Minding your business is the best policy.

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Before I start,pls never try to advice the people or someone in love as it may lead to problems for you.

Now,there is one of my roomates whose parents is rich and he has alot of money on him.

So yeah,he met this girl through one of our friends and he decided to invite her , where he bought her chicken and chips as well as drinks and all. After series of conversations and gifts, she felt he was serious with her and she decided to date him.

This boy normally sends her money alot of times, sometimes he sends her money just because she is beautiful and that's all.

He even went as far,as telling lies to his parents about the school going on vacation just to lodge this girl in an hotel in another city far from our school where he bought her expensive bags ,shoes ,wigs, took her out to expensive eateries and all.

He was always taking care of this girl but based off the things we saw ,we felt the love was kind of one sided and she wasn't reciprocating the love he thought he was given her.

Now, I and my other friends as boys sat him down and told him to probably reduce the money she gives her and that we feel she doesn't really love him and all of that because how can a girl be demanding almost 66.9$ from you every month all in the name of love.

We felt the love was transcational and that she was just dating him and staying in the relationship because of the money she was getting from him.

I don't know what my problem was that I decided to join them in advising this boy. After that time,he started feeling as if we were jealous of him because we were single and that was why we told him these things ,he began giving us a different vibe and sometimes don't share some vital informations with us.

Now,there was a day we went to watch football on the school field,he was in one of the football teams and the his girl was there to watch him play, so she was chatting with our friend that was very close to him ,when she made a statement and said "this boy said we won't last ,he shouldn't worry we will last long and spend more years together".

I was so shocked and pissed off when I heard this as that conversation was even a joke ,you now went as far as telling that to your girl. I never believed he could stoop so low. This has made our relationship a bit shaky and we are not like the way we used to be.

Ever since he told her she has been getting into his head and has been telling him to reduce the way he vibes with us , walk with us as friends and share things with us.

I actually regret interferring in this boys business and advising him on what I felt was going wrong. I have left him to do what pleases him and at the end of the day, what will be,will be.

I have learnt to always mind the business that pays me and never try to interfere in people's relationships even if the person is a close friend of mine.

"Minding your business is the best policy" ,when you mind your business no one will have anything to say about you,you won't be brought up in people's conversations and you will leave a stress free life. It also keeps you at peace . It also as well allows you to focus more on yourself, reduces unnecessary conflicts and fights, and allows you prioritise your own goals and responsibilities.

Make use of your time on yourself and try to be productive ,do something good and oustanding with your life and you will see that you will achieve great results.

Thanks for reading.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The worst set of people you can give advice to are people in love. They have lost all reasoning and can’t comprehend right from wrong in most cases. They are in tune to do what the other person loves and that may make you look like the enemy.
I learnt my lessons and so have you.


$66.9 a month?
Well, since we’re in the business of not advising people in love I won’t even say anything about this too
I hope they get married😂


Yeah i hope they do,i see what you did there.🤣🤣
