Life intercontinental premium lager beer


For sure, we are nothing without life. Yes, any lifeless object can't act or device something negative or positive. That was where my mind travelled to immediately after setting my eyes on the name of this beer.

Life Intercontinental Premium Lager Beer

When I checked to know why the brewer or company gave this beer the name, I found out that the brewer according to my personal research gave it the title LIFE because once there is life, there is hope. Additionally, it serves as an assurance to all his consumers or patronizers that the beer is highly hygienic, meaning that they should drink it with full trust and reliance.

Now, let me showcase the content of this beer according to what is written in the bottle.


There are four powerful ingredients found in this beer and they are thus as follow....

  • Water

  • Sorghum

  • Malted barley

  • Hops extract

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Now, let's take a brief review of this 4 ingredients to know their benefits (advantage) and their disadvantages especially on our body.

Water: Water is essential for life that it's possible for one to survive solely with water in the absence of food. Also, according to scientific research, 70% of human body needs water that's why they recommend that one need to take at least 4 litres of water per day. So it's wise to add water to this beer. Remember, water is life and this beer is also known as life. It rhymes 😂

  • Sorghum: Sorghum or broomcorn is a nutritious food that contains various vitamins, dietary fiber, minerals and protein.

Looking at it, its obvious that all these ingredients are essential for human body. Thats good!

Now, loets check on its health benefits to our system.

Because of the presence of all these minerals and vitamins in sorghum, its obvious that sorghum fights against:

    • high cholesterol*
  • cancer
  • diabetes
    And lastly, it helps with the boosting of insulin.

Malted barley

Malted barley is a grain that is specially used in the production of beer. Yea, beer brewers can't play with barley when it comes to beer brewing. Now, lets check on its components and why they chose it as best among all other grains.

Malted barley has high level of antioxidants that helps fight and lover the risk of high cholesterol and heart disease.

Intake of barley aids in digestion and same time minimizes the feeling of hunger.

It also contributes to weight loss

Hops Extract

Hop plant produces flowers and when the flowering part is extracted and dried, we call it hops extract and its one of the essential components of #Life intercontinental Lager Beer.

Now, lets review its health benefits.

  • It stimulates digestion
  • It contains antioxidant properties
  • It enhances sleep

Additionally, #Life lager Beer contains 3.0g of carbohydrates and with that, its energy booster.

Net content and alc.volume

The net content is 600ml while its alcohol volume is 5.0%.

The color and appearance

The color is light golden and foamy. The beer is already foamy without opening, how much more it will produce after opening.

Where I enjoyed the beer

On Wednesday, the 31st day of July 2024, my best friend's father was buried.

After the burial, we enjoyed varieties of beers and myself enjoyed #life intercontinental premium lager beer with local dish (Ugba and mgbam) with friends and family and the taste was nice though not too sweet but it's ok.

Its now time to invite my friend @caleb-marvel to write about any beer he enjoyed in any language of his choice.

This is my entry to this week's beersaturday challenge week 370 by @detlev.


Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @ahmedhayat. Keep spreading love through ecency


Wow, that's awesome.

Thanks I greatly appreciate


Thanks for your invitation my dear friend, I don't really drink beer if not I would have lots to write about with friends, I am good with wine or 🥛 milk. Thanks for your invitation, I always appreciate..


Ehhyaa, I wish you could have a taste of it one day. But, why do you detest beer?
