quedó callada mirando mientras los brazos agitados de Thorny apenas le rozaban la cara. Sus fosas nasales se encendieron. Parecía alguien a punto de sufrir un paro cardíaco mientras se agarraba el pecho.

Pero Mónica sabía que estaba avergonzado y enfadado por haber sido sorprendido en el acto de sabotaje. Recorrió rápidamente la habitación y luego miró más allá de ella, al vestíbulo, probablemente para averiguar si algún otro inquilino había presenciado su intercambio.

Cuando estuvo seguro de que nadie más los oía, se calmó lo suficiente y le arrebató la foto de la mano, para luego hacerla pedazos. Con la espalda rígida, apretó el puño y echó la mandíbula hacia delante. Mónica vio cómo la ira se extendía por su rostro, como el fuego que salta de un ojo a otro recogiendo armas.

*"¿Qué es eso, te preguntarás? Un ejercicio de futilidad como las otras cosas turbias que has hecho en el Brownstone para hacerme la vida imposible a mí y, sin querer, a los otros dieciocho inquilinos. Ahora tengo esa prueba y otras para llevar a la empresa de gestión y a mi abogado».

Mónica se quedó mirando mientras Thorny permanecía en silencio. Su rostro pétreo, grande y redondo, parecía congelado en el tiempo, como si la pérdida de su puesto de gerente y los incentivos adicionales pasaran ante sus ojos. Cambió el peso de un pie a otro.

Mónica retrocedió anticipándose a su embestida.

Pero no lo hizo. En lugar de eso, Thorny pasó corriendo junto a ella, rozándole con fuerza el hombro antes de desaparecer de la sala común.

Tal y como predijo mi madre. Enfréntate a un matón y se echará atrás.


Al día siguiente, Mónica se preparó para la reunión con el propietario del Brownstone. Quería dar a la dirección la oportunidad de responder antes de llevar las pruebas a su abogado.

«¿En qué puedo ayudarle?», respondió la educada voz de la recepcionista.

Mónica concertó una reunión con el propietario del edificio para la semana siguiente. Confiada en su posición, Mónica ignoró a los demás inquilinos mientras Thorny no se atrevía a acercarse a ella.

Es curioso cómo se resuelven a veces las situaciones, reflexionó Mónica mientras hacía ejercicio con su amiga sin interferencias.

Tres días después, se produjo un incidente que cambió para siempre el Brownstone y a todos sus inquilinos.

Al volver del trabajo, en cuanto Mónica abrió la puerta del edificio, sintió un olor sordo y desagradable. Su entrenamiento le dijo que era mala señal. ¿Por qué ninguno de los otros inquilinos notó el olor? pensó, mientras salía por la puerta hacia su coche. Metió sus cosas en el coche y volvió al edificio.

Como sospechaba, el olor no era algo que emanara de una simple basura maloliente. Eran huevos podridos. Una fuga de gas.

Mónica se puso en marcha. Activó la alarma de incendios para despertar a los inquilinos que dormían. Corrió de puerta en puerta por todas las plantas. Gracias a Dios sólo somos veinte.

La última puerta a la que llamó fue la de Thorny. Pero no se quedó a ver si contestaba. Sabía que tenía que actuar con rapidez.

En diez minutos sonaron las sirenas en el bulevar. Los inquilinos se reunieron en los pasillos.

"Corre la voz. Hay una fuga de gas en el edificio. Todo el mundo fuera. ¡AHORA! Bajen las escaleras. Y no tomen el ascensor. «

En el interior del Brownstone, el aire estaba cargado de pánico mientras Mónica veía cómo los inquilinos se empujaban unos a otros para ganar ventaja. Salieron corriendo en medio del caos del edificio. Recorrió el interior, pero no vio a Thorny bajar las escaleras.

Fue el instinto lo que la hizo dar dos pasos a la vez. No importa quién sea esa persona, es otro ser humano. Ella no pensaba en él como Thorny, su enemigo. Golpeando su puerta, finalmente respondió, sin aliento. Había oído la alarma, pero esta vez su corazón realmente se agitó. Se sentía mareado.

**¡Sálvame! Thorny gritó. Sus ojos se abrieron de par en par con incredulidad.

Fue una tarea pesada, pero Mónica se pasó el brazo de Thorny por el cuello y consiguió ayudarle a bajar un tramo de escaleras justo cuando el equipo de emergencia se apresuraba a entrar. El personal les ayudó a salir del edificio.

Inquilinos, vecinos y otras personas se quedaron fuera, lejos del edificio, observando el alboroto de actividad. Se les aconsejó que desalojaran la zona.

Mientras se apresuraban a ponerse a salvo, varios inquilinos comentaron lo afortunados que eran de que Mónica hubiera llegado a casa a tiempo. Todos corrieron hacia ella y le estrecharon la mano personalmente.

«¡Qué vecino tan increíble!», gritó Maddie. «¡Nuestra heroína!». Sería una excelente administradora de edificios. Se quedó mirando a Mónica como si fueran mejores amigas.

Silencioso, Thorny se hizo a un lado y miró inexpresivamente hacia el Brownstone. Nadie podía saber lo que estaba pensando en aquel momento. Pero Mónica lo sabía muy bien. Había oído los comentarios de los otros inquilinos, pero guardó silencio.

Mónica no esperaba que se uniera. Recordaba que eran enemigos. Pero no pudo evitar mirarle alternativamente a ella, al suelo y al edificio.

Lo que vino a continuación fue tan inesperado que Mónica echó la cabeza hacia atrás. Allí estaba Thorny hablándole en un tono casi civilizado.

«Puede que nos hagamos amigos después de este calvario. Imagínatelo». Thorny habló mientras miraba a otro inquilino.

La amiga del infierno, pensó Mónica. Entonces recordó lo que su madre le dijo en el hospital. Mátalos con amabilidad.

Ese día lo había conseguido. Aunque deseó que fuera en otras circunstancias. Podrían haberlos matado a todos.

Es curioso cómo las situaciones y la vida funcionan a veces, pensó. Sólo pasa esta noche.

Consideraría la situación con Thorny, el propietario del edificio y la demanda mañana. Como mi padre siempre citaba su escritura favorita, «haz a los demás lo que te gustaría que te hicieran a ti».

Gracias a Dios por mamá y papá, sonrió pensando.


For your convenience if you'd like to return to the beginning of "From the Smoke Club to the Ridge, the Smoke screen Unveils" drama, I set out below Chapters 1 - 4:

Para su comodidad, si desea volver al principio del drama «Del club del humo a la cresta, la cortina de humo se desvela», expongo a continuación los capítulos 1 - 4:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

**Part 4::


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.





a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



Both men and women should take care of exercise, it can benefit us in many things in the future.


Yes, @djbravo. Exercise is beneficial to men, women, and children. Thanks so much for your visit. I appreciate it. Take care.


🌄 Good morning, @justclickindiva! ☕

I just found this morning that it appears you were behind giving my recent comment on the return of my old friend macoolette a "Top Comment" upvote. I truly appreciate that! For one thing, I don't recall seeing this particular service on Hive before and it is always nice to learn new things. Even at my age ... Hahaha ...

I hope this finds you and your loved ones doing well. And glad to see you are still faithfully laboring away here on Hive. I hope your efforts are being rewarded!

P.S. I thought I would touch base with you here, in this "out of the way" post, so I don't appear to be writing about something other than the purpose of your content.


Hello @roleerob. How have you been since your departure from Hive. I remember your post. I've been trudging along with my daily short story fiction and mixed media art projects. Do they get the attention they deserve? No one feels as though their projects get enough attention (rewards). But since one's work is subjective for others, it's a hit or miss that someone will appreciate the effort. More miss than hits!

December, 2024 was when TopComment was introduced. I follow the vote trail, but may have to rethink that since some comments don't necessarily align with my views and convictions. I think I'll handle voting on "good" comments in my opinion by checking out the comments that TopComment votes on and read them myself to decide whether to vote.

Check out the post:

It's good to hear you're back supporting others by valuable and insightful engagement. Take care and have a good rest of your week.



Very good, @justclickindiva. All is well here. At least as much as can reasonably be expected. Thank you for asking.

While I did decide to completely divest from Hive, it was only just recently fully completed. Many of the L2 Hive tokens have a definite "Hotel California" aspect to them - easy to get in, very challenging to get out ...

Having said that, I guess technically I am STILL not completely out. The remaining token, however, is totally illiquid. The person behind it has assured me they will let me know, if and when that changes ...

Thank you for providing this TopComment link. Now I can see why I had not heard of it, given how new it is. At least innovation continues. That is a good sign.

From here, I will be commenting from time to time. Severing the link between truly engaging with others for its own sake vs. for the sake of being "paid" is interesting ... 😉 Hahaha ...

All the best to you! 🫡👋


Excellent idea. There was another service that popped up. CommentRewarder. It worked well for a time, but I wondered whether the commenters came because of my "excellent" content or whether to get rewarded for doing so. To check, I dropped the CR as beneficiary so that the comment flag didn't appear on my posts. Voila!

I'm also taking some profits after 5 years on chain. Apparently there are others who view this as "traitorous" activity and have decided to take action against those who indulge in such adverse actions. After all, loyalty runs runs one way, if I'm understanding those individuals correctly. Come to Hive. Bring us your content. But don't expect any decent support your opportunist! lololol

Take care.


CommentRewarder. Although I have never used it (also relatively new I think), I was aware of it and it seemed like a pretty good idea, as my understanding is that it simply "backs / reinforces" how you upvote those who comment on your post.

That is one aspect of Hive which I found to be frustrating, as I (and others) do make a sincere effort to write good comments. There are plenty of authors who simply do not EVER reward comments. At least as far as I ever experienced ... This is not personal to me, as scrolling down through the comments on these authors, they never upvote the comments of ANYONE ... And their decision has nothing to do with the threshhold below which it does not count ...

    • Case-in-point: Reading through the link you provided, I see that FriendlyMoose chose NOT to upvote the comments on his TopComments intro post ... 🤷‍♂️

I think that is a mistake, but ... To each their own ...

"I'm also taking some profits after 5 years on chain."

I am glad to hear that. I am very sorry to hear, however, if someone is downvoting your work, as a result. This "behavior management" aspect of Hive is what led to my divestiture.

Downvoting due to plagiarism, etc.? Fine? Simply to "drive" people in one way or the other? Not even close to fine AND damaging to the prospects of any investor (IMHO) ever taking the Hive blockchain seriously, since EVERYONE's stake gets hurt by this type of activity ...


The parties involved hasn't gotten around to me and others yet. But it's just so disgusting to read how they calculate their metrics. I've include here links to article you may want to peruse that validates your decision to distance yourself. At your leisure, sir, when you want to take a trip to The Twilight Zone:

This was the first foolery:

Then this:




I am grateful for the time you have taken to find these, @justclickindiva . Having now read through them, yes, sadly, they are just more evidence for why I have chosen to remove my investment from this blockchain. The best way I can characterize these types are "self appointed" which I suppose was an inevitable part of having a decentralized blockchain.

But is it really "decentralized"? In the absence of any true form of governance, where we could actually vote for our representatives based upon something other than how big their stake (how much money they have) is in the Hive blockchain, I do not see how this gets any better. Literally a (very?) small handful of people control most of what is going on ... They are effectively unaccountable to anyone else and God only knows the best way to characterize their relationships with each other ...

Please forgive me, if I have "dredged up" some unpleasant memories. I truly wanted to just let you know I appreciated your thoughtfulness this morning. Having taken money "out of the equation," I am free now to just try and support people here and there. I do value loyalty and integrity. I suppose that is what keeps me going somewhat ...


Self appointed is exactly the term for loss of a better hierarchy that no one agreed upon. Not unpleasant memories. Just a sad state of affairs if this perceived "justice squad" is allowed to flourish and new members joining are exposed to it OR, word is spread outside of the internal "foolery". I just can't understand why those self-appointed don't see the potential damage to the brand they profess to love so much.

It truly boggles the mind. Take care.



P.S. Wow ... I just scrolled up through your post here and saw something new!


That was very impressive, however you did that - "roll up" the Spanish version of your post for those who click on it.

If you would be so kind, do you have a link to a post somewhere that covers what HTML wizardry is involved? Or ?...? Whatever the details are for how that feature works?

Given how much effort is clearly involved in doing that extra step, are you finding it rewarding? I would think having a Spanish version greatly expands your potential audience!


No need to invest your valuable time to reply to this, @justclickindiva. I have figured it out using the < details > and < summary > tags in HTML. This is really a very nice "upgrade" to what we can do in publishing on the Hive blockchain!

Thanks for providing me that glimpse of what is possible! 👍👍


That wizardry I can attribute to the PeakD team. They've made several improvements to their interface.

First, the SPANISH VERSION words is actually a banner. I'll have to search for the Discord Admin that made it available to all Hive members w/o credits:


Second, look at your menu in your drafts. It's also on Comments as well. It's called "SPOILER", the 3rd Icon (two arrows facing each other) from the end. Click on it where you want info hidden in your post.


Once you click the ICON, you'll get this below:

! [Hidden Spoiler Text] This is the spoiler content.
Optionally with more lines



  1. replace the words inside the the brackets with the content you want.
  2. Remove the words outside the brackets on the same line.
  3. Remove "Optionally with more lines"
  4. The ">" is the divider between your paragraphs and keeps the text hidden.

Hope I wasn't too confusing.


Bless your heart! Thank you for this response, @justclickindiva. My upvotes are meaningless (wasted, as they are below the minimum threshold on Comments), but I have just made a reminder for myself. I will be sending you a Tip, once my 1st week's powerdown (just started this morning) is completed!


Bless YOURS! You are so welcome. And no need to reward. It's a pleasure to engage when I'm online. I take frequent rest stops and more naps. Senior citizen over here! and from the old school of thought. Do under others...

I'm breaking for supper. Talk to you later, and have a blessed rest of your day/evening/night. Take care.


🌄 Good morning, @justclickindiva!☕

Following through. Here you go!

"Senior citizen over here! and from the old school of thought. Do under others..."


P.S. If you have never been the recipient of one of Hive's encrypted messages, you open them with your message key.


Hello @roleerob. You are too kind. Thanks so much for the gift. I appreciate it. Take care and have a good rest of your week.
