LOH Contest #181 || Anxiety & Depression, how to deal with them?

Reciban un cariñoso saludo mis apreciadas Damas de Hive, feliz inicio de semana para todas. Es muy grato volver a participar en el concurso semanal de la comunidad.
Ambas preguntas están sumamente interesantes y profundas, ideales para reflexionar mucho acerca de ambos temas. No obstante, he elegido responder a la pregunta número 2.
Warm greetings to all my dear ladies of Hive, happy start of the week to all of you. It is very pleasing to participate again in the weekly community quiz.
Both questions are extremely interesting and deep, ideal to reflect a lot about both topics. However, I have chosen to answer question number 2.

Esta pregunta simplemente llegó en el momento preciso, ya que justo hoy estuve pensando como podía lidiar con el sube y baja de emociones que he estado experimentando últimamente.
Ciertamente las mujeres somos mucho más propensas a sufrir de cambios en el estado de animo y a tener episodios de ansiedad y depresión. En mi opinión, creo que esto se debe a la cantidad de roles y actividades que debemos cumplir en las diferentes facetas de nuestras vidas. La mayoría de las mujeres llevamos un ritmo muy acelerado y tratamos de hacer muchas cosas a la vez de la mejor manera posible, eventualmente esto desencadena una serie de reacciones que afectan nuestra salud y nuestro estado de animo.
This question just came at the right time, as just today I was thinking about how I could deal with the ups and downs of emotions that I have been experiencing lately.
Certainly women are much more prone to mood swings and episodes of anxiety and depression. In my opinion, I believe this is due to the number of roles and activities we have to fulfill in the different facets of our lives. Most of us women have a very fast pace and try to do many things at once in the best possible way, eventually this triggers a series of reactions that affect our health and mood.

En mi caso particular, suelo experimentar pequeños episodios de ansiedad y depresión cuando estoy muy abrumada o estresada. Hace algún tiempo no era consciente de lo que me sucedía, pues estos temas no eran tan hablados como ahora.
Lo importante es que ahora puedo reconocer cuando estoy sintiendo ansiedad ante ciertas circunstancias y puedo detenerme a pensar en una salida que ayude a calmarme. No obstante, cuando se trata de momentos de tristeza y depresión, es un poco más difícil pensar en una solución, ya que mi estado de animo decae mucho y me torno un poco pesimista y negativa.
Creo que todos en algún momento pasamos por estos episodios en los que creemos que no hallaremos una salida a nuestros problemas, es algo muy humano, no obstante, lo importante es saber reconocer lo que sentimos y hacernos responsables de tal sentimiento.
Cuando dejamos de ser victimas para ser responsable, todo cambia, porque esto significa que somos dueños de lo que sentimos y que tenemos la potestad de elegir sentirnos diferentes.
In my particular case, I often experience small episodes of anxiety and depression when I am very overwhelmed or stressed. Some time ago I was not aware of what was happening to me, as these issues were not as talked about as they are now.
The important thing is that now I can recognize when I am feeling anxiety in the face of certain circumstances and can stop and think of an outlet that will help calm me down. However, when it comes to moments of sadness and depression, it is a little more difficult to think of a solution, because my mood drops a lot and I become a little pessimistic and negative.
I believe that all of us at some point go through these episodes in which we believe that we will not find a way out of our problems, it is something very human, however, the important thing is to know how to recognize what we feel and take responsibility for such a feeling.
When we stop being victims to be responsible, everything changes, because this means that we are owners of what we feel and that we have the power to choose to feel different.

Algo que me ayuda mucho a salir de estos baches emocionales, es cuestionar mis sentimientos y hacerme preguntas que me lleven al trasfondo de la situación para luego hacerme responsable.
Orar y meditar son mis más grandes herramientas que van acompañadas de oir buena música, tejer y escribir. últimamente también he anexado el dibujar garabatos y patrones ya que es una actividad que me relaja mucho.
Lo que no me ha funcionado mucho es socializar cuando estoy triste o deprimida, prefiero salir sola y hacer actividades que me permitan hacer introspección.
Something that helps me a lot to get out of these emotional bumps is to question my feelings and ask myself questions that take me to the background of the situation and then hold myself accountable.
Praying and meditating are my greatest tools that are accompanied by listening to good music, knitting and writing. Lately I have also added drawing doodles and patterns as it is an activity that relaxes me a lot.
What has not worked for me is socializing when I am sad or depressed, I prefer to go out alone and do activities that allow me to introspect.

Cada mujer es un universo diferente, pero por lo general tenemos formas de sanar similares, por eso creo que es muy importante aprender de las experiencias de otras mujeres que han logrado superar momentos de profunda depresión. Considero que cada una de nosotras tiene algo muy bonito para aportar y que cada experiencia es valiosa, por eso estoy muy agradecida con esta pregunta porque estoy segura de que todas vamos a aprender mucho esta semana.
Gracias por leer, saludos y bendiciones.
Each woman is a different universe, but in general we have similar ways of healing, so I think it is very important to learn from the experiences of other women who have managed to overcome moments of deep depression. I believe that each one of us has something very beautiful to contribute and that each experience is valuable, that is why I am very grateful with this question because I am sure that we are all going to learn a lot this week.
Thank you for reading, greetings and blessings.

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It does seem lately, that I am reading and experiencing myself, much more emotional turmoil. Whether it's labeled anxiety, depression, or just emotional, it does seem to be on the rise.
Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!
Many woman go through trying times, not revealing to family the stress or anxiety, finding a way to cope is something when talking to other woman appears to help. We are different levels of similar, thanks for sharing.
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Yes very true
During this phase sometimes it hard to believe that they can ever be light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks for sharing
The truth is, women put on the many hats, we have our days filled with activities from dawn to dusk. Work, parenting, schooling, being a wife, mother, cooking, cleaning, the list goes on and on. All of these become so overwhelming they are bound to break our backs at some point.
It is very needful we identify what exactly helps calm us down. Some may resort to talking to others, others to spend quality time at beach, engaging in fun activities and the most important, praying also helps, I know that.
When you are able to identify the things that are stress-relievers for you, you can have a more relaxed approach towards life. Because, Short term depressions and anxieties unfortunately, cannot be entirely eliminated.