Let's drink desperados. Flies entered my drink. Am crying


It's a pleasure to say "Hi" to all you beer lovers and drinkers from all around the globe. Is there anyone among us presently that haven't drink beer today? If you're the one, don't stress yourself much for am here to present a special kind of beer with unique taste to you. Please let's drink it together.

But, before we proceed with the drinking, permit me to give you a special review of

the beer, it's components (ingredients), the producer and why you should join me to drink it.

Hoping you're ready to hear me out, let's move.........

The name

There are 2 beers am in love with and they are: "Legend stout beer" (if you want to learn more about legend stout beer, check out this my post link and the one am about reviewing now which is known as "Desperados original beer". Ohh, what a fitting name!!. Additionally, the name sounds like Desperate. Anyway, I can't doubt if it's derived from it because, at the end, even if you're living in diaspora, you will definitely feel desperate to drink this beer lolz.

Ok, let's move over to it's ...


Desperados is the latest product of Nigerian brewery PLC under licensed from Heineken Enterprise France. Looking at it, you'll believe with me that this drink is half-caste. Why are you laughing naa? Think about it, if your father is a Nigerian and your mother is from France, you're what? Anyway, render justice by yourself. Whatever you are, is exactly what the drink is. lolz.

Hahaha, remember, all works without play makes small Jack a dull boy and don't forget that laughter heals the bone and soul. So expect some jokes while reading any of my articles. It's part of me.

Alright, let's check on its components to know if it worths drinking lolz.

The ingredients

Malted barley







Citric acid



Let's take out a portion of our time to check all the above mentioned components to know the level of these beer. Let's goooo.....

The first to review is ....

Malted barley

There are varities of malt all around the world, but malted barleyis the one specially chosen by brewers to produce beer by presoaking it in water.

It's benefits

Malted barley has natural sugar which is good for the body

If you're suffering from high cholesterol, malted barley is for you because it contains a good number of vitamin B6, potassium and folate

It's also good for weight loss because of the presence of fiber in it.

It improves and restores healthy heart.

Are you keenly interested to know more about Malted barley, Click Here

Next to review is....


There is nothing much to talk about glucose because right from infancy, I have known glucose as energy booster. So, it's a true sign that this beer gives energy.

Without wasting much our of our precious time, let's check onnn......


There is sugar almost in all plants. But, this type of Sugar is special because it's obtained from a root crop grown in both tropical and subtropical areas. Do you know the name of the plant? Hahaha, it's no other plant than Sugarcane. So the sugar is also natural one.

It's benefits

It stores and restores energy

it's quick energy booster

it helps to boost memory thereby improving thinking ability

permit me to stop here and to switch to the next ingredient known as....


Hop is the flower obtained from hop plant. We have male and female hop plant. And it's only the female one that can serve for commercial purposes. The work of this plant extract is to add flavor or bittering taste to beer.


What do I need to tell you about tequila? What do you know about Agave plant? Do you know the only country permitted to grow Agave plant where tequila is obtained from? Wow, click here to learn more about tequila origin.

Health benefits of tequila

Tequila serves as colon cleanser

It improves digestion

Are you diabetic or is yours type 2 diabetes? then, tequila is for you.

It also have microorganisms known as probiotics that suits our health and skin.

Now, let's check on another component of desperado beer which is...


Water is the friendliest of all the beers around the globe. And knowing fully well that water is in every home, let me just talk about it's health benefits.

Benefits of water

it helps the brain to function very well
it fights against constipation
if you're having headache, drink water
Regular intake of water can dissolve kidney stones etc.

The next content of desperado beer is ...


Sucrose is a compound obtained from both glucose and fructose and it serves as sweetener.

Health benefits of sucrose

  • It eliminates fatigue

  • It boosts mental health

  • It improves memory

Next in line is ...

Citric acid

Citric acid is found in citrus fruits like lemon and lime and it the source of their sour taste.

Citric benefits

  • It serves as additive
  • Good source of nutritional supplement
  • It fights against skin infection
  • It also fights against the formation of kidney stones etc

Second to the last in my list today is....


Do you people have corn in your city? which type is common in your country and city? Here we have white and yellow corn. Do you know the health benefits of corn? Hahaha, I know that the first you'll mention is that it's a good source of carbohydrates. You're right. And as it's a good source of carbohydrates, it means that it's energy booster isn't it? click here to know more about it's health benefits

The last in my list is...

Alcohol percentage

The alcohol volume or percentage is only but 5.9%. So its not much. Despite that the volume is low, its advisable to be consumed by only 18+

Having reviewed all the components of desperado beer with tequila, let me show you the difference between this beer and other beers in my city.

Why desperado is different from other beers

it contains glucose while other beers contains only sugar

it's aromatic compound is tequila while other beers contains ethanol as their aromatic compound.

it also contain citric acid and corn

Now, it's time to showcase how I enjoyed one today.

After attending a Christian meeting, on my way home, I stopped at a bar where men gathered to watch football match.

I walked in and demanded for a bottle of Desperados.

First, they stationed a table before me.

Next, they brought my demand.

Upps, the taste is so smooth, tasty and it's garnished with light bitter taste.

Ohh, I really love the taste. It's a must drink for all beer lovers.

While enjoying my beer, something crazy happened that I nearly shed tears. Just take a look at this ...

Do you notice the presence of flies inside my beer? Ahh, what an incident!!

But I tagged it my fault as I was unable to cover the bottle after filling the cup. Honestly, the fly have taught me a lesson in a hard way and I have also learn the lesson in a great way.

Though, tears nearly rolled down my cheeks as I was unable to enjoy my beer to the fullest.
Nevertheless, that's it for today.

I love you all from a distance. Kiss for you....

Please @beauty197, @uzoma24 and @chichieze, am calling on you guys as my hive friends to come in with your #BeerSaturday review.


I love it each time you invites me to come and drink beer. Am praying myself for it. Please don't stop the invite. I will definitely take some beer soon. Happy drinking. But make sure you don't take much okay 🤗🤗. Kiss you from here


Hahaha, even if I should take more, my head is very strong lolz. Thanks for the advice.

One day, try it out


I love Desperadoes too.
It has a great taste and very smooth in the mouth. It foams very well too.

And yes, you should always cover your drinks when you drik at such a public place. Sorry for the bad experience.


So, when last did you drink desperados?

My dear, it was a bitter experience I swear. I took the lesson home. Thanks for the advice
