What did you spend too much of your time on??


Hello everyone!


Today i will be participating in the #weekend-engagement : Week 209 by @galenkp.

There have obviously been stages in a persons life where they get addicted to either bad or good habits.

Today i will be talking about something i spent far too much time doing which was "Watching Pornography".

I know this might seem very odd but i just decided to talk about it anyway. I was once a porn addict. I could remember i always watch or download porn on several sites each time i feel bored and when i am horny just to feed my sexual urge. There where even times i would stay awake from 1am to 5am just watching Pornography, and all that ever happened was i learnt different sex styles and get my boxers wet lol. Yeah, alot of people believe you must masturbate if you watch porn but i promise you i never for once masturbated. I did this for a long time before , i realised it wasn't doing me no good than me wasting my sperm unnecessarily. During this period, i noticed it had alot of negative impacts on my life.

First of all, it increased my sexual urge even more than i could imagine . Each time i meet a new girl all i think of his how to lay down and have sex with her. Sometimes, i usually feel like forcing myself on different girls and putting off their panties each time i get close to them (but i never did).

Also, it made me have more dirty boxers to wash 😂. Each time i watch porn , i always wake up with cum on my boxers ,even when i didnt watch it i still see them on my boxers each time i woke up . Do you know how crazy it is, to see a girl with a big bum and just cum on your boxers?? .That was how bad my experience with consistent watching of pornography was.

I noticed all this negative impacts it had on me,and decided to look for ways to reduce and stop it .

The first thing i did ,was delete all the porn videos i downloaded on my phone as i wouldn't be tempted to watch them.

Secondly, each time i get bored , i held myself back from visiting those porn sites and focus my attention on something more important and interesting such as as watching action movies , YouTube videos or even listening to my favourite amapiano songs to lighten up my mood.

This steps really worked for me , with time i stopped watching it fully. I hope you stop watching it too and save yourself.

Thanks for reading.

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