Sometimes I look back at how much harm innovation has made and I ask myself if it's worth it. Especially in the entertainment industry and with the need to create blockbuster movies. Today sexuality and horror has become nothing because almost everyone has access to it. You created an uncensored movie in the name of selling a great story and telling children not to watch it by rating it +18. So I ask myself a question, let's say those children don't end up watching it but the children of the actors grow up one day to see such movies. Probably in a time when their parents no longer have the beautiful bodies to act it and they are probably watching it with friends who know their parents. Can you imagine the shame and disgrace that child would face among his/her peers…

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I've heard about a lot of actors who stopped acting in uncensored movies because their family saw such movies and they realized how much harm it has on them. So now you see that if uncensored movies could have such an effect on those related to the actors how much more the viewers. I do not blame the producers, writers or actors, I blame the system that has made uncensorship free and thinking by tagging it 18+ children won't come across it. I think this same system is the cause of turning cartoons meant for children into something adults now find amusing and parents who leave their kids unsupervised thinking they are watching an innocent cartoon do not know the amount of sexuality and horror that child is already exposed to.

I was about 10 years old when I came across my first uncensored movie and it was in a station that was supposed to be free for all. My parents thought their boy was watching a harmless movie but unknowingly I was watching something I wasn't supposed to be watching and by the time I became a teenager I was already exposed to all sorts of these things which affected me in the long run. It's the same system that allows artists to sing songs of strong languages and children hear these songs somehow and it sticks to them. Now when they hear such often and now see them in movies how do you think such children would turn out. Nowadays, it's hard to contain these things because even if you do not wish for your child to hear them, they will end up hearing them in school or even church as far as they are with their peers and as a parent you do not have control over what your children hear when they are not under your care.

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I hear my landlord's children talk about all sorts of rubbish and I become really sorry for the kids because at such a young age they have already been exposed to an uncontrolled number of uncensored movies and music and it shows in the way they think and the things they say. I feel the best way to tackle these things is to make the children understand uncensorship from when they start understanding things. Make them understand that the world system is so corrupt and they might come across these things anywhere at all because of how rampant it is.

But letting them know that they can come to you whenever they see these things they don't fully understand and start feeling a certain way. The mistake my parents made with me was not making themselves approachable because I knew I would be getting shunned at the end of it. Instead of shunning the child for what they don't understand or have control over, make them understand everything about how they feel and teach them to be emotionally intelligent so they can keep coming to you else you lose them to the system.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


If we are being sincere, just writing 18+ doesn't have any effect again because even kids are eager to see what's in movies censored movies days.

How do we control it when uncensored content when they even pop up as ads when randomly surfing the internet? Like your title says, the system has indeed failed us.


It hurts to see how they are gradually ruining childhood. Cartoons that are supposed to be innocent and free from any form of sexuality.

Thankfully, we know about all these things, and will not make the same mistakes of leaving our kids unsupervised.



I know by the time we become parents, more things would have unfolded, and we will need to learn new things
