This week's contest theme is extremely interesting and very relevant for us content creators, as I believe we can have a very realistic perspective on it. This week's topic is labor. I hope to address both questions in a general way based on my personal experience.
This week's contest theme is extremely interesting and very relevant for us content creators, as I believe we can have a very realistic perspective on it. This week's topic is labor. I hope to address both questions in a general way based on my personal experience.

Actualmente mi jornada de trabajo es una mezcla entre el estilo tradicional y el trabajo remoto. Sin embargo, estuve trabajando de la manera tradicional por más de 15 años y conozco de cerca las ventajas y desventajas que puede tener este sistema. De entrada, debo decir que nunca me sentí satisfecha o plena en mi antiguo trabajo, por demasiadas razones que no tenían que ver expresamente con mi vocación de servicio, eran más bien agentes externos que afectaron mis ganas de seguir trabajando de esta manera.
Currently my working day is a mix between the traditional style and remote work. However, I have been working in the traditional way for more than 15 years and I know closely the advantages and disadvantages that this system can have. First of all, I must say that I never felt satisfied or fulfilled in my old job, for too many reasons that had nothing to do expressly with my vocation of service, they were rather external agents that affected my desire to continue working in this way.

Luego de emigrar, pude conocer otros ámbitos laborales mucho más rígidos que me hicieron valorar mucho más la flexibilidad que tenía mi trabajo anterior, no obstante, este factor no fue suficiente como para que sintiera ganas de retomar mi cargo cuando regresé a mi país. Creo que cada etapa de nuestra vida cumple con la función de enseñarnos algo y yo aprendí lo que no quería para mi vida laboral.
After emigrating, I got to know other much more rigid work environments that made me appreciate much more the flexibility that my previous job had, however, this factor was not enough to make me feel like going back to my job when I returned to my country. I believe that every stage of our life has the function of teaching us something and I learned what I did not want for my working life.

Conocer las bondades del trabajo remoto fue una bendición que me dejo la pandemia, entre todas las cosas negativas que vivimos, algo bueno me quedó de esa época. Gracias a que no le tuve miedo a la tecnología, acepté la oportunidad de desempeñar mi profesión de manera remota y puedo decir que antes no me había sentido tan feliz enseñando a niños como hasta ahora. Desde hace 4 años doy clases on line y la experiencia es única y maravillosa.
Del mismo modo, he aprendido a usar muchas herramientas on line que me han permitido desempeñarme como asistente administrativo en un trabajo de medio tiempo, en el cual asisto de manera presencial solo cuando es estrictamente necesario, ya que casi todo lo puedo hacer desde mi casa lo que me ha permitido tener tiempo para crear contenido para mi blog, tejer en mis ratos libres y por supuesto dedicarle tiempo a mi hogar y mi familia.
Knowing the benefits of remote work was a blessing that the pandemic left me, among all the negative things we lived, something good was left from that time. Thanks to the fact that I was not afraid of technology, I accepted the opportunity to work remotely and I can say that before I had never felt so happy teaching children as I do now. I have been teaching online for 4 years now and the experience is unique and wonderful.
Likewise, I have learned to use many online tools that have allowed me to work as an administrative assistant in a part-time job, in which I attend in person only when strictly necessary, since I can do almost everything from home which has allowed me to have time to create content for my blog, knit in my spare time and of course spend time with my home and family.

Estoy consciente de que un trabajo tradicional puede brindar una estabilidad que muchas veces no la ofrece el trabajo remoto, pero en mi caso esa estabilidad se convirtió en una aburrida rutina que no me hacía feliz.
La manera como trabajo actualmente tiene temporadas altas y temporadas bajas, ciertamente, hay meses en los que tengo mucho trabajo, algunos meses en los que debo recortar gastos porque no hay mucho trabajo, pero siento que esta dinámica me mantiene activa y en constante aprendizaje y búsqueda de nuevas maneras de seguir generando ingresos de una forma en la que pueda disfrutar de lo que hago cada día. A estas alturas de mi vida, no me veo nuevamente atada a un horario y a un salario fijo, no lo puedo descartar, pero no hace feliz pensar en ello.
I am aware that a traditional job can provide a stability that many times is not offered by remote work, but in my case that stability became a boring routine that did not make me happy.
The way I currently work has high seasons and low seasons, certainly, there are months when I have a lot of work, some months when I have to cut back because there is not much work, but I feel that this dynamic keeps me active and constantly learning and looking for new ways to continue generating income in a way that I can enjoy what I do every day. At this point in my life, I don't see myself tied to a fixed schedule and salary again, I can't rule it out, but it doesn't make me happy to think about it.

Esta ha sido mi reflexión con respecto a las dos preguntas del concurso semanal de la comunidad de las Damas de Hive.
This has been my reflection regarding the two questions in the weekly Hive Ladies community quiz.

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I know some ladies who work as online teachers too. Some get higher salaries than the traditional way of teaching, and some aren't satisfied with their earnings, so they opt to find more sidelines.
Yes, indeed, working from home doesn't guarantee income stability, but gives more time freedom. Whichever you prefer to do and make you feel content, just go for it. Just always find balance in everything. Effective time management is also important in all aspects so you could have more time for your self and family.
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tokens.@jane1289, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @kattycrochet and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (10/12 calls)
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Yes, I am in agreement with your words, the most important is to be happy with what you do. Thanks so much for sharing your opinion with me.
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tokens.@kattycrochet, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @jane1289 and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/2 calls)
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Creo que los trabajos remotos nos ofrecen mayores oportunidades de aprender cosas nuevas :3
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo, creo que nos sacan de nuestra zona de confort y nos obligan a aprender cosas nuevas, lo cual es maravilloso, en mi opinión.
Working remotely as a teacher really pays than the traditional way of teaching.
I got a three day tutorial recently and I get to be paid more than what I get working 5 days a week and sometimes 7.
Working remotely or staying in a traditional job environment or both depends on one's capacity.
Yes, you are right. Iy depends on the capacity of each one to manage the time and learn new things.
@sagarkothari88 reward 0.05 HP
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