To my Hivers friends, thanks to You I am back || Contest-198 [ENG-ESP]
To my Hivers friends, thanks to You I am back
I persevere in the chaos of life itself, it is my greatest graph of a great chaotic, dynamic, and essentially unstable system, which translates into a constant metamorphosis, which is why I must vary, oscillate, and change perennially in the instability of equilibrium, otherwise, if I do not achieve the necessary conciliation, adapting myself to the imminent complexity, alterations will germinate with unexpected repercussions, most likely expressed in negative impacts, indicative of organic and emotional imbalances.
I refer with expressive experience, that chaotic events have been the ones that have contributed the most to my growth, evolution, and transformation, because despite the noise they can generate, I have always chosen to flow in the changes, accepting the non-linearity and taking advantage of the crisis as the best moment to adjust and readjust, visualizing new opportunities. The repair process is indeterminate, as a defective and imperfect human being, I stumble, hesitate, and doubt, in the face of uncertainty and uneasiness, as challenges that seek my setback.
I live my existence with passion and without any compunction, nourishing myself with the innumerable kindnesses that enrich and embellish the journey in the distance. In my heart, there is no resentment, anger, or bad thoughts. When I have experienced negative emotions and feelings, I try in a peremptory way to release them and let them go, they know that, in me, they do not have acquiescence to nestle and much less approval to conquer perennial space in my being. Today, through these lines, I share with you, dear reader, this fragment of my life story, to free myself from this event and from all the negative feelings and experiences it made me feel so that the wind will carry it away, never to return.
In the same way, I do the opposite, strengthening and reinforcing everything that this experience contributed, generating inputs to nourish the soul, ennobling and dignifying my inner self. Today is the perfect opportunity to thank once again my valuable Hivers my dear virtual friends. Thanks to you and your unconditional support, through various signs of affection, solidarity, and companionship, you persisted with patience and constancy, helping me to dissipate the bad moments and insecurities, and contributing to my return.
At the beginning of June, a comment on one of my publications altered my equilibrium in seconds, uncoupling my emotionality, enveloping me in the nimbus of chaos and fluctuation, activating astonishment and bewilderment. My journey in Hive was called into question. My honesty was doubted, the originality of my writings and my existence was devastated. What I was asked to corroborate was unattainable, due to my lack of activity in traditional social networks, my accounts existed, but they were bare, without use; I was at rock bottom, I was lost.
But life in its hybridism overwhelms you, and without waiting for it, understanding came with kindness, manifested in expressions of solidarity and support, spreading in me the hope that everything would become clear and finally it did, that is what I believe. I do not name them, they know who they are and if they wish, they will enunciate themselves.
This event pushed me into chaos, upsetting my confidence, but thanks to the diligent and accurate help of my Hivers friends, my desire to continue in this multidimensional multiverse was strengthened even more. Upon my return I made some changes, mainly directed to a friendly description of the elements I use, I attached a collage representative of my activities and academic review; only as a complement in case you are interested in knowing a little more about me.
I am very happy to be back, thanks to my Hivers friends, who have enriched my enthusiasm with their energy and good vibes, shining with their light and adorning my path with elegance. A whim of destiny coupled us and imbricated us in tissues of affection and dynamic bonds of friendship, prospering and flowing in reciprocity, without borders or demands, emerging new codes of inner voice, to value and treasure friendship, in the confluence of horizons and permutations.
My gratitude, are my Souls of Light.
In friends, we can continue to see great teachers who add experiences to our lives. Why wait for a special date to say I love you, remember to express what you feel for your friends, a letter, a memory, and share your feelings.
August 15, 2024

A mis Hivers amigos, gracias a Ustedes estoy de regreso
Persevero en el caos de la vida misma, es ella mi mayor grafía de un gran sistema caótico, dinámico y esencialmente inestable, lo que se traduce en una constante metamorfosis, razón de ello es que debo variar, oscilar y cambiar perennemente en la inestabilidad del equilibrio, de lo contrario, si no logro la necesaria conciliación, adecuándome a la complejidad inminente, germinarán alteraciones con repercusiones inopinadas, muy probablemente expresadas en impactos negativos, indicativos de desajustes orgánicos y emocionales.
Refiero con expresiva vivencia, que han sido los eventos caóticos, los que han contribuido con mayor importe a mi crecimiento, evolución y transformación, porque a pesar del estruendo que puedan generar, siempre he elegido fluir en los cambios aceptando la no linealidad y aprovechando la crisis como el mejor momento para ajustar y reajustar, visualizando nuevas oportunidades. El proceso de reparación es indeterminado, como humana, defectiva e imperfecta; tropiezo, vacilo y dudo, ante la incertidumbre y el desasosiego, como desafíos que pretenden mi revés.
Vivo mi existencia con pasión y sin remilgos, nutriéndome de las innumerables bondades, que enriquecen y embellecen el viaje en la distancia. En mi corazón no habita el resentimiento, la rabia, ni los malos pensamientos. Cuando he experimentado emociones y sentimientos negativos, procuro de forma perentoria liberarlos y dejarlos ir, ellos saben que, en mí, no tienen aquiescencia para anidarse y mucho menos consentimiento para conquistar espacio perenne en mi ser. Hoy, a través de estas líneas, comparto con usted estimado lector este fragmento de mi historia de vida, para liberarme de este acontecimiento, de todo lo negativo que me hizo sentir y experimentar, para que se lo lleve el viento, para nunca más volver.
De la misma manera hago lo contrario, fortaleciendo y reforzando todo lo que esta experiencia aportó, generando insumos para nutrir el alma, ennobleciendo y dignificando mi interior. Hoy es la oportunidad perfecta para agradecer una vez más a mis valiosos Hivers, mis queridos amigos virtuales. Gracias a ustedes y a su apoyo incondicional, a través de diversas muestras de afecto, solidaridad y compañerismo, persistieron con paciencia y constancia, ayudándome a disipar los malos momentos y las inseguridades, contribuyendo a mi regreso.
A principios de Junio, un comentario en una de mis publicaciones, alteró en segundos mi equilibrio, desacoplando mi emocionalidad, envolviéndome en el nimbo caos y la fluctuación, activando el asombro y el desconcierto. Mi trayectoria en Hive, estaba en entredicho. Se dudaba de mi honestidad, de la originalidad de mis escritos y de mi existencia, estaba devastada. Lo que se me solicitaba para corroborar, era inalcanzable, debido a mi nula actividad en las redes sociales tradicionales, mis cuentas existían, pero estaban desnudas, sin uso; tocaba fondo, estaba perdida.
Pero la vida en su hibridismo te pasma, y sin esperarlo, la comprensión llegó hecha amabilidad, manifestada en expresiones de solidaridad y apoyo, diseminando en mí la esperanza de que todo se aclararía y finalmente así fue, eso es lo que creo. No los nombro, ellos saben quiénes son y si lo desean, ellos se enunciarán.
Este suceso me arrinconó en el caos, trastocando mi confianza, pero gracias al socorro diligente y acertado de mis amigos Hivers, se afianzó aún más mi deseo de continuar en este multiverso multidimensional. A mi regreso realicé algunos cambios, dirigidos primordialmente a una amigable descripción de los elementos que utilizo, adjunté un collage representativo de mis actividades y reseña académica; solo como complemento en caso de que estén interesados en conocer un poco más de mí.
Estoy muy feliz de estar de vuelta, gracias a mis Hivers amigos, que han enriquecido mi entusiasmo con su energía y buena vibra, brillan con su luz, engalanando con prestancia mi camino. Un antojo del destino, nos acopló e imbricó en tejidos de afectos y dinámicos lazos de amistad, prosperando y fluyendo en la reciprocidad, sin fronteras ni exigencias, emergiendo nuevos códigos de voz interior, para valorar y atesorar la amistad, en la confluencia de horizontes y permutaciones.
Mi gratitud, son mis Almas de luz
Esta es mi respuesta a la interrogante del Concurso #198
En los amigos podemos seguir viendo grandes maestros que suman experiencias a nuestras vidas. ¿Por qué esperar una fecha especial para decir te amo?, recuerda expresar lo que sientes por tus amigos, una carta, un recuerdo y compartir tus sentimientos.
15 de Agosto de 2024

All content is my own unless it is specifically expressed
Translations are done with DeepL Free Edition
Grammar/Spelling checked with Grammarly Free Edition and Google Docs Spellcheck

Todo el contenido es mío a menos que se exprese específicamente
Las traducciones se realizan con DeepL Edición gratuita
Gramática y ortografía revisadas con Grammarly Edición gratuita y Google Docs Corrector ortográfico

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
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tokens.@marilour, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.
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tokens.@ladiesofhive, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @marilour and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (14/30 calls)
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Thank you so much @ladies of hive family for the appreciation and support, my gratitude !LUV
@ladiesofhive, @marilour(7/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
a community encouraging first-hand content, and each individual living their best life.
Thank you so much Lady @thekittygirl and @innerblocks community for the deference and support, my gratitude !LUV
@innerblocks, @marilour(6/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
So glad you are back. Big hugs to you. Your Terminal peeps are always here for you.
Thank you very much @coinjoe for these heartfelt words, my sincere thanks extended to the great @theterminal family, my gratitude !HUG !LUV !LOTUS
@coinjoe, @marilour(5/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @marilour.
¡@coinjoe! Has recibido un aporte en $LOTUS de parte de @marilour.
Gracias por ser un promotor de bienestar dentro de nuestra Blockchain. Te animamos a continuar publicando contenido de calidad y de inspiración para el crecimiento y bienestar.
Más información sobre el token de $LOTUS en Lotus Token Relaunch
Hola @marilour estoy feliz de que continues con nosotros, disfruto tu escritura y reflexiones !HUG !LUV !LADY !LOTUS
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tokens.@almajandra, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @marilour and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/2 calls)
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@marilour, @almajandra(2/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
Hola estimada @almajandra, muy gratificada con tus muestras de cariño, espero continuar por acá compartiendo mis pensamientos y reflexiones, eso me hace muy feliz. Hasta otra ocasión, salud y bienestar !PIZZA !LOLZ !LADY
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tokens.@marilour, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @almajandra and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/4 calls)
Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.
It's a total rip-off.
Credit: reddit
@almajandra, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of marilour
¡@marilour! Has recibido un aporte en $LOTUS de parte de @almajandra.
Gracias por ser un promotor de bienestar dentro de nuestra Blockchain. Te animamos a continuar publicando contenido de calidad y de inspiración para el crecimiento y bienestar.
Más información sobre el token de $LOTUS en Lotus Token Relaunch
Very beautiful flowers
Good you have taken a step back to see more clearly now, welcome back.
Sometimes hurt we saying nothing, simply walk away which is not fair either.
@marilour, @joanstewart(3/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
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tokens.@joanstewart, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @marilour and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (3/21 calls)
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Cordial greetings appreciated and respected Lady @joanstewart, very grateful for your kind words full of wisdom, honored and gratified by your visit. In particular this situation took me some time to flow, think and rethink again and again, until I got the necessary balance and stabilize the emotions. Along the way, valuable friends appeared, who rightly nurtured me with their value and experience, contributed with their solidarity, provided inputs of light and wellbeing, which strengthened in me the acceleration and proper conduction to achieve the necessary process of healing and learning. I share your valuable appreciation; accumulating, keeping silent and not releasing what disconcerts us, ends up affecting us considerably, expressing itself in our body and in our mental health, distilling in addition to our family and our social environment of daily life; to finally steal and diminish our peace, at least that's how it happens in me. It is for this reason, that I release it and let it go, when I have the opportunity, from the sense of love and well-being. Happy and gratifying weekend, lady, blessings !LUV !LADY
@joanstewart, @marilour(9/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
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tokens.@marilour, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @joanstewart and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (3/4 calls)
Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.
Welcome back ma'am.
Hello @seunnara it's nice to meet you through this interaction, thank you for your good intentions made words. aHealth and wellbeing !LUV !LADY
@seunnara, @marilour(10/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
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tokens.@marilour, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @seunnara and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (4/4 calls)
Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.
Thanks for the gift @marilour
It was a pleasure
$PIZZA slices delivered:
@marilour(4/5) tipped @almajandra
Very touching your writing @marilour: ‘I am very happy to be back, thanks to my Hivers friends, who have enriched my enthusiasm with their energy and good vibes, shining their light and adorning my path of elegance’, and may those bonds of affection from hivers friends continue to flow with your return. Greetings.
Hello @cautiva-30 thank you very much for your words and good wishes, so be it !LUV !LADY
@cautiva-30, @marilour(1/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
You have already used the number of tips you had for the day. Please try again tomorrow or buy more LOH tokens to send more tips.
You're welcome, happy evening