RE: Celebrating Christmas My Way | Let's Make A Collage Round 221 (Entry #1)

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Yes, perfect placeholders. Each signifying a break from tradition.

The feeling of freedom unleashed. Going against the "norm" instilled in your early upbringing. Being inspired in different ways, especially your outlook about the small and important issues of your surroundings and expanded to the world at large. Decorating a small potted plan in lieu of purchasing expensive pines and firs. Opting for a fun vacation, etc. instead of the traditional in whatever culture. Visiting the sick and shut-in; a charitable event either alone or in a group sharing instead of receiving gifts.

And, being satisfied with your decisions. Then plan to do something even more spectacular or quieter or different on the next occasion.

I appreciate you taking time to stop by and view my collage. Your analysis extracted the meaning behind my theme...feeling like stirring the imagination and attempting something different. Can you imagine eating hamburgers, french fries and a large drink for Christmas dinner, then going to the park? "Gotta luv it" was all I could say when an extended family member told me about their day.

Take care and have a good rest of your week.
