
I'm a boring guy in real life, hard to impress and many times choose who impresses me. But don't take my word for it because just a little act of service could earn my love and get me running after you. Now by running after I'm not just talking about romantic relationships, but any kind of relationship at all whether business, mutual or even spiritual as long as I love, knowing you is definitely certain. I understand that there aren't a lot of good people in the world, it's not easy to see people doing good just out of the goodness of their hearts, but when I come across such persons I always try to keep them close because it takes a lot of courage to do good.

Image by kjpargeter on Freepik

When I talk about doing good, I'm not just talking about the action of being good, I'm talking about the intent for every action. Though I can't see people's hearts, I'm certain time is a revealer of what is in the heart of a person. I'm not saying this because I'm perfect, on the contrary I say this because I am not. I always examine myself and judge my decisions and actions. There are even times when I feel like a bad person for the intentions behind my decisions and that is how I see people also. People are not all good, nor are they all bad, but when I see those who try to be good after facing the brutality of humans, I can't help but fall in love with them because these sets of people are rare to find.

I remember some years back when I went for a church camp, I met some primary school friends of mine after many years, (I was already in my third year in school) I was also with some sets of friends who came together with me, and as the youth president in my church then, I was tasked with a lot of official and unofficial duty. On the first day of our arrival, I was doing a lot so my church could settle in comfortably while others went to get food (the one shared on camp ground). By the time I was done all my friends had collected food and none remembered to get for me. When I asked they all said I should go and get for myself which I didn't take to heart but was just too tired to do anything.

Image by dooder on Freepik

There was this lady who was a friend of my primary school classmate's sister 😂 she was eating while everything was going on, and I guess my tiredness was quite obvious. She just volunteered to help me get food, she left the food she was eating, joined the long cue and ended up not getting on two different food venues because the food was already almost finished. All these things took place within 1 hour 30 minutes. I had even forgotten someone promised to help me get food and thought she probably had other things to do and went for them after leaving the first cue, but unknowingly she was looking for food all the while.

She came back with a cooler of food for me sweating profusely and immediately I saw her, my heart just melted. I didn't even know how to say thank you to a girl who went the extra mile for a person she had never met. We became friends after that day and are even closer as friends now because of that act. An act of service is my love language, something people hardly do these days.



Upliftment come by serving, continue I really like this


I'm glad you like it. Thanks for stopping by


It's my pleasure, thank you for your good works
