Eye of the Beholders (Short Story) | Mixed Media Art Project

Eye of the Beholders
There were six. Good friends they were since primary academy. The private institution for young, aspiring females. Reserved beauties their culture praised as examples of the perfect role models. Reared for leadership. Never questioning their fate life held in store. Obedient, they frolicked among the verdant gardens before pausing for brunch. The delicacies served were a right they assumed would remain in their possession throughout adulthood.
It was the hour of their sixteenth year after creation they discovered that the lifestyle they enjoyed came at a considerable price. And not one of them realized that payment was now due.
The Supreme Leader, in all his glory and wisdom, summoned Ethelma, Dilorez, Adlena, Michella, Breanda, and Jacylene. In ninety days, their acclimation process would begin. Their carefree naive existence had come to an end.
Given their assigned study binder materials, each sat quietly in the auditorium holding their collective breaths until they could no longer do so.
The Supreme Leader finally ended his speech.
Only then did each glance from one end of the row to the other, hoping to comprehend what the Supreme Leader expected of them. The only clarity they observed was the frowns on each other's faces confirming the cloud of confusion that spread over them.
Let's not panic until we learn our fate, they all registered telepathically. Each opened an envelope inside the packet. Numbers had been assigned that corresponded to the images of males showcased in their individual material.
"What does this mean?" Dilorez, cheeks blushing, whispered.
"In three months, we'll be forced to enter the program and assigned to these males counterparts. For eternity! They will control every aspect of our lives. We will be theirs to command in addition to the Supreme Council." Ethelma, the oldest of the six by only a few minutes and able to analyze complex information, bristled as she relayed the initial findings she gleaned from the report.
"Oh, dear" was all mild-mannered Adlena could think to say.
That day, the six young women rushed from the auditorium and hid among the lush gardens; confusion among peacefulness, a sense of betrayal dawning, but not fully understanding how their lives would forever be affected.
Each passing day, the pressure mounted. Once their names were released, citizens rejoiced in the young ladies' good fortune. Friendly nods and smiles, even jubilant displays of dancing and clapping occurred whenever the young ladies were escorted from their facility to local events. The adulation was overwhelming, but mostly annoying as the realization dawned on them the duties to be imposed on behalf of society.
They'd soon discover the plan. But first, they had to accept the mate chosen on their behalf.
The male opposites who they'd spend the rest of eternity. Incensed, Ethelma debated whether the males were given a choice. Definitely, she concluded, after she finished the report. The unfairness sunk deeper dragging irritation along.
Ethelma paced the hall leading to their rooms. All in her years, she never connected the series of numbers on the doors. From food, to wardrobe, to activities, every item in their daily lives were sequenced, consisting of numbers associated with their assigned rooms. How they knew which items to choose, she didn't remember.
She only knew that now the choices felt uncomfortable.

Thirty days passed. During that time, Ethelma worked in secret gathering information from the various assigned numbers. Deciphering the sequences, the results revealed coordinates that led her to a nearby unidentified secured compound for years she and her friends had dismissed. Before she set out on her journey, she disconnected her thoughts from the others; the result of a gut feeling prompted this.
She returned unharmed and immediately relayed a meeting request. Not by telepathic means. If all in their lives were ordered, someone or something must be controlling them. We must operate under the radar, she deduced.
"The Supreme Leader's meeting goes exponentially beyond assigning us a mate. The packet of information was merely a cover for our true purpose in life." Ethelma exposed the images captured on the device.
She then described the warehouse and the equipment used to produce her and her friends. Aghast, the others fell silent at the knowledge they didn't belong to their assigned parents.
This place with our immaculate gardens and luxury lifestyle is known as The Oasis of Purity Conservatory. Our only purpose in living is to fulfill the desires of the males who paid handsomely for the Supreme Leader's service.
Wringing hands. Covering mouths. Clutching objects. Bouncing feet. Rising repeatedly hands touching the face. Glancing furtively around the room as if an invisible presence lurked. And others, whimpering in thick and unsteady voices as sweat made dark circles under their eyes.
All except Ethelma. She stood with venom blazing in her eyes. A splash of anger crossed her eyes as she scoured the room, checking the reaction from each.
Silence lingered. What appeared as a veil being lifted pervaded the room.
"You discovered all this alone? Weren't you frightened?" Adlena stammered, unsure of what other question to ask.
"I wasn't alone. I solicited Jeraldo's assistance. I'll divulge more when additional information is located." Ethelma smiled as she spoke his name.
"Who's that?" Dilorez blurted. "I didn't see his name in your packet of materials." With a stern glance from Ethelma, she hung her head and remained quiet.
The meeting ended.

An hour later, Dilorez quietly approached Ethelma's room. Once inside, they locked the door. After learning more details, curious, she implored, "how do you know you can trust his male?
"Because he's not one of us. He's from the outside. I've been corresponding with him in secret for a while. He's provided me valuable information about the Supreme Leader and this society we live in. I confirmed it." Ethelma's firm tone and authoritative voice temporarily calmed Dilorez.
But still, the concept was foreign. "The outside of what?" she queried, now totally confused, Dilorez shook her head violently.
"The perimeter," she explained with confidence. *"With the help of information from Jeraldo, I discovered there's a barrier around us that we can't see. No one who lives here can?"
"Nonsense," Dilorez shouted before Ethelma covered her mouth. "This male is just filling your head with false information. What is his interest in you?; Us? our situation? And how do you know he's not working with the Supreme Leader?" A shadow of repressed knowledge seemed to lift from Dilorez as the questions rolled off her tongue.
"Jeraldo showed me an image of the world outside our gardens. I believe him. Besides, he desires to help in our situation with the males. He suggested a dating app."
"A what? How is that thing going to help our situation? We need to escape from this place." Dilorez wrung her hands, visibly shaken.
"Look. Jeraldo said that all we need do is sign up, then submit our photo and dating profiles. He showed me instructions on a device that connects people everywhere. Then males outside the perimeter will take us away from this place."
Ludicrous, Dilorez surmised as she voiced her questions. "Where is everywhere, and who are these individuals other than the people we know? How are they going to find us if we're invisible to the outside? And finally, aren't we just swapping one male for the other? Won't they seek to control us also?"
A myriad of other questions followed; all of which Ethelma hadn't considered. But she trusted Jeraldo. And she knew one thing. This time, the choice of partner would be theirs alone.
The next thirty days was upon them. Ethelma, together with Dilorez gathered the other four friends.
Seeing Dilorez was onboard, all were eager to learn a fate other than that commanded by the Supreme Leader was at their disposal. Excited, they met in the garden seeking the most dense spot where Jeraldo waited.
All gaped at Jeraldo. What manner of male was this? they wondered, as his six-foot frame towered over them. A rugged, ruddy square but handsome face, unlike the ones in their material packets, smiled at them. He looked at ease in the garden among the greenery. Ethelma cleared her throat for attention to the pressing matter at hand.
Jeraldo assisted each in signing up to the dating app. He photographed them, then uploaded their images to their Profiles. But the most important part remained. Their choice of males that would take them away from the Supreme Leader and the place they viewed as home would be theirs alone.
Adlena's pulse raced as the image of her adventurous partner scrolled past here before she paused the photo. What was that contraption he was riding?
Dilorez chose swiftly. A reserved countenance with deep set blue eyes intrigued her. She gagged at Adlena's choice. Spikes on his head! Oh well, she thought.
Michella was about to give up. The prince she'd read in the books assigned them wasn't on the app. How was she to find her mate? Jeraldo stepped in. He looked deeply into her eyes, then took the device and located a male. She smiled, then hugged Jeraldo.
Breanda and Jacylene took their turns. Dark and foreboding compared to a pensive look with adorned with eyewear. Satisfied with their choices, they returned the device to Jeraldo.
He turned and handed the device to Ethelma. She refused, then looked deeply into Jeraldo's eyes. He returned the sentiment.
All friends giggled with excitement. How different their reaction when sitting in the auditorium after opening their packets to see who they were assigned to. Now all they had to do was wait for a response. Gaiety overtook them as they chided each other for their choice of mates.
Ethelma reminded them how lucky they were to be freed from a life of servitude. "Remember that freedom is a right, not a privilege to be thankful for. And, most importantly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Never allow anyone to ridicule you for your choice. They don't have to look at them each day!"
All friends laughed as they waited, hoping their Profile responses would be positive.
The night before the end of the ninety days.
As promised, Jeraldo waited at the edge of the garden, his lantern flickering low. Not only did he keep his promise, but also he returned with a parting gift. He handed each a liquid to drink. It would clear their thoughts, he assured. The Supreme Leader would no longer be able to track them. But they must hurry before the night ends.
Ethelma began.
"We thank you, Jeraldo, for our freedom. Now, to us as friends. If the Supreme Leader couldn't separate us, let's not allow our choice of mates to do so. Let's celebrate our independence. In all things. Although we resemble each other, we must remember that we're different internally. Besides," she continued in her usually logical deductions, "if we discover our choice isn't to our liking in the future, we can choose another."
All laughed and hugged each other acknowledging this and rejoicing in the fact that their mates accepted them for their differences. Their future away from The Oasis of Purity Conservatory lay ahead.
Jeraldo pointed to a dim light in the distance beyond the gardens. As it approached the road, under the cover of darkness, they quietly and quickly climbed into the vehicle with their small cases.
Jeraldo kept watch as the ladies disappeared into the night. All except Ethelma.
She waved goodbye. Her decision to remain with Jeraldo wasn't a difficult one. With the information uncovered, they vowed to seek out other facilities and hopefully convince and free females held in bondage by the Supreme Leader.
Once the facility discovered the females were missing and the deceit, their lives would be in danger. She cared not. Jeraldo was at her side.
With somber yet jubilant faces, the ladies forged ahead. The new country and their mates lay to the west. Holding photos in their hands, they raised them high as the images glowed in the mellow sunset just over the horizon.

In preparing my theme, I lent heavily on my previously designed stable diffusion images, several of which fit perfectly with my theme exploring different types of male personas. I utilized them as the men on the dating app. The last diffusion image was used as a sky feature representing the moon.
StarryAI | StarryAI | StarryAI | StarryAI | StarryAi | StarryAI |
Text Input: "Dr. Strange in his glory throwing fireballs" | Text input: "African King." | Text Input: Bald man, humongous head and spikes coming out of his head in a dystopian city where vines have overrun the streets. | Text Input: Blue velvet in a world on fire in the universe. | Text Input: "Beast in the style of Jackson Pollock. Hyperrealism" | Text input: "Glowing Xmas Moon; sparkling stars inside." |
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Other images I included in my project were of flowers and a vintage mural where I placed the male images. One of my pure fractal flowers rounded out the accompanying images.
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Item | Contributor | Source |
Jupiter | Pixabay | Link |
Vintage constellation sky | Pixabay | Link |
Women | Pixabay | Link |
Man | Pixabay | Link |
Man with spiked haircut | PxFuel | Link |
Book in sky | Pixabay | Link |
Pink Flower | Pixabay | Link |
Yellow Flowers | Pixabay | Link |
Mannequin | Contributed to the #LIL by @mballesteros | Link |
Small elongated mushroom | Contributed to the #LIL by @borjan | Link |
Paper flower | Contributed to the #LIL by @seckorama | Link |
Pure Fractal titled "Flower - Julian Special" | @justclickindiva | Link |

I then utilized Canva to blend the different type images. Below are my steps in which I begin with a blank, white canvas, then added layers of elements, removing backgrounds, resizing, and repositioning items as needed incorporating the tools at my disposal in my Annual Pro Membership Subscription.
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Below is my completed project:

Thanks for your visit. I appreciate it. I hope you like my mixed media art project.

a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding.
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.Hey @justclickindiva, here is a little bit of
from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.
Oh, this collage looks incredible! And the story, too. Thanks for using my LIL image!
Hello @seckorama. Your #LIL images are a must to take my projects over the top. I love including them, so thanks for your contributions. I'm pleased you liked my story as well as the collage. I appreciate your kind compliment and support.
Take care.
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tokens.@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @seckorama and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (4/20 calls)
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The image is terrifying, because somehow the faces are beautiful, but those heridad change the perspectives of beauty, in another tonic every time I read the title of The Supreme Leader, my mind thought of North Korea and the president of Venezuela, both as terrifying as the image of the woman in the middle, also the story in conclusion is a form of slavery of women.
I found it to be a story with Instagram, Facebook and tinder, a combination of all three.
My heroes are Ethelma and Jeraldo.
Even in a fantasy world such as where the woman were bred for the pleasure of men, the women gain a sense of human nature and reject their plight. You are correct @lanzjoseg about the underlying application of oppression. For those vulnerable, the cycle will continue until there is enough of them to rise up with a power they didn't know they possessed.
The key is discovering how the oppression is managed to be able to address it. In this fantasy setting, uncovering the truth about ones self in order to correct the future. Your interpretation is spot on with my intention mixed with the individuality of each humanoid.
Thanks so much for your visit and analysis. I appreciate your engagement and support. Take care and have a good start to your week.
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tokens.@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @lanzjoseg and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (6/20 calls)
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That story is a creativity avalanche @justclickindiva. And the story is gripping... I wonder the name off the app. I hope the girls find their freedom with or without the a mate. Where does the names come from? And do you have assigned characters on the girls in the collage especially who is the middle one, eyes has fallen? Maybe Ethelma? Because her attention is guided by Jeraldo to the world outside?
No assigned names. They are resemble each other and were all bred the same for the men who paid for them, but something went awry because they ended up having different personalities. I gave them names so they could speak separately.
Thanks so much for your visit. I appreciate your analysis and engagement. Take care.
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tokens.@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @m1alsan and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (1/20 calls)
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Very nice story setup.
I'm so pleased you liked my story @m1alsan. I appreciate it and your visit. Take care.
I love the background of your collage, those mysterious figures, and the center connects everything, like a source of energy, they also have a touch of terror, mystery, and accompanied by a story, Incredible @justclickindiva
Wow, thanks so much @eve66. I love that you gleaned all the above elements from my theme. I was hoping for mystery while each looks the same, but slightly different. Yes, their story is one of women's struggles throughout the ages and into the future if circumstances don't change.
I appreciate your visit and lovely compliment for my project and story. Thanks for the engagement and support. Take care.
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tokens.@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @eve66 and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (2/20 calls)
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@justclickindiva, I paid out 0.388 HIVE and 0.089 HBD to reward 6 comments in this discussion thread.