My friends in virtuality, a treasure of affections without barriers || Contest-192 [ENG-ESP]
My friends in virtuality, a treasure of affections without barriers
I am agitated in a society sustained by an unprecedented dynamism, in which signifiers emerge indefatigably. I am transfigured in the coming and going of horizons of uncertainty to transcend in the search of being, in the exacerbated and busy collectivity. The intentionality is to flow and travel in the amenity of the globalized multidimensionality, satiated with a mixture, of the dissimilar and the analogous, to appreciate the timelessness that brings us closer to the alterity.
Friendship is for me, a capital sustenance, without which I could not exist in this life, in my entrails vibrates my social being, I have never had doubts or hesitations about it, I will always need others, because the otherness, is part of my inescapable spices, essential in my dressings, to savor and taste my journey. My friends are the ferments of my essence, companions, and collaborators in my journey, sources of shelter and care, in the harmony of reciprocity in mutual support, and when the need arises, true resonances of conscience.
Initiating a friendly relationship, in most cases, has not been difficult, I like to talk and I am a good listener, I find it interesting and enriching to socialize with other people full of life experiences, other ways of thinking, and being, to this then adds understanding, trust, love and respect for the concrete and different, the desire and believe without adjustments or established patterns. The embarrassing thing in my case, is to keep them, not being able to devote the time they deserve, because of my chores. When I find people eager and in need of time, unfortunately, I am not an option and they withdraw. It is legitimate and understandable, our life is so short that we cannot waste time waiting.
In my journey, virtuality, as a mediating dynamic, was always pigeonholed and archived, almost exclusively for the purpose of facilitating my activities. A family eventuality with an unfortunate end, sealed in me the imprint of rejection to social networks, to the zeal of sharing my identity and my way of life in these spaces. I am an example of how environments and experiences can permeate and considerably imprint our actions. In attempts to generate changes, a friend of mine created a Facebook and an Instagram where I have never shared anything, twitter (X) arrived while I was in Hive (I use it very little).
With this prelude to my aversion to social networks, I came to Hive. If you go through my blog, you will see very few personal images, as I continue to protect my privacy. But that did not prevent me from nurturing myself in this multiverse of virtuality. With many gaps and ignorance in its operation, I took my first steps and from the beginning, the interaction flowed amicably, I began to experience an exquisite well-being, curiosity burst with panache, in this wonderful place. I was pleased with the possibilities that blossomed before me, many options to grow and evolve with others and for others. Between comments and publications, I discovered distinguished and exquisite gems, true Souls of Light, my virtual friends.
My Hivers friends, are joy and reflection, in an accumulation of precious wisdom, with an elixir of encouragement and growth, that calms my storms and fades my insecurities. Grateful for the shelter and care in adversity, weaving hope with threads of light in solidarity, generating a gallant permutation, towards new looks and interpretations, and giving value to my life.
How much does friendship mean to you? Can you make new friends easily?
July 05, 2024

Mis amigos en la virtualidad, un tesoro de afectos sin barreras
Me zarandeo en una sociedad que se sustenta en un dinamismo sin precedentes, en el que las grafías significantes emergen infatigables y yo me transfiguro en el ir y venir de horizontes de incertidumbre para trascender en la búsqueda del ser, en la exacerbada y atareada colectividad. La intencionalidad, fluir y viajar en la amenidad de la multidimensionalidad globalizada, saciada de mezcolanza, de lo disímil y lo análogo, para justipreciar la atemporalidad que nos aproxima unos con otros en la alteridad.
La amistad es para mí, un sustento capital, sin el cual no podría existir en esta vida, en mis entrañas vibra mi ser social, nunca he tenido dudas o vacilaciones al respecto, siempre necesitaré de los demás, porque la otredad, forma parte de mis especias ineludibles, imprescindibles en mis aderezos, para saborear y degustar mi caminar. Mis amigos son los fermentos de mi esencia, compañeros y colaboradores en mi viaje, fuentes de cobijo y cuido, en la sintonía de la reciprocidad, en el apoyo mutuo y cuando surge la necesidad, verdaderas resonancias de conciencia.
Iniciar una relación de amistad, en la mayoría de los casos, no ha sido difícil, me gusta conversar y soy buena oyente, me resulta interesante y enriquecedor socializar con otras personas llenas de experiencias de vida, otras formas de pensar y ser, a esto se suma luego la comprensión, la confianza, el amor y respeto por lo concreto y diferente, el querer y creer sin adecuaciones, ni patrones establecidos. Lo embarazoso, en mi caso, es mantenerlas, al no poder dedicarles el tiempo que se merecen, por mis faenas. Cuando encuentro personas deseosas y necesitadas de tiempo, penosamente no soy una opción y se retiran. Es legítimo y comprensible, nuestra vida es tan corta que no podemos desperdiciar el tiempo en esperas.
En mí transitar, la virtualidad, como dinámica mediadora, siempre estuvo encasillada y archivada, casi exclusivamente a propósitos de facilitación de mis actividades. Una eventualidad familiar con final desafortunado, selló en mí la impronta del rechazo a las redes sociales, al afán de compartir mi identidad y mi forma de vida en estos espacios. Soy un ejemplo de cómo los entornos y experiencias pueden permear e imprimir considerablemente nuestras acciones. En intentos por generar cambios, un amigo me creo un Facebook y un Instagram, donde nunca he compartido nada, el Twitter (X) llegó estando en Hive (lo uso muy poco).
Con este preludio de mi aversión a las redes sociales, llegué a Hive. Si recorres mi blog, verás poquísimas imágenes personales, ya que sigo protegiendo mi privacidad. Pero eso no ha impedido nutrirme de este multiverso de virtualidad. Con muchos vacíos y desconocimiento en su funcionamiento, di mis primeros pasos y desde el principio la interacción fluyó amigablemente, comencé a experimentar un exquisito bienestar, la curiosidad irrumpía con garbo, en este maravilloso lugar. Me complacían las posibilidades que florecían ante mí, muchas opciones para crecer y evolucionar con otros y para otros. Entre comentarios y publicaciones, fui descubriendo distinguidas y primorosas gemas, verdaderas almas de luz, mis amigos virtuales.
Ustedes, mis amigos Hivers, son alegría y reflexión, en un cúmulo de preciosa sabiduría, con un elixir de estímulo y crecimiento, que apacigua mis tempestades y desvanece mis inseguridades. Agradecida por el cobijo y el cuidado en la adversidad, tejiendo esperanza con hilos de luz en solidaridad, generando una gallarda permutación, hacia nuevas miradas e interpretaciones, dando valor a mí vivir.
Esta es mi respuesta a la interrogante del Concurso #192
¿Qué importancia tiene para ti la amistad? ¿Puedes hacer nuevos amigos fácilmente?
05 de Julio de 2024

All content is my own unless it is specifically expressed
Translations are done with DeepL Free Edition
Grammar/Spelling checked with Grammarly Free Edition and Google Docs Spellcheck

Todo el contenido es mío a menos que se exprese específicamente
Las traducciones se realizan con DeepL Edición gratuita
Gramática y ortografía revisadas con Grammarly Edición gratuita y Google Docs Corrector ortográfico

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tokens.@ladiesofhive, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @marilour and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (3/30 calls)
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Thank you so much @ladiesofhive team, appreciate the support. My gratitude to you !LUV
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tokens.@marilour, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.
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Thank you very much team @hivebuzz, for the good news, appreciated !PIZZA !LUV
Awesome work @marilour! You're well on your way to reaching your Hive goals. Keep buzzing!
Thank you very much @hivebuzz team for these stimulating and energetic words, appreciated !PIZZA
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Thank you very much @hivepakistan community for your deference and appreciation !LUV !PIZZA
I am also not fond of traditional social media like Facebook, Insta and the like. In fact,I used Facebook for a short while and I experienced negative psychological effects. I quit it altogether. !LOLZ. I have even forgotten my password.
Hive is different than that of social media. Here, we meet genuine people with genuine writings (though fluffy content also exists here but we can simply ignore it and connect to the people we like). I have also come across eeally wise people through this platform. I appreciate their existence in my life. You are one of them @marilour . I am glad to cross paths with you. Your content is a source of inspiration and a food for thoughts.
I can always count on them
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Greetings dear @amberkashif thank you for your comments, always valuable and enriching. What a coincidence in the strangeness, you are not attracted to traditional social networks either, we are an example of the presence of heterogeneity in doing, and not always everything is as we conjecture.
I agree and fully support your reflection, Hive is different and remarkable in its quality, I have felt, lived and evidenced repeatedly, much to learn and discover in this exciting universe available for the opportunity. The value and richness is undoubtedly in its people, those who are special, who shine and vibrate, who transmit kindness and positive energy, those who help you to find yourself in placidity and progression.
Honored by your words, the feeling is reciprocal, you are valuable, an assiduous source of wisdom and knowledge, which has facilitated my digging and digging in the facts of everyday life, to find sustenance and nourishing response to the journey. Thank you for your contributions and appreciation !LUV !LADY
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tokens.@marilour, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @amberkashif and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (3/4 calls)
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Much !LUV
Con la pandemia muchos encontramos un refugio en las redes sociales y pudimos conocer mucha gente, es genial saber que tú has sumado gente buena en tu vida, está muy bien escrita tu reflexión.
Saludos :)
Saludos, estimada @eugelys es un gusto la interacción, honrada y agradecida de tu visita. Formo parte de esa oleada, llegué a Hive en tiempos de Covid y verdaderamente transformó mi existir, fuente de equilibrio, sosiego y esperanza ante mis atormentadas y sentidas vivencias en salas de un hospital, en los momentos más tristes y desesperantes de esta terrible pandemia. Así emergió por primera vez la lírica y la poesía como forma de expresión en mí, hasta ese momento adormilado y desconocido. Mucho que agradecer a Hive a través de su gente. Sí, aquí hay mucha gente buena, paisanos valiosos y también de todos los continentes, reflejos de la verdadera esencia y naturaleza de Hive, el amor y solidaridad. Tu presencia siempre ha sido luz y guía en este excelso recorrido, tuve el gusto de conocerte en mis inicios y has sido una fuente inagotable de saber, mi admiración por tu hacer, digno ejemplo a seguir, tus melodías nutren y regocijan el alma. Naciste con el don de la voz que embriaga y extasía, bendiciones a tu existencia. Mis escritos vienen del sentir en el vivir, así fluyo y me expreso, agradecida por la deferencia de tus distinguidas palabras. Feliz fin de semana para ti y los tuyos, salud y bienestar !HUG !LUV !LADY
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tokens.@marilour, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @eugelys and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (4/4 calls)
Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @marilour.
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marilour tipped drawmatic
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Ohhh what a nice surprise, thank you @drawmatic and @hivepakistan for this gift. I promise to familiarize myself with the process, which at this time I am unfamiliar with, so I will be in the loop. Thank you very much for the deference !HUG !LUV !PIZZA
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @marilour.
Hola @marilour es un gusto disfrutar de tus reflexiones, esta no es la excepción !HUG !LADY !LUV
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tokens.@almajandra, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @marilour and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/2 calls)
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I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @almajandra.
Muchas gracias @almajandra por tu visita y bonitas palabras, son un estímulo para seguir evolucionando y disfrutando lo que hago !LUV !LOLZ !LADY
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tokens.@marilour, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @almajandra and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/4 calls)
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But that’s a whisk I’m willing to take.
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@almajandra, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of marilour
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this line above summed it all. friends are truly wonderful
Greetings @itz.inno thank you for your participation with your visit and comments, valuable for the interaction
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