Alternatives to a Catch 22 - A ZapFic 250-Word MicroFiction Based on | 26 October 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2537 | Prompt: station of the dead (estación de los muertos)



MicroFiction: A 250 word story. I'm using the word prompt "the station of the dead".

...Often, individuals are confronted with difficult situations that force them make choices. Sometimes their livelihood is as stake; other times, their lives. When it comes to a person's health and happiness, what must be done is to consider the consequences of certain actions, then make appropriate decisions based on adjustments. Sometimes decisions are difficult.

For my theme, I was inspired by and utilized the @daily.prompt's publishing of 26 october 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2537: the station of the dead.

Below is my story:


Four miscreants lean against the graffiti-lined storefront they helped deface that stood opposite the transit stop Harriett must visit. She depends upon this particular stop that's a block from her apartment for her livelihood to and from her employment. Safety is ever present as she secures her home and begins the trek.

Another stop, although safer, isn't an option. Walking an additional four blocks isn't only painful on her arthritic knees, but inconvenient. She sits on the bench hoping for a timely arrival, all the while hugging her purse close, praying the few fare tokens won't be hijacked.

Harriett is fearful the gang will accost her physically., so she waits anxiously before daybreak.

The neighborhood convenience store clerk acts as a lookout assuring her safety until the lone security guard arrives to protect his employee's premises.. The gang's indifference to flashing signs advising that loitering isn't allowed is evident.

Despite Harriett's nagging fear, she has no choice. In two days rent is due.

Though she can't identify individual members' faces, she can decipher their familiar, menacing voices as if plotting their next victim.

There's an eerie and somber air here. Death and destruction lurks, for the transit stop's nickname is "the station of the dead".

She shivers, not from the crisp morning air, but from thoughts she may not arrive at work today.

Oh, how I wish more riders took this route, she cries silently.

The transit appears, interrupting her thoughts.

Relieved, she hurriedly boards.

But tomorrow is another day.



! [Alternatives to a Catch 22]

Microficción: Relato de 250 palabras escrito a partir de la palabra "estación de los muertos".

...A menudo, las personas se enfrentan a situaciones difíciles que les obligan a tomar decisiones. A veces está en juego su sustento; otras, su vida. Cuando se trata de la salud y la felicidad de una persona, lo que hay que hacer es considerar las consecuencias de determinadas acciones, y luego tomar las decisiones adecuadas en función de los ajustes. A veces las decisiones son difíciles.

Para mi tema, me inspiré y utilicé la publicación de @daily.prompt de 26 october 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2537: the station of the dead.

A continuación mi historia.


Alternativas a un callejón sin salida


Cuatro malhechores se apoyan en el escaparate cubierto de grafitis que ayudaron a pintarrajear frente a la parada de transporte público que Harriett debe visitar. Depende de esta parada en concreto, situada a una manzana de su apartamento, para ir y volver de su trabajo. La seguridad está siempre presente cuando asegura su casa y emprende el viaje.

Otra parada, aunque más segura, no es una opción. Caminar cuatro manzanas más no sólo es doloroso para sus rodillas artríticas, sino también incómodo. Se sienta en el banco con la esperanza de que lleguen a tiempo, mientras aprieta el bolso y reza para que no le roben las pocas monedas que le quedan.

Harriett teme que la banda la acose físicamente, por lo que espera ansiosa a que amanezca.

El dependiente de la tienda del barrio hace de vigía para garantizar su seguridad hasta que llega el único guardia de seguridad para proteger el local de su empleada. La indiferencia de la banda ante las señales que advierten de que está prohibido merodear es evidente.

A pesar del persistente temor de Harriett, no tiene elección. Dentro de dos días debe pagar el alquiler.

Aunque no puede identificar los rostros de ninguno de los miembros, puede descifrar sus voces familiares y amenazadoras, como si estuvieran tramando su próxima víctima.

Aquí se respira un aire inquietante y sombrío. La muerte y la destrucción acechan, ya que el apodo de la parada de tránsito es "la estación de los muertos ».

Tiembla, no por el aire fresco de la mañana, sino por pensar que quizá hoy no llegue al trabajo.

Oh, cómo me gustaría que más viajeros tomaran esta ruta, llora en silencio.

El tránsito aparece, interrumpiendo sus pensamientos.

Aliviada, se apresura a subir.

Pero mañana será otro día.


The screenshot at evidences my use of exactly 250 words to create my ZapFic250.

La captura de pantalla en evidencia mi uso de exactamente 250 palabras para crear mi ZapFic250.



Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.



a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



Security may be very present, but fear is also always more present, especially in the kind of areas you describe. However, I really liked that the store clerk was also very aware of the security.

wow the name of the station is congruent with the area of crooks, and she alone, I think if she cried silently for the terrifying fear she might have had while waiting.



You are correct @lanzjoseg in that no matter how well protected one may be lead to feel, the internal fear and anxiety is greater because one knows first hand the danger posed.

I appreciate your visit and analysis of my story. Thanks so much for the engagement, and take care. Have a good rest of your week.
