Sins of the Father | ZAPFIC50 Based on Freewrite: 11/15/24 | Prompt: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Source provided by @freewritehouse
Welcome back to my freewrite prompt story for this week's A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words. The photo that is the subject of the story spoke to me about a situation about to unfold. Whether it's pleasant or unpleasant remains to be unveiled.
Describe what you see.
A lovely table setting beginning with the first cup of coffee in matching serving ware. A rose-colored small candle rests next to the cup. A freshly cut rose flower with short stem surrounds the cup. Two wrapped dinner wafers round out the coffee.
Describe what you feel.
Elegant and enticing, I can smell the aroma of the frothed coffee. A pleasant dining experience awaits. The rose suggests a future loved one is expected to join the host.
Her name is Rosella; lovingly referred to as "Rose". A young girl not more than eighteen. She anxiously waits on the man she's loved for several years. Finally, the day has arrived. But tonight, a celebration with other important family. Although her own family had voiced their disapproval, she forges ahead with her plans to marry, saddened her father wasn't a part of her life.
Rose plans a quiet meeting with her fiance and future father-in-law.
Write a story or poem about what you think is going on. I leave with you my story below for: A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 11/15/24.

You're too late. The ceremony is tomorrow." Jonah flashed a grin.
Extracting his weapon, Matthew hesitated.
"You should've confessed your infidelity, dad!"
Matthew felled his son with one silent shot.
Through the window, the candle flickered beside the coffee.
Rose waited anxiously to celebrate with her fiance and his father.

Image used with permission of contest owner

For your convenience, I have included below a Spanish translation from DeepL for "Sins of the Father" - Freewrite: 11/15/24 | Prompt: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.
! [Sins of the Father]
SourcePecados del Padre
Bienvenidos de nuevo a mi historia de libre escritura para Una imagen vale más que mil palabras de esta semana. La foto que es el tema de la historia me habló de una situación a punto de desarrollarse. Queda por desvelar si es agradable o desagradable.
Describe lo que ves.
Una mesa preciosa, empezando por la primera taza de café en una vajilla a juego. Una pequeña vela de color rosa descansa junto a la taza. Una flor de rosa recién cortada con tallo corto rodea la taza. Dos barquillos envueltos completan el café.Describe lo que sientes.
Elegante y tentador, puedo oler el aroma del café espumoso. Me espera una agradable experiencia gastronómica. La rosa sugiere que un futuro ser querido se unirá al anfitrión.Su nombre es Rosella; cariñosamente llamada «Rose». Una joven de no más de dieciocho años. Espera ansiosa al hombre que ama desde hace varios años. Por fin ha llegado el día. Pero esta noche, una celebración con otra familia importante. Aunque su propia familia ha expresado su desaprobación, ella sigue adelante con sus planes de casarse, entristecida porque su padre no forme parte de su vida.
Rose planea una reunión tranquila con su prometido y futuro suegro.
Escribe una historia o un poema sobre lo que crees que está pasando. Os dejo mi historia a continuación para: Una imagen vale más que mil palabras - 15/11/24.
Llegas demasiado tarde. La ceremonia es mañana». Jonah esbozó una sonrisa.
Extrayendo su arma, Matthew vaciló.
«¡Deberías haber confesado tu infidelidad, papá!».
Matthew derribó a su hijo de un disparo silencioso.
A través de la ventana, la vela parpadeaba junto al café.
Rose esperaba ansiosa la celebración con su prometido y el padre de éste.

a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
@pixresteemer(1/5) tipped @justclickindiva
Winters have come, now all the time I want to drink tea and this is the only cure for cold.
I also love tea in the cooler weather. It soothes my throat when it's scratchy. Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate it.
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tokens.@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @djbravo and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (1/20 calls)
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The photo is great.
It makes me think of my wife, first of all because she loves the ceph as much as I do, and secondly because she loves roses.
I will be participating soon.
Yes, Freewritehouse provided a lovely photo from which writers can compose a story. The rose flower can conjure up sweet memories. Thanks so much for your visit. I appreciate it. Take care
Me pareció entender que la historia es que el padre se presenta un dia antes del matrimonio del hijo a decirle que le fue infiel a su madre y que fruto de esa infidelidad nació un niña. No se pueden casar. Son hermanos ¿Es así la historia?
Eso es lo que yo llamo escribir una historia muy larga con solo pocas frases. Le felicito. Gracias por compartir. Éxito en el concurso.
I seemed to understand that the story is that the father shows up one day before the son's marriage to tell him that he was unfaithful to his mother and that as a result of that infidelity a girl was born. They can't get married. They are brothers. Is that how the story goes?
That's what I call writing a very long story with just a few sentences. I congratulate you. Thanks for sharing. Success in the contest.
That's exactly what happened. If the father would have been forthcoming with his family, and especially the daughter from an affair, the two young adults would never have embarked on a relationship. However, it seems that the son discovered this and went ahead with the relationship for whatever twisted reason. Perhaps to punish the father.
In any event, the father finally stood up. Whether he was justified in killing his son to prevent this, only he has to account for it. The story appears that he had no other choice. The father's original sin put into motion the events that culminated a son dead and a daughter that will be devastated without knowing why.
Sad state of affairs that too often play out on real life scenarios. Thanks so much for your visit and analysis. You were spot on in your interpretation. Take care and have a good rest of your week.
Eso es exactamente lo que ocurrió. Si el padre hubiera sido sincero con su familia, y especialmente con la hija de una aventura, los dos jóvenes adultos nunca se habrían embarcado en una relación. Sin embargo, parece que el hijo lo descubrió y siguió adelante con la relación por cualquier retorcida razón. Tal vez para castigar al padre.
En cualquier caso, el padre finalmente se plantó. Si estaba justificado matar a su hijo para evitarlo, sólo él tiene que responder de ello. La historia parece que no tenía otra opción. El pecado original del padre puso en marcha los acontecimientos que culminaron con un hijo muerto y una hija que quedará destrozada sin saber por qué.
Triste situación que se repite con demasiada frecuencia en escenarios reales. Muchas gracias por tu visita y análisis. Has dado en el clavo en tu interpretación. Cuídate y que tengas un buen resto de semana.
Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor
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tokens.@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @luisfe and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (8/20 calls)
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It is good. Thanks, @justclickindiva and @ladytoken for your support. Blessings.
You are welcome. Take care.
Nice writing for the prompt.b
Hello @marriot5464. I appreciate you stopping by. Thanks for your lovely compliment for my flash story. I appreciate it.
Take care.
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tokens.@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @marriot5464 and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (4/20 calls)
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Oh no ... the sister and brother are engaged because the dad ... oh no ... and this does happen more often than we like to think ... the sins of the father roll on!
Yes indeed. And it seems the son is perfectely fine with carrying on his dad's misdeeds. More often than is admitted to, this occurrece happened often decades ago in small country rural environmets where, if one cares to dig deep enough, everyone is related to everyone else closer than six degrees.
Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate your engagement and support. Take care.
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tokens.@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @deeanndmathews and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (4/20 calls)
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Interestingly, Eleanor Ludlow and Velma Trent in rural Lofton County innocently have a conversation about what they know about their own families along this line today ... my own family has some branches affected by this as well!
As does many others if they pull back the rug...
@justclickindiva, I paid out 0.451 HIVE and 0.104 HBD to reward 6 comments in this discussion thread.
Interesting trio... Uh duo
Certainly is interesting all because of the adulterous father. Thanks for your visit.
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tokens.@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @freewritehouse and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (1/20 calls)
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