Fizbo The Fabulous: My entry to "Splinterlands Art Contest Week 333!". Digital Art.

Hey, Hey, here's the @lacochinaensalsa!

There have been a few rounds of the Splinterlands Art Contest in which I was unable to participate for various reasons. However, I am happy to have the opportunity to participate in this round number 33. The character I have chosen seems quite funny to me and at first glance he seemed cartoonish because of his features and at the same time I said: It's Elvis! I hope you already know who I am talking about: Fizbo The Fabulous.


It is certainly a fabulous character, I love the caricature sense that I was able to develop. I tried to take main features from the original art, to capture them in my art and thus open a similarity not so prominent. When drawing this character I asked myself: what would the creator have thought of when making the character? Maybe Elvis?...🤔


Inspiration, Original Splinterlands Art:


Fizbo the Fabulous, Source

Let's quickly see Drawing process:

I started by doodling a bit of the character's pose on the canvas. Then I went on to draw the semi-clean lines and then a stage of cleaning and arranging them. Once the outline was done, including details, I moved on to the base coloring stage. This step is a bit faster, I use the paint bucket tool with an extension of 2 for it. Now that that's done, I move on to the detailing stage, where I start to give light, shadows and some depth to each area. To make this step easier I use the crop layer, because I previously separated the colors into layers.

Drawing this illustration was quite fun, it made me think of Elvis. He is one of my favorite singers, I always admire his voice and his charisma. This was like a mix between Fizbo and Elvis. I tell you that for some details I have used airbrushing, blur and layers of luminosity.

Sketch and Outline:



Base coloring:



Shadows, lights and background



Finished illustration:



export202502212110074313 (1).pngexport202502212359230078 (1).png

For this occasion, it seems to be everything. If you made it this far, thank you very much for your time. Greetings, La Cochina en Salsa says goodbye.
Device: Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+
Drawing Program: MediBang Paint.
Translation: Google Translator.
Texts, photographs, screenshots and editions of my authorship/original content.


