Entry for SMASh Contest [321] Museum and shadows, a unique discovery
Good morning, Shadow & Hunters friends, how are you doing? I hope it is being a good week for everyone, and shadow catching has us all active, imaginative and looking for images in shadows.
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Buen día, amigos de Shadow & Hunters, ¿Cómo se encuentran? Espero que esté siendo una buena semana para todos, y la captura de sombras nos tenga a todos activos, imaginativos y buscando imágenes en sombras.
I am always on the lookout, my gaze goes most of the time to objects that make shadows, it is indeed an activity that clears my mind and that, being something I started not long ago, intrigues me, interests me and I discover myself in thoughts of shadows and light as well.
VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)
Yo siempre estoy en la búsqueda, mi mirada se va la mayor parte del tiempo a los objetos que hacen sombra, es en verdad una actividad que me despeja y que, siendo algo que comencé hace no mucho tiempo, me intriga, me interesa y me descubro en pensamientos de sombras y luz también.
Today I share with you this series of photographs, the first one being the one selected for the contest, which I took at the Museum of the Centro Cultural Recoleta, I will not show you much of the work, as it was a bit controversial, besides its black and white colors and allegory of good and evil, it also had an exploratory physical dye that I do not think is suitable to share here, I prefer to keep my blog as suitable for all audiences, haha.
VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)
Hoy les comparto esta serie de fotografías, siendo la primera la seleccionada para el concurso, que las tomé en el Museo del Centro Cultural Recoleta, no les mostraré mucho la obra, ya que era un poco controversial, además de sus colores blanco y negro y alegoría del bien y el mal, tenía un tinte físico exploratorio tambien que no me parece idoneo para compartir aqui, prefiero mantener mi blog como apto para todo público, jaja
The truth is that the most striking thing about this, in addition to the room, which was accessed through a black curtain, all very hidden and a little dark, this work is in the center of the room, shaping all his figure on the floor, a pretty incredible thing.
VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)
La verdad es que lo más llamativo de esto, además de la sala, que se accedía a través de una cortina negra, todo muy oculto y un poco oscuro, esta obra se encuentra en el centro de la sala, plasmando toda su figura en el suelo, una cosa bastante increíble.

A situation not expected for me, that is, I look for shadows and my gaze goes to the floors, the walls, the darkness that pursues us tirelessly, but to enter and see first of all, a gigantic shadow, was a beautiful surprise.
VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)
Una situación no esperada para mi, es decir, busco sombras y mi mirada se va hacia los suelos, las paredes, la oscuridad que nos persigue sin cansancio, pero entrar y ver primero que nada, una sombra gigantesca, fue una hermosa sorpresa.
All the time in the museum, besides being able to share this experience with you, I thought of saving these photos and this story, for the community that keeps me most active, in search and discovery.
VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)
Todo el tiempo del museo, además de poder compartirles esta experiencia, pensé en guardar estas fotos y esta historia, para la comunidad que más me mantiene activa, en búsqueda y descubrimiento.

What a beautiful world we reflect, knowing that there are few things that are similar in form in the world, to find shadows that are distinguished from each other and are presented to us this way in life, is enchanting. Surely, even if anyone can go to this museum, they are unlikely to observe what I did, and take the photographs I did. Virtually every shadow is also something unique in the world.
VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)
Qué mundo hermoso el que reflejamos, sabiendo que hay pocas cosas que se asemejen en forma en el mundo, encontrar sombras que se distinguen unas de otras y se nos presentan así en la vida, es encantador. Seguramente, aunque cualquier persona pueda ir a este museo, difícilmente observe lo mismo que yo, y tome las fotografías que tomé yo. Prácticamente cada sombra es también algo único en el mundo.
Delighted to participate another week in the contest, if anyone has not heard, this is the link of this week to participate is simple and fun. I send a big hug to all of you!
VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)
Encantada de participar otra semana en el contest, si alguien no se ha enterado, [este es el link](https://ecency.com/hive-179017/@melinda010100/shadow-photo-smash-contest-round) de esta semana para poder participar es sencillo y divertido. ¡Les mando un abrazo enorme a todos!
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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@littlesorceress, you are most welcome!
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Hello @littlesorceress
Looking for objects that cast shadows is very interesting, even entertaining.
Your shadow photographs are beautiful.
Hello, Abi @miprimerconcurso ! Thank you very much for your words, this search has me very fascinated, it is a beautiful exercise to learn to look around. I send you a big hug! have a nice Friday!
That happens when you become a shadow hunter, always be attentive to any projection of shadows that you can photograph. What a great place you have visited, dear friend @littlesorceress, you took beautiful shots
Thank you very much, my friend! It's amazing what I discover in the world of shadows when I'm doing something else. Every day I'm happier to choose to participate in this amazing community! I send you a hug!
So glad you are enjoying shadow hunting! You found an awesome place to find shadows.
Thank you @melinda010100 ! I really enjoy this quest, thank you for running the community and for making it a lovely space. You have managed to transmit this emotion to me and I enjoy it very much. Have a nice Friday!
I'm very glad you are having fun shadow hunting!