(ENG-ESP) Delicious pumpkin cream with potatoes, arracacha and chicken

- Good evening Hivefood friends, I hope you had a great Saturday! Next, I share with you a VERY healthy and nutritious recipe, I will explain how to prepare an exquisite "pumpkin cream, with potatoes, arracacha and chicken." To enjoy a MORE tasty and substantial flavor, I decorated with: parmesan cheese, coriander stems and a touch of merken... I hope you enjoy the process of this appetizing recipe, let's get started!
- Buenas noches amigos de Hivefood, espero que hayan pasado un sábado genial! A continuación, comparto con ustedes una receta MUY saludable y nutritiva, les explicaré como preparar una exquisita "crema de calabaza, con patatas, arracacha y pollo". Para disfrutar de un sabor MÁS sabroso y sustancioso, decoré con: queso parmesano, tallos de cilantro y un toquesito de merken... Espero que disfruten el proceso de esta apetitosa receta, empecemos!

- INGREDIENTS: pumpkin, potatoes, arracachas, shredded chicken, butter, coriander (leaves and stems), parmesan cheese, pepper, merken and pink salt.
- INGREDIENTES: calabaza, patatas, arracachas, pollo desmechado, mantequilla, cilantro (hojas y tallos), queso parmesano, pimienta, merken y sal rosada.

- We add ALL the vegetables to a deep pot, cut them into "medium" cubes, and cook over "high" heat until they are softened.
- Incorporamos en una olla honda TODAS las verduras, cortamos en cubos "medianos", cocinamos a fuego "alto" hasta comprobar que se ablandaron.

- We add the pumpkin, potatoes and arracacha to the blender glass, add the broth where we cooked them, blend at high speed until we obtain a homogeneous mixture without lumps (season with pepper and salt).
- Agregamos al vaso de la licuadora la calabaza, las patatas y la arracacha, integramos el caldo donde las cocinamos. Licuamos a velocidad "alta" hasta conseguir una mezcla homogénea y sin grumos (salpimentamos).

- We add 1 heaped teaspoon of butter... this ingredient will provide a very tasty and delicious contrast!
- Añadimos 1 cucharadita colmada de mantequilla... éste ingrediente aportará un contraste MUY sabroso y delicioso!

- Next, we add half of the shredded chicken, along with the coriander leaves.
- A continuación, incorporamos la mitad del pollo desmechado, junto con las hojas de "cilantro"... volvemos a licuar.

- Enjoy its beautiful colors and delicious texture!
- Disfruten su hermoso colorido y su deliciosa textura!

- We add our succulent "vegetable cream" to a pot, place the chicken that we had reserved... We mix until well integrated.
- Agregamos a una olla nuestra suculenta "crema de verduras", colocamos el pollo que teníamos reservado... Mezclamos hasta integrar bien.

- When plating we decorate with: coriander stems, parmesan cheese and a touch of merken.
- Al momento de emplatar decoramos con: tallos de cilantro, queso parmesano y un toquesito de merken.

- Friends, below I present a VERY healthy and nutritious option for lunch or dinner, you can use it as a side dish or as a main dish accompanied by a fresh salad... I say goodbye wishing you bon appetit, thank you very much for visiting my blog. A hug!
- Amigos, a continuación les presento una opción MUY saludable y nutritiva para almorzar o cenar, puedes utilizar como guarnición o como plato principal acompañado de una ensalada fresca... Me despido deseándoles buen provecho, muchas gracias por visitar mi blog. Un abrazo!

All photos are my author
Todas las fotos son de mi autoría
Wow! this looks delicious 😗 The colorful creamy pumpkin and potatoes blends the flavor of parmesan cheese, it's savory!
I'm very happy that you liked the recipe, the parmesan cheese gives the cream a very delicious flavor... Thank you very much for the visit, happy start to the week!
You're welcome 😍 it really adds flavor to the dish 😊
Gracias por la receta. Se ve demasiado delicioso. La guardaré para prepararlo 😊👌
Hola amiga, me alegra mucho saber que la vas a disfrutar, estoy segura que te encantará!
Omg what a super cream I would like it even without chicken but with chicken must be more tasty 😋😋🤤
The chicken gives a very tasty and substantial flavor to the cream, I hope you get to prepare it, you will love it!
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Thank you very much dear friends... I wish you a very beautiful week, may all your wishes come true!