Shadow Hunters Community Contest SMASh - Round 331 [ENG/ESP]


"We cast a shadow on something wherever we stand.”

E. M. Forster

Shadow Hunters Community Contest SMASh - Round 331

Yesterday late in the afternoon, after parking my car and before heading to the apartment, I noticed this pigeon that was walking in a carefree manner in the parking area.

As I have done repeatedly, I tried to get as close as possible to take some pictures, however, as has been customary, the bird accelerated its pace fleeing from what it surely thought was a threat to its integrity, even though my only purpose was to capture some images.

After a few minutes of chasing, the pigeon took flight as a vehicle approached the parking lot, but by that time I had already managed to get some pictures.

As I have described in previous posts, I usually make use of the editing tools offered in their free versions by the applications Picsart and Snapseed, with the aim of improving or highlighting some element of my images.

Ayer al final de la tarde, luego de estacionar mi carro y antes de dirigirme al apartamento, pude observar esta paloma que caminaba de forma despreocupada por el área del estacionamiento.

Como he hecho en repetidas oportunidades, procuré acercarme lo más posible para tomarle algunas fotos, sin embargo, como ha sido costumbre, el ave aceleró su paso huyendo de lo que seguramente pensó era una amenaza a su integridad, aún cuando mi único propósito era capturar algunas imágenes.

Luego de unos pocos minutos de persecución, la paloma emprendió su vuelo al acercarse un vehículo al estacionamiento, pero ya para ese momento había logrado algunas fotos.

Como he descrito en posts anteriores, usualmente hago uso de las herramientas de edición que ofrecen en sus versiones gratuitas las aplicaciones Picsart y Snapseed, con el objetivo de mejorar o destacar algún elemento de mis imágenes.

All the Photos are of my Authorship, as well as the Edition of the same ones.

This is my entry for the #SMASh Contest. This is an initiative of @melinda010100. I hope you enjoy it.

Esta es mi participación para el Concurso #SMASh. Esta es una iniciativa de @melinda010100. Espero que lo disfruten.


Camera: Samsung Galaxy A12
Photo Editor: Picsart / Snapseed
Location: Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela
Date: 23-07-2024

Si les gustó este Post, los invito a apoyar mi trabajo siguiendo mi cuenta @manuelgil64 dejando sus comentarios y votando



Too bad they don't listen when we tell them to stand still! Nice shadow shots even if it wasn't cooperative.



I am passionate about birds, and when I see one it is impossible for me not to get closer to take some photos.
What a pity that the bird did not pose for you, even so you have taken beautiful shots. excellent photographs of shadows dear friend @manuelgil64
