A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words The Barber of Seville / A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Wordsbetween El barbero de Sevilla

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The Barber of Seville

For some reason, when I saw the image came to my mind the title of that great work in opera, I know it has nothing to do, however, to you who read me if you can see the work the Barber of Seville I recommend it, the main reason to remind me of that work is precisely the similarity of a barber of the image with the musical work.

I don't know what country you are from, but in Venezuela in many streets of any part of the country right on the sidewalks where people pass by, you can find a barber on the street, it is very common to see how these men work tirelessly to have a great monetary support and to be able to bring food to their homes.

I have never cut my hair or shaved my beard with a barber who works on the street, however, once I sat on the benches of a square to rest from a long walk, because my car had been damaged, while resting I looked at everyone in front of me, at that moment I could see a barber cutting the hair of a gentleman, as I sat for a while under a nice shade I could see how Mr. bibber did his job.

I noticed in all that time that the gentleman came to cut the hair of more than four people, he was extremely fast doing his job, I could also see how several men were sitting next to each other waiting their turn for their haircut, that impressed me a lot because there were really several men and even children waiting.

While I was watching how fast the gentleman was I realized that they were all very happy with their haircut and even gave a hug of thanks to the barber, I forgot to mention that he is a gentleman I estimate him to be between 70 or more years old, at that moment I thought of two things, one the gentleman is very good at his job and two the gentleman has a very economic price for his work, From the place where I was sitting I could not see the price he charged, so before continuing again with my long walk I approached just to know the price per haircut, there was where I could draw the conclusion that the gentleman was excellent at his job, but it was also very economical to get a haircut, the barber only charges one (1) dollar or its equivalent in bolivars which is the Venezuelan currency, for each haircut.

The best of all is that Mr. Barbero is a very kind gentleman with all those who were waiting and to everyone who passed by his side was very cordial, besides being a joker as is the essence of almost all Venezuelans, because all those who were seated and those who passed by his side were very attentive to his jokes.

It would be for that reason that I associate the photo of the contest with the musical opera with the barber of the square.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


El barbero de Sevilla

Por alguna razón, cuando vi la imagen vino a mi mente el título de esa gran obra en la ópera, sé que no tiene nada que ver, sin embargo, a ti que me lees si puedes ver la obra el barbero de Sevilla te la recomiendo, la razón principal de recordarme de esa obra es precisamente en la similitud de un barbero de la imagen con la obra musical.

No se dé que país eres, pero en Venezuela en muchas calles de cualquier parte del país justo en las aceras por donde pasan las personas, te puedes encontrar con un barbero en la calle, es muy común ver como estos hombres trabajan sin cesar para poder tener un gran sustento monetario y poder llevar comida a sus hogares.

Yo nunca me he cortado el cabello o rasurado la barba con un barbero que trabaje en la calle, sin embargo, una vez me senté en los bancos de una plaza a descansar de una larga caminata, porque mi auto se había dañado, mientras descansaba yo miraba todos los que estaba al frente de mí, en ese momento pude ver un barbero cortando el cabello de un señor, como estuve un buen rato sentado debajo de una agradable sombra podía ver como el señor babero hacia su trabajo.

Me di cuenta en todo ese tiempo que el señor llego a cortarle el cabello a más de cuatro personas, era sumamente muy rápido haciendo su trabajo, también pude ver como estaban varios hombres sentados uno al lado del otro esperando su turno para su corte de cabello, eso me impresiono mucho porque de verdad había varios hombres y hasta niños esperando.

Mientras estaba viendo lo rápido que era el señor me di cuenta de que todos estaban muy contentos con su corte de cabello y hasta le daban un abrazo de agradecimiento al señor barbero, se me olvido mencionar que es un señor yo le calculo entre una 70 o más años, en ese momento pensé en dos cosas, uno el señor es muy bueno haciendo su trabajo y dos el señor tiene un precio muy económico por su trabajo, desde el sitio donde yo estaba sentado no podía ver el precio que cobraba, así que antes de continuar nuevamente con mi largo camino me acerque solo para saber el precio por corte de cabello, allí fue donde pude sacar la conclusión de que el señor era excelente en su trabajo, pero también era muy económico cortarse el cabello, el señor barbero solamente cobra un (1) dólar o su equivalente en bolívares que es la monda de Venezuela, por cada corte de cabello.

Lo mejor de todo es que el señor barbero es un señor muy amable con todos los que estaban esperando y a todo aquel que por su lado pasaba era muy cordial, además de ser bromista como es la esencia de casi todos los venezolanos, porque todos los que estaban sentados y los que pasaban a su lado estaban muy atentos de sus chistes.

Sería por esa razón que asocie la foto del concurso con la obra musical de ópera con el barbero de la plaza.


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"In constant evolution" .

Venezuela brillará siempre, a pesar de su oscuro gobierno.


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Hard work pays really, no matter the sphere one finds himself/herself one has to make ends meet by doing legitimate work. Am glad the barber knows his job and the people that come for haircuts appreciate his job too. Nice job.


I agree with you, it's like that, and when you do it with love it's worth it, I saw how the man did his job because I was resting for a while I think about an hour and in that time he cut the hair of 4 people, I know that the work he was doing is undervalued, but he still enjoys it.


Yes, that's good for him. Be happy and also there is dignity in his labour too.


A dollar a haircut, where I live, they would say: ‘cheap is expensive’. My niece in Caracas has told me in the past that a haircut in the Barrio is more than 5 dollars if it is with a machine; if it is with scissors, the barber charges more.

When I was reading you, I didn't think of ‘Sevilla’, my mind went back to the years of ‘Si yo fuera Diputado’ (1954), where Mario Moreno played a barber…


I never saw a barber work on the streets only on films like Sweeney Todd. It sounds like that gentleman of a barber had all that a customer wants. Because he is fast he might be able to handle more clients in one hour. It is impressive.


Here in Venezuela it is normal that you can find barbers working in the street, you gave me an idea tomorrow I will go out and take some pictures about it, that will impress you.


I had no idea that the barber business was conducted on the sidewalks of streets. How unusual a place of business. All the outdoor elements are at play with things that could possibly go wrong and affect the condition of the hair or tools used.

Thanks for sharing this story. To actually know this type of mobile business exists is awesome. And the price seems extremely reasonable. Take care.


This story beautifully connects a simple street barber with the classic opera The Barber of Seville. Your description of the barber’s kindness, skill, and humor paints a vivid picture of life in Venezuela. It's heartwarming to see how such hard work and dedication can leave a lasting impression. Thank you for sharing


Nice writing and a good experience you shared with us all.
