LOH Contest #227 || My Hive startup

Hablar de Hive es algo que me encanta y poder recordar mis inicios y como llegué a esta plataforma es muy gratificante.
Puedo decir que Hive llegó a mi vida cuando más lo necesitaba y estoy muy agradecida con Dios por haberme permitido encontrar un espacio donde poder expresarme y redescubrirme.
Talking about Hive is something I love and being able to remember my beginnings and how I got to this platform is very gratifying.
I can say that Hive came into my life when I needed it the most and I am very grateful to God for having allowed me to find a space where I could express myself and rediscover myself.

Me inicié en Octubre del 2020 cuando todavía estábamos confinados por la pandemia. En ese entonces vivía en la ciudad de Lima con mis hijos y una parte de mi familia. No tenía un trabajo permanente, solo daba algunas clases particulares, pero tejía mucho en mis ratos libres y vendía gorros y bufandas tejidas en invierno. Me dedicaba a publicar fotos de mis tejidos en una de mis paginas de Facebook, con la única intención de tener mis proyectos allí exhibidos y guardados. Fue así como mi amiga @creacioneslelys, al ver mis tejidos, me contacto y me habló de Hive. Ella me explicó que en esta plataforma podía tener un blog dedicado al crochet donde, además de compartir mis proyectos también podía generar un pequeño ingreso.
I started in October 2020 when we were still confined by the pandemic. At that time I lived in the city of Lima with my children and part of my family. I didn't have a permanent job, I only gave some private lessons, but I knitted a lot in my free time and sold knitted hats and scarves in winter. I used to post pictures of my knitting on one of my Facebook pages, with the sole intention of having my projects displayed and saved there. That's how my friend creacioneslelys, upon seeing my knitting, contacted me and told me about Hive. She explained to me that on this platform I could have a blog dedicated to crochet where, in addition to sharing my projects, I could also generate a small income.

La verdad es que la idea me encantó y con su ayuda y las orientaciones de otras personas como @carolinacardoza fui aprendiendo a elaborar y maquetar las publicaciones. Esta aventura llena de muchas cosas nuevas que aprender me llenó de energía y fue toda una reinvención para mí. Desde entonces no he parado de aprender y de crecer en Hive. Ya son casi 5 años desde que tengo mi blog y son muchas las recompensas que he obtenido y no estoy hablando de dinero, me refiero a todas las amistades y buenas personas que he encontrado, también todo el conocimiento sobre el manejo de distintas herramientas para crear contenido que me han servido para ampliar mi servicios en el ámbito profesional.
The truth is that I loved the idea and with your help and the guidance of other people like carolinacardoza I was learning how to elaborate and layout the publications. This adventure full of many new things to learn filled me with energy and was a reinvention for me. Since then I have not stopped learning and growing in Hive. It's been almost 5 years since I have my blog and there are many rewards that I have obtained and I'm not talking about money, I mean all the friendships and good people I have met, also all the knowledge about the management of different tools to create content that have helped me to expand my services in the professional field.

Hive siempre será para mi una bendición, aunque en este momento no he podido dedicarle mucho tiempo a mi blog, pues la situación económica me obliga a ejercer otros trabajos, siempre busco el tiempo para compartir mis manualidades y también mis pensamientos. Lo mejor de Hive es sin duda el todo el recurso humano que hace de esta la mejor plataforma para crear contenido e interactuar con personas de todas partes del mundo.
Esta es mi historia y con ella participo en el concurso semanal de la comunidad de Ladies of Hive. Gracias por leer, saludos y bendiciones.
Hive will always be a blessing for me, although at the moment I have not been able to dedicate much time to my blog, because the economic situation forces me to do other jobs, I always look for the time to share my crafts and also my thoughts. The best thing about Hive is undoubtedly the whole human resource that makes this the best platform to create content and interact with people from all over the world. This is my story and with it I am participating in the Ladies of Hive weekly community contest. Thanks for reading, greetings and blessings.

Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad.
Banners, separadores de textos y firma digital son diseñados por mi en Canva.com
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tokens.@kattycrochet, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting to Ladies of Hive.
We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.
What an inspiring story of reinvention and growth, @kattycrochet! It’s incredible how something as simple as posting your knitting projects turned into a transformative journey. The fact that you’ve not only developed your talents but also cultivated meaningful friendships and professional skills along the way speaks volumes about your resilience and dedication.
Starting during such a challenging time in 2020 and creating something so positive and empowering is a testament to your strength. From those private lessons and knitting projects to expanding your expertise in content creation and building a blog that’s been thriving for nearly five years—what an amazing accomplishment!
It’s clear that Hive has been much more than a platform for you; it’s been a space of creativity, connection, and personal growth, @kattycrochet.
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tokens.@silversaver888, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @kattycrochet and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (4/50 calls)
Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.
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tokens.@hive-124452, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @kattycrochet and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (8/50 calls)
Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.
You got a well wisher friend that informed you about hive.
You are very creative and you works are outstanding.
I have similar story, found hive randomly and then started here.
It was certainly a great blessing to learn about this platform and to be able to continue here today. Thank you very much for reading my post.