The Opportunity of a Lifetime or Just A Brave Soul? | 26 January 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2263 | Prompt: let it bleed (déjalo sangrar)

The midday air was chocked with tension mixed with dread. Townspeople raced back and forth as crowds gathered to witness the horrific scene. They gathered in pubs to watch on big screen television. They gathered in the safety of their homes to analyze the situation. They gathered in alleyways a distance away from the scene. And they gathered, huddled together, at the site of the 50-foot crane clinging onto the burning skyscraper surrounded by injured workers whose lives hung in the balance.
Onlookers, mostly family members of the men trapped on top of the building, cried out in anger and fright for not only their loved ones, but all workers' safe return. Fingers pointed as suspicions whispered in the crowd conjectured that the situation should never have escalated to this level.
It was only a matter of time, they all agreed.
Of the few brave men in their town, six construction workers new to the building industry stepped forward and eagerly raised their hands and volunteer to assist in the rescue efforts. Their objectives, as explained by experts, were to aid in any capacity the experienced rescuers should they need backup.
Included in the six workers was Damian Howard. A young man of twenty. Although his tenure with the company was short, his degree qualified him as a capable volunteer.
The moment he raised his hand to volunteer, Marsha his fiance who had arrived on the scene after learning of the disaster, frowned and shook her head violently. What was he thinking, she cried silently. We're to be married in a few months. Why would he jeopardize our life together for this dangerous mission? With a a heavy heart, she stared at his determined face.
Dangerous as the mission presented itself, another group of men nearby who were strong but didn't consider themselves brave enough to venture to the top of the building, stepped forward to assist at ground level.
Billowing smoke filled the air. The time was imminent to gather all helpers and take action as emergency crews arrived.
Damian hadn't realized it, but falling debris while working at the site earlier had already slightly injured his right arm. Marsha noticed the blood and grabbed his arm. She swung him around, facing her.
"Look, you're already injured. Please don't do any more. Surely, you can help with ground services?" She watched as sweat poured down his face. His eyes glazed over, he winced as she touched the long gash. Blood trickled down his arm.
She ran to her car and returned with a personal first aid kit. Handing him a bandage, she fumbled for ointment.
"No time for that. It'll be fine. I've got to go."
She jerked her head as he tossed it to the ground. "Are you just going to let it bleed? It might get infected. Think about your job. You're still on probation."
"You don't understand. It's my only opportunity to show my fearless side. I may get a permanent position." He didn't want to say, To hell with the job. Those workers are in danger, and nothing will stop me from helping.
"I won't allow you to risk your life and our future." Marsha was taken aback by his puzzled look.
"Look, Darling. Living live is a risk. I don't think that's the type of man you'd want to live the rest of your life with who backed down from helping others in need."
Damian kissed her forehead, then rushed to join the rescue.
Marsha vowed not to leave until Damian returned to her. She stood with hands clasped to her breast, praying for his safety and that of all the workers.
Anxious for his safety, she was fearful, yet proud.

For my theme, I was inspired by and utilized the @daily.prompt's publishing of 26 January 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2263: let it bleed.

! [The Opportunity of a Lifetime Spanish Translation]
Source¿La oportunidad de su vida o sólo un alma valiente?
El aire del mediodía estaba cargado de tensión mezclada con pavor. La gente del pueblo corría de un lado a otro mientras la multitud se congregaba para presenciar la horrible escena. Se reunieron en los bares para verlo en la gran pantalla de televisión. Se reunieron en la seguridad de sus hogares para analizar la situación. Se reunieron en callejones alejados del lugar de los hechos. Y se reunieron, apiñados, en el lugar donde la grúa de 15 metros se aferraba al rascacielos en llamas, rodeada de trabajadores heridos cuyas vidas pendían de un hilo.
Los espectadores, en su mayoría familiares de los hombres atrapados en lo alto del edificio, gritaban de rabia y miedo no sólo por sus seres queridos, sino por el regreso sano y salvo de todos los trabajadores. Los dedos señalaban con el dedo mientras las sospechas susurradas entre la multitud conjeturaban que la situación nunca debería haber llegado a este nivel.
Todos estaban de acuerdo en que sólo era cuestión de tiempo.
De los pocos valientes que había en su ciudad, seis obreros de la construcción recién llegados al sector dieron un paso al frente y, con entusiasmo, levantaron la mano y se ofrecieron voluntarios para ayudar en las labores de rescate. Sus objetivos, según explicaron los expertos, eran ayudar en lo que fuera necesario a los rescatadores experimentados en caso de que necesitaran refuerzos.
Entre los seis trabajadores se encontraba Damian Howard. Un joven de veinte años. Aunque llevaba poco tiempo en la empresa, su titulación le cualificaba como
En el momento en que levantó la mano para ofrecerse voluntario, Marsha, su prometida, que había llegado al lugar tras enterarse de la catástrofe, frunció el ceño y sacudió violentamente la cabeza. ¿En qué estaba pensando?, exclamó en silencio. Nos vamos a casar dentro de unos meses. ¿Por qué iba a poner en peligro nuestra vida en común por esta peligrosa misión? Con el corazón encogido, miró fijamente su rostro decidido.
Tan peligrosa como se presentaba la misión, otro grupo de hombres cercanos que eran fuertes pero no se consideraban lo bastante valientes como para aventurarse hasta lo alto del edificio, se adelantaron para ayudar a nivel del suelo.
El aire se llenó de humo. Era inminente el momento de reunir a todos los ayudantes y entrar en acción mientras llegaban los equipos de emergencia.
Damian no se había dado cuenta, pero los escombros que le habían caído mientras trabajaba en el lugar le habían herido ligeramente en el brazo derecho. Marsha notó la sangre y le agarró el brazo. Lo giró hacia ella.
"Mira, ya estás herido. Por favor, no hagas más. Seguro que puedes ayudar con los servicios de tierra ". Vio cómo le corría el sudor por la cara. Con los ojos vidriosos, se estremeció cuando ella le tocó la larga herida. La sangre le corría por el brazo.
Corrió a su coche y volvió con un botiquín personal. Le entregó una venda y buscó a tientas una pomada.
"No hay tiempo para eso. No pasa nada. Tengo que irme".
Ella sacudió la cabeza cuando él la tiró al suelo. *"¿Vas a dejar que sangre? Podría infectarse. Piensa en tu trabajo. Aún estás a prueba".
"No lo entiendes. Es mi única oportunidad de mostrar mi lado intrépido. Puede que consiga un puesto fijo". No quería decir: *Al diablo con el trabajo. Esos trabajadores están en peligro, y nada me impedirá ayudar.
"No permitiré que arriesgues tu vida y nuestro futuro " Marsha se sorprendió ante su mirada de desconcierto.
"Mira, cariño. Vivir es un riesgo. No creo que sea el tipo de hombre con el que querrías vivir el resto de tu vida que se echara atrás a la hora de ayudar a otros necesitados".
Damian le besó la frente y corrió a unirse al rescate.
Marsha juró no marcharse hasta que Damian volviera con ella. Se quedó de pie con las manos entrelazadas contra el pecho, rezando por su seguridad y la de todos los trabajadores.
Ansiosa por su seguridad, estaba temerosa, pero orgullosa.
Para mi tema, me inspiré y utilicé la publicación de @daily.prompt de: 26 January 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2263: let it bleed.

a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.
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.Hey @justclickindiva, here is a little bit of
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Whenever the weather is like this, the clouds are visible and the sky is visible, it is a very special sight.
While reading the article it was like, what will happen next. Hope the caring Marsha and daring Damian united atlast. Nice write up.
I hope there are united again also and Damian is helpful in the rescue. He seems like a brave soul by his desire and his actions. I can understand Marsha's hesitation due to the dangerous situation. They are engaged, so I hope all works out for them.
Thanks so much for your visit and kind compliment. I appreciate it, your engagement, and support. Take care.
My heart palpitated with fear reading this post, trading places with Marsha, I wouldn't let him leave me. I would keep thinking, "What if something happened to him?".
But Damian is so brave and I'm so proud of him, I pray he returns safely to his love.
A very powerful and emotional read.
Yes, you are right. I don't know if I would be selfish and want to keep him to myself alive and well for our wedding. But then, I'd have to think...we could have gone home and on the way, some horrific accident occurred and took him from me. Just as Damian hinted to her that life is not guaranteed.
Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your kind compliment for my story. I appreciate it, your support and engagement. Take care.
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