Knowledge they say is power, it's not something you come by very often, and would need a lot of sacrifice to acquire. I'm one person who always strives for knowledge, I always love to learn things, the feeling of knowing something new intrigues me, but then over time I've seen that all this comes at a cost. The cost of knowledge is quite high, and sometimes forces you in making difficult choices. Sometimes we get to regret these choices and sometimes we are happy to have learned that new knowledge but at the end of the day, we've gained experience that would enable us to make better decisions in future. Knowledge can be sweet or bitter depending on what it entails.

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I like to call it a bittersweet experience because there are things I've come to know in this life that I wish I didn't know, things that made me regret ever wanting to know in the first place. But I have never come across an experience that I regretted. I might have regretted the situation in itself but never the fact that I now know better. This is what truly distinguishes knowledge from experience in my opinion. I remember a time in my life when I religiously wanted to know God more than what I was being told or taught. The quest for this knowledge drove me into making sacrifices to study. I had to give up socializing with people because I was on a mission but at the end of the day, I wished I hadn't gone too Deep.

My quest for the knowledge of God drove me into mysteries I can't begin to say in this post and also made me see how wrong I had always been about the Things I thought I knew. The new knowledge I had started clashing with the old knowledge I had about God, and now all I needed to do was to unlearn some of the things I have learned. But this process did not come without a long state of confusion about what truly the truth was. I could no longer tell what's real anymore because of the knowledge I have now been exposed to. This made me for a moment regret ever trying to know deeper than I knew, but soon enough I started gaining clarity and started merging the things I have learned in the past with my life experiences and this new knowledge.

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It became a whole new experience for me, I now understood what it meant to not want to believe in something, I also understood a lot of things that I never got to understand before. This is what experience does. Knowledge might offer you power, but with great power comes great responsibility. The wisdom to handle this responsibility is what experience offers. This is not something you learn a day or even in 10 years, it's something that becomes a part of you, it's what I love to call the beauty of pain which at the end of the day, gives a big advantage over knowledge.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


thank you for sharing.knowledge and experience are just like 6 and 7


God is easy to understand, once you realize that God is the meaning of Life... And Life saw that it was Good... Anyway... From what I read in your post, I think you'd be very interested in what I write about "Gods Money" and where it's heading...
