LOH Contest #185 || I am Valuable and Unique

Debo decir que yo soy una de las que piensa que todos los días es Día de la Madre para las que tenemos hijos, porque todos los días estamos cumpliendo con nuestro rol 24/7. No obstante, también creo que es importante tener un día en que se reconozca y enaltezca nuestra labor, así como se dedica un día para otras profesiones u oficios.
En esta ocasión decidí responder a esta pregunta en particular, porque fue la pregunta que más me hizo pensar y darme cuenta de que no tenía una respuesta inmediata. Por el contrario, esta pregunta me hizo reflexionar un poco sobre la importancia de reconocer nuestros propios logros y sentirnos valiosos independientemente de la percepción de los demás.
I must say that I am one of those who think that every day is Mother's Day for those of us who have children, because every day we are fulfilling our role 24/7. However, I also believe that it is important to have a day in which our work is recognized and praised, just as a day is dedicated to other professions or trades.
On this occasion I decided to answer this particular question, because it was the question that made me think the most and realize that I did not have an immediate answer. On the contrary, this question made me reflect a bit on the importance of recognizing our own achievements and feeling valuable regardless of the perception of others.

¿Cómo me demuestro a mi misma lo valiosa y única que soy?
Realmente, me acaba de dar cuenta de que no lo hago. Es cierto que trato de hacer cosas que me agraden y que me relajen, pero, pensándolo bien, no dedico mucho tiempo para cuidarme o consentirme, mucho menos para recompensarme por las cosas que hago.
Ahora que lo pienso bien, esto podría ser porque todo lo hago en automático, todo lo que signifique un deber para mi es algo que simplemente debo hacer, sin esperar una gratificación a cambio, porque simplemente estoy cumpliendo con mi deber.
How do I show myself how valuable and unique I am?
Actually, I just realized that I don't do that. It's true that I try to do things that please me and relax me, but, come to think of it, I don't spend much time taking care of myself or pampering myself, much less rewarding myself for the things I do.
Now that I think about it, this could be because I do everything automatically, everything that means a duty for me is something I simply have to do, without expecting a reward in return, because I am simply doing my duty.

Pensándolo bien y haciendo un poco de retrospectiva creo que esta actitud tiene su origen en mi niñez y adolescencia, ya que mi padre, quien era muy amoroso, pero también muy estricto, con un gran sentido de la responsabilidad y el deber ser, nunca nos acostumbro a esperar regalos o gratificaciones por obtener buenas notas en el colegio, ya que ese era nuestro único deber en esa etapa de nuestra vida.
No juzgo para nada su forma de crianza, pues esto hizo que sea una persona responsable, sin embargo, debido a mi formación docente, no repetí este patrón con mis hijos. Por el contrario, creo en los incentivos y estímulos que refuercen las acciones positivas.
Thinking about it and looking back, I believe that this attitude has its origin in my childhood and adolescence, since my father, who was very loving, but also very strict, with a great sense of responsibility and duty to be, never accustomed us to expect gifts or rewards for getting good grades in school, since that was our only duty at that stage of our life.
I do not judge her way of upbringing at all, as this made her a responsible person, however, due to my teaching background, I did not repeat this pattern with my children. On the contrary, I believe in incentives and stimuli that reinforce positive actions.

Volviendo a la pregunta original, considero que si es muy importante demostrarnos lo valiosas que somos y felicitarnos por la labor que hacemos todos los días, bien sea como madres, como esposas, compañeras, amigas, profesionales y cada uno de nuestros roles de mujer.
A partir de hoy, procuraré valorar mucho más mi labor y consentirme de vez en cuando con cosas que me gusten y que sé que merezco porque soy VALIOSA Y UNICA.
Going back to the original question, I think it is very important to show how valuable we are and congratulate ourselves for the work we do every day, either as mothers, wives, partners, friends, professionals and each of our roles as women.
From now on, I will try to value my work much more and pamper myself from time to time with things that I like and that I know I deserve because I am VALUABLE AND UNIQUE.

Gracias a @cautiva-30 por esta pregunta tan acertada que dio pie a una reflexión importante para mi vida personal. Gracias a todos por leer, saludos y bendiciones.
Thanks to @cautiva-30 for this very accurate question that gave rise to an important reflection for my personal life. Thank you all for reading, greetings and blessings.

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Uso traductor Deepl

it's therapy that you regard yourself and know your worth. Always gift something to yourself on your little little achievements. It will always boosts you.
Thanks so much for these kind Words.!LADY
Greetings @kattycrochet your content is very thoughtful: ‘I will try to value my work much more and pamper myself from time to time with things that I like and that I know I deserve because I am VALUABLE AND UNIQUE’, many times our day to day life makes us forget about it. Thanks for sharing, a hug
I really appreciate your words, thanks so much.
Hello my friend, I hope that all mothers one day realize how valuable and unique we are, I loved this part of your text.
I also think like you, every day is Mother's Day, but there are these special dates and we must celebrate, a pleasure to read you, greetings and blessings.
I agree that living under strict rules does not mean that a parent does not love his or her children. Rules should be firm, but love should also be expressed limitless as well. ❤️
Yes, I love the way you say so. I truly agree.
Thanks for reading.