LOH Contest #182 || If you love what you do, it will never be a job.

Bendecido Jueves estimadas Damas de Hive. es un placer volver a redactar para el concurso semanal de la comunidad. En esta ocasión ambas preguntas se relacionan entre sí, por lo que intentaré responder a ambas de acuerdo a mi propia experiencia personal, sin desvincular una pregunta de la otra.
Blessed Wednesday dear Ladies of Hive, it is a pleasure to write again for the weekly community quiz. This time both questions are related to each other, so I will try to answer both according to my own personal experience, without disassociating one question from the other.

Definitivamente para responder a estas preguntas debo dividir mi vida laboral en un antes y después de mi trabajo on line.
Mi anterior trabajo como docente de aula en una escuela pública en mi país, era realmente estresante y agotador, a pesar de mi vocación y disposición por la docencia. Muchas veces llegaba muy estresada a casa y no quería hablar con nadie, así mismo era mucho el trabajo que debía traer para realizar en casa. Como docentes debemos planificar contenidos, crear recursos y corregir tareas en nuestro tiempo libre, lo cual no resulta muy agradable para la mayoría.
Definitely to answer these questions I must divide my work life in a before and after my online work.
My previous job as a classroom teacher in a public school in my country was really stressful and exhausting, despite my vocation and willingness to teach. Many times I would arrive home very stressed and did not want to talk to anyone, and there was a lot of work to bring home. As teachers we have to plan content, create resources and correct assignments in our free time, which is not very pleasant for most of us.

Los años en los que estuve ejerciendo mi carrera de esta manera tradicional, me dejaron muchos aprendizajes y muy buenos recuerdos, no obstante, también provocaron que algunas de mis condiciones de salud agudizaran y afectaran mi salud en general. Tomando en consideración todos estos hechos, pudiera decir que, en esa época, no supe lidiar con el estrés del trabajo, permitiendo que ciertas situaciones afectaran mi salud y bienestar emocional, ya que el ambiente laboral no era agradable y los directivos carecían de empatía y liderazgo.
The years in which I was exercising my career in this traditional way, left me with a lot of learning and very good memories, however, also caused some of my health conditions to worsen and affect my overall health. Taking into consideration all these facts, I could say that, at that time, I did not know how to deal with the stress at work, allowing certain situations to affect my health and emotional well-being, since the work environment was not pleasant and the managers lacked empathy and leadership.

Felizmente, desde que me dedico al trabajo netamente on line, todo ha cambiado positivamente. Ya no me siento cargada de estrés y he aprendido a establecer mis horarios y mis límites. Aunque todavía ejerzo mi profesión docente como trabajo parcial, ahora lo hago de una manera mucho más agradable y eficiente gracias a la tecnología.
Trabajar on line me ha permitido explorar muchas opciones interesantes y aprender nuevas maneras de generar ingresos desde mi hogar. He tenido la oportunidad de desarrollar muchas habilidades que antes no tomaba en cuenta.
Desde entonces, el trabajo se ha vuelto una vía de escape de mi rutina como ama de casa, debo confesar que prefiero pasar horas frente al
Happily, since I have been working purely online, everything has changed for the better. I no longer feel burdened with stress and I have learned to set my schedule and my limits. Although I still do my teaching profession as a part-time job, now I do it in a much more pleasant and efficient way thanks to technology.
Working online has allowed me to explore many interesting options and learn new ways to generate income from home. I have had the opportunity to develop many skills that I did not take into account before.
Since then, work has become an escape from my routine as a housewife, I must confess that I prefer to spend hours in front of the computer creating content and learning new teaching strategies than being in the kitchen preparing food and washing dishes.
I am really happy with my new way of working and as the saying goes: If you love what you do, it will never be a job.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Samsung A32.
Banners, separadores de textos y firma digital son diseñados por mi en Canva.com
Uso traductor Deepl

Everything should be balance.
Yes, you're right. Thanks so much for reading.
When I was a small girl, I dreamt of becoming a teacher. But when I became a student teacher in my 6th grade, my perceptions changed. It is hard-- you have to prepare before the class, teach, and then not to mention the work that needs to be done after (marking assignments and tests). There must be a lot more to it, but those experiences of becoming a student teacher in 6th grade and some years during high school made me decide I can't be one. 😅Although now I am a mommy teacher to my homeschoolers, and that is something I won't trade it to anything.
I am glad you found your own balance to your work life. Not many do.🥰
Thank you for sharing part of your experience and for your empathy, being an educator is very beautiful, but it is not an easy task.
Thank you for reading, blessings. 🤗
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So it's still not a guarantee that if you love your work, there's lesser stress.. contrary to what I commented earlier in one of the posts here haha..
I guess, it depends on the environment as well, as the management.. if everything works fine with good people around you, and the job you love doing, then there'll be a healthy environment and you will be motivated to work daily.
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Certainly, the environment and the people around you are aspects that influence how one may or may not feel motivated to work.
Thanks so much for your comment.
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Saludos @kattycrochet
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I thought teaching job was easy until I taught for a year. I hated everything about.
From planning lesson note to marking assessment and examination. Teaching isn't that easy especially when teaching in a community school.
Teachers really needs to be celebrated more often than expected