When I was fresh out of high school, I stayed a year working and the very next year, I picked up the JAMB(Joint administration and matriculation boards) form to take the entrance exam that will get me into higher institution.
I studied so well, used past materials, and attended lessons, all in preparation for the exam. I wanted to study engineering. It was that or nothing. When I sat for the examination, I got a good enough score, so I prepared well for the post-ume exam, the second exam that I was to write in the school of my choosing which alongside the JAMB one will be a determinant of my getting entrance.
Results for the exam got out, and I did well, too. I was elated. I was excited that I would be going to school and for the new phase in my life.
Unfortunately, when the entrance list got out, I didn't make the list. I was so pissed. I was angry. To add salt to injury, I had friends who had also sat for the exam call to say that they had gotten it. Some of them got their desired courses, only a few were given courses.outside their choices. What made me feel terrible was that I had made higher scores in the exams than most of them. When they ask about mine, I'll say, "I've not seen anything yet."
Most of them asked, "How is that possible? You that scored higher." Then they'll tell me to not lose hope. That it was the messed up educational system.
I took the exams the next year and the year after that one but nothing. Eventually, after staying home and wasting the many years as I thought I did, I took up studying Organic Chemistry. It was nothing near what I wanted. At this time, some of my mates were already leaving the university. Every day that I went to school, I felt sad. I thought that if I had only settled for any one of the other courses, I would have been graduating, too. I looked at my course mates and felt I shouldn't be there. It was depressing.
When my first semester result got out, something struck me. It was how poorly i was doing. I underperformed. I knew i was better than that. I had been so overcome with disappointment and was sulking that i hadn't noticed that i was lagging behind.
So i sat myself down and had a talk with me. Since I was already in, it was better, I do away with the thoughts weighing me down and making the time count. I told myself that if i did not blow away the cobwebs and get my studies on track, I'll be madder at myself in the years after. And so i went to my drawing board and made a plan.
I still wanted engineering. So i started to study like my whole life depended on it. By the end of the second semester, my result was mindblowing, and I picked up the form to transfer to the Engineering department because I was eligible. At the same time, I took up the jamb form for a different school as i couldn't afford to put my eggs in one basket. Well, i wrote the exams and when the results and list were out, behold, there it was. I had gotten the admission to study the course of my dream.
It was a proud moment for me. Still is.
I hope that this was interesting to read. Thank you for coming around.
Thanks for sharing your story in The Ink Well, @luckydrums. Remember that all short stories, even creative nonfiction ones, involve characters, action and dialogue. Be sure to have a look at our creative nonfiction writing tips and our catalogue of storytelling tips.
Congratulations on your school success and keep writing!
An excellent story of perseverance and perseverance. You didn't let the obstacles along the way change your dreams. Very well done.
Regards @luckydrums