What's more valuable in your opinion, honesty or being true to yourself?

Good afternoon hivers, I hope you are well... Today I share with you my answer to the interesting questions that our friend @galenkp asks us on weekends, I hope you enjoy my opinion... Let's start!
What's more valuable in your opinion, honesty or being true to yourself?
From my personal experience I consider that it is more valuable to be true to oneself, as long as we take into consideration that we have a correct behavior as our north, that our values are the result of our principles. I think that we should be faithful to our way of acting as long as this way goes hand in hand with honesty and with the commitment to act always with coherence. We are not perfect beings, but within our imperfections and mistakes we can always rectify, when we recognize the gray parts of some wrong behavior this will allow us to be better people and on this path of rectification we will be able to mature and build a good present. It is important to always give priority to honesty, in this way our convictions will always be present to act according to them, the results of our actions will result in a good impact both personally, spiritually and in our environment, in front of our friends and family. In my personal experience I have been able to see good results, without a doubt being faithful is a great act of love towards us and when we love ourselves that feeling expands to all our surroundings. It is also a way to respect ourselves and therefore respect others, both in their way of acting and thinking.
This good attitude brings us closer to being positive, optimistic and supportive people, these are important values in a human being, these will be the pillars to lead a healthy life mentally and physically.
I am not sure if my question will make any sense but here it is,
Is honesty and being true to your self different? I kind of find myself being puzzled because I have always believed that by being honest, you will also become honest with your self which means that you will be true to yourself. And those two things kind of correlate to each other.
But to answer your question, being true to ourselves is more valuable to me. Because the worst kind of pain that we can feel in this waking life is when we betray ourselves. And so, by being true to ourselves despite our flaws and making sure that we have an emotional acceptance can definitely bring us growth especially when we take time to change our bad habits. This is also the stage where we can learn who we are in a deeper context. Because by being true to ourselves means that we accept our own flaws, we identify certain aspects that needs changes, and we became honest with our emotional changes.