Second Month has Begun: Hive Community Battles & Wars on INLEO

Hey everyone! Today we launch the second Community War and Battles on INLEO. The goal of this is to reward the communities who participate on the INLEO Platform every single day. Our goal is to incentivize some friendly competition between each while spreading LEO POWER to more curators. Increasing activity, rewards and engagement across Threads and Posts on INLEO.

Which Communities Can Participate?

Any community that wants to join the battles & wars can reach out to the INLEO team. This month we have four new communities joining the War! Here is the current list:

  1. Photographers
  2. FreeCompliments
  3. Loving Hive
  4. Hive Run
  5. Cent
  6. Humanitas
  7. HiveBR
  8. Clean Planet
  9. Hive Naija
  10. Emotions and Feelings

Note: spots are limited. Because we have to track a lot of data via SQL in order to run these contests, we can't have it be a totally open playing field. Communities must sign up to participate. If your community isn't on this list, have your leadership reach out to our team to see if you can participate in the next Community War for August!

If you are a member of any of these communities, then the war for July has begun. The battle for this week is now live. Reach out to your community / community leadership and start participating to earn rewards.

How to Win

Battles are 1 week long. They start each Monday Morning (UTC) and then end each Saturday Night (UTC).

To win the weekly battles, there are 3 criteria for each community:

  1. Total # of threads made by each community (measured by threads in their hashtag + replies to threads in their hashtag)
  2. Total # of posts (long-form) by each community (measured by posts in their community)
  3. Total # of comments on long-form by each community (measured as comments to posts in their community)

Wars are 1 month long. They start on the 1st of the month and end on the last day of each month.

To win the monthly war, your community needs to end the month with more points than all of the other participating communities. You can gain points by:

  1. Participating on the weekly battles (up to 750 points each)
  2. Onboarding the most new external users using your community's referral code (500 points each month)

A winning strategy would be to aim for your community to win as many of the battles as possible while also trying to onboard the most users from the outside to your community.


Monthly (War) Prizes:

Winning Community: Double Your Community's Current Delegation From the INLEO Team (for example, if you currently have a 100k LEO POWER delegation, it will double to 200k for the next 30 days. Or if you have 300k, it will double to 600k for the next 30 days.) If you don't have a delegation yet, you'll get a 100k LEO POWER delegation

Note: if you win multiple wars in a row, your delegation will compound. If you lose a war, your delegation returns to its original amount (for example: your community starts at 100k, doubles by winning a war in July. Then wins again in August - you'll have 400k delegated to you in August)

  1. Community MVP - Nominate 1 Community Member each month to be the MVP of your monthly war. You'll use Polls to nominate this member at the end of each month and the winner will get 1 free month of premium + a 10,000 LEO POWER delegation from the INLEO team for 1 month.

Weekly (Battle Prizes)

  1. 25k LEO POWER delegated to your community account
  2. Nominate 1 of your community members (as MVP of the week) for 1 free month of premium using a Poll

Miscellaneous Info

  1. At the INLEO team's discretion, we may disqualify any attempts to game the competition (i.e. spam spreading comments with no value and blatantly pumping numbers to try and win)
  2. At the INLEO team's discretion, we may modify the rules. This is a brand new competition and we may tweak the rules & points system on the fly as it matures

Starting point:

This is how we are starting this week´s Battle, anything can change in the blink of an eye!
Just start using your hashtags on threads and commenting your teammates posts and you will go up the leaderboard!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
