Friendship beyond age and distance (LOH 192)



Friendship! It is a very beautiful word. Connection, love, mutual respect, kindness, company, these words define friendship for me.

A friend is someone you have connection with, you both are connected by heart and you love to do things together and are happy and pleased with what you both do.
A true friend shows love at all times, he is always there both in good and in bad times. Friends respect each other and try to keep the dignity of one another, he doesn't go on slandering the other or revealing his friend's secrets.
A true friend shows kindness to his friend at all time, he helps out both physically and emotionally, even financially when he can and when it is needed. A friend is a companion that won't let his friend feel down, he's always there to cheer and to comfort.

There's a song I always love to sing, part of the lyrics says:

"True friends, love you when you're down!
Happy when you're up!
Right by your side when trials come!
Speak up when you're wrong,
Commend you when you're right!
Keep you on track in the race for life" True friends

Did you notice in the lyrics where it says, "speak up when you're wrong?" Well yes! A true friend will always speak up when you make mistake and try to correct you, he doesn't see you going astray and keeps mute. And he'll commend you when you do the right thing too.


A friend doesn't necessarily have to be only your age mate or in your age group, a friend can be someone older or younger. We are not limited to any Race, nationality, skin color, social status we can make friends with anyone who we feels comfortable with and has what it takes to be a friend, it's the heart and not the face that matters! There are no barriers in friendship.

For me, I tend to easily make friends more with older ones more than my mates, most of my friends are old people. I get very nervous trying to make friends with young people like me, though I have a few of them I talk to or those who I've known since childhood but I always visit my older friends and I can't remember the last time I even visited a young person in his house.
I enjoy being with the older friends and learning from their experience, one of my cousins had even made fun of me saying I behave like an old woman 😂, though she said it's a good thing lol.
I believe widening out is a good thing and I enjoy hanging out in mixed groups where everyone both young and old can have fun!

I have older friends both offline and online, there are new ones I've made thanks to the hive blockchain and I'm grateful to have them.

My friends always provide a shoulder to lean and gives me the right words to help me mend and they always want to see me happy and to make the right decisions in life, those are the type of friends I want! Those who help me to develop a good skill to face this new difficult journey of adulthood.

Friendship is a gift from God to keep us happy, choosing our friends wisely will benefit us for a lifetime, because the people we associate with will also affect our behavior whether for the good or for the bad.


I could go on writing, a lot of things to add about friendship lol! This is such a nice topic and thanks to @merit.ahama for the brilliant prompt. I'm happy to participate. Below is a link to the contest if you wish to join:

Ladies of Hive Community Contest #192

cover image generated using my prompt on


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Proverbs 27:6 says, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend." A true friend that is willing to risk losing our friendship by telling the truth, a friend that doesn't want us to get hurt by our bad choices, a friend that will still leave the door open for us even though we reject him or her. That's the best kind of friend who looks after your best interest.
