Undressing the fears || Contest-194 [ENG-ESP]

Undressing the fears
I am responsible for captaining the family ship, guiding the course and speed, from a single-parent family, made up of a wonderful daughter and a cherished sister, conditioned by a mental disability. In the past, when Dad and Mum were alive, they were a bastion of light on my path, inexhaustible sources of love and understanding, treasures of experience and knowledge, always ready to support, tireless to give and humble to receive, beautiful and sincere love, but they say the good little, both are already on another level of existence, first dad left and then shortly after mum, his inseparable companion.
So, for some years now, all the responsibilities and decisions of our family have hung on me, it really is difficult, arduous, and nerve-wracking, I have had moments of considerable weakness, full of breaches, where I could not find clarity or the necessary fluency, to assume with fearlessness the chaotic and excessive daily routine, tiring and exhausting, distancing the so longed for and necessary moderation. My firmness was at times overshadowed and eclipsed, I am not alone, no one is, I am fortunate to have valuable friends, true beings of light on my path, but there are very personal, private, and exclusive aspects, reserved for specific people and they are no longer in my life.
It is at night, when all is quiet, when from my own self, thoughts pierce me, demanding that I speak of my fears and uncertainties, my imperfections emerge, those that make me more human and perceptible. At times, the gatherings become volatile, with indisputable dilemmas, self-absorbed pictures of my troubled heart, and moments of introspection that bring me to rock bottom, gnawing at me with unease and worry. It is not a routine, dissimilar expressions and manifestations can occur, by the excessive eagerness to find answers that spell out the enigmas, I rummage in the past times, of vital loved ones for me, as a result burst the fragrances of yesterday, going through in a to and fro the sensations of shelter, those that one day caressed me and today withered, nevertheless, they are perceived so alive and real, that they make vibrate my senses and the cavilings sprout.
I travel through life carrying two recurring fears in my backpack, they are accompanied by uncertainty and time, I reflect on them assiduously from humility and patience, today in this meeting I share them with you, they are my economy and the fear of leaving this existence early. With regard to the economy, I work to generate the necessary support in case of eventualities, it is more feasible to overcome, but the fear of not existing at an early age is a constant concern, the reason being the absolute dependence on my daughter and sister.
Recently an event occurred that exacerbated my insecurities, feeding my fears, in mid-January of this year, my sister in an unbalanced action, pushed me from behind, without time to react, being the fall imminent, I exerted all the support of my body on my right hand, the consequences came immediately, pain and visible deformity, the diagnosis: fracture of the forearm, the distal third of the ulna and radius of the right upper limb. In seconds everything had changed, I could not fend for myself, or care for others, and help did not take long to arrive, but I must be honest during my temporary disability, the days turned into years, and many nights I cried in secret, I was in the anxiety of possible sequels and limitations, were overwhelming days and a lot of reflection. Now recovered, still in rehabilitation due to some limitations to writing, but already in tune with my activities, including the creation of content, and grateful to life.
I am intimate and it is part of my therapeutic praxis the assiduous cavilation, my cognitive journeys, do not reach the consummation of an end, in antipode they often travel in the recursiveness of what I have lived, of what I have walked and of the actions performed, with the buttress of the inner abstraction of the unfathomable being, necessary to rethink and remake my unfinished existential purpose, vital for mine and me. The reflections from selfhood, represent the frank scrutiny without disguises or concealment, in constant construction and development, in hermeneutic.
How do you feel when alone answering your thoughts? Possibly you shared things in the past with your mother, grandmother, or sister — someone now no longer with you — do you turn to them asking what would they say if they were with you today? Please share those inner thoughts and fears you carry in your heart.
July 18, 2024

Desnudando los miedos
Soy la responsable de capitanear el barco familiar, de guiar el rumbo y la velocidad, de una familia monoparental, conformada por una maravillosa hija y una apreciada hermana, condicionada por una discapacidad mental. En el pasado, cuando papá y mamá vivían, fueron un bastión de luz en mi camino, inagotables fuentes de amor y comprensión, tesoros de experiencia y saberes, siempre dispuestos a apoyar, incansables para dar y humildes para recibir, amor bonito y sincero, pero dicen por ahí de lo bueno poco, ambos ya están en otro nivel de existencia, primero partió papá y poco después mamá, su compañera inseparable.
Por lo que, desde hace ya algunos años, penden de mí, todas las responsabilidades y decisiones de nuestra familia, realmente es difícil, arduo y neurálgico, he tenido momentos de considerable flaqueza, llenos de bretes, donde no he encontrado la claridad y fluidez necesaria, para asumir con intrepidez la caótica y desmedida cotidianidad, cansina y agotadora, distanciándose la tan ansiada y necesaria mesura. Mi firmeza se vio por momentos opacada y eclipsada, no estoy sola, nadie lo está, soy afortunada de contar con amigos valiosos, verdaderos seres de luz en mi camino, pero hay aspectos muy propios, privativos y exclusivos, reservados a personas concretas y que ya no están en mi vida.
Es en la avanzada noche cuando ya todo está en calma, que desde la mismidad, me taladran los pensamientos, exigiéndome disertar con mis miedos e incertidumbres, emergiendo mis imperfecciones, esas que me hacen más humana y perceptible. En ocasiones las tertulias se vuelven tornadizas, con indiscutibles dilemas, estampas ensimismadas de mi corazón atribulado, momentos de introspección que me llevan a tocar fondo, corroyéndome el desasosiego y la preocupación. No es una rutina, pueden ocurrir disímiles expresiones y manifestaciones, por el deseo desmedido de encontrar respuestas para deletrear los acertijos, con afán hurgo en los tiempos pasados, de seres queridos vitales para mí, como resultado estallan las fragancias del ayer, trajinando en un ir y venir las sensaciones de cobijo, aquellas que un día me acariciaron y hoy se marchitaron, sin embargo, se perciben tan vivas y reales, que vibran mis sentidos y brotan las cavilaciones.
Viajo por la vida llevando en mi mochila dos miedos recurrentes, van acompañados de incertidumbre y tiempo, reflexiono sobre ellos asiduamente desde la humildad y la paciencia, hoy en este encuentro los comparto con vosotros, son mi economía y el miedo a dejar esta existencia antes de tiempo. Con respecto a la economía, trabajo para generar el sustento necesario ante eventualidades, es más factible de superar, pero el miedo a no existir anticipadamente es una preocupación constante, la razón es la dependencia absoluta de mi hija y hermana.
Recientemente, ocurrió un hecho que exacerbó mis inseguridades, alimentando mis miedos, a mediados de enero de este año, mi hermana en una acción desequilibrada, me empujó por detrás, sin tiempo a reaccionar, siendo la caída inminente, ejercí todo el apoyo de mi cuerpo sobre mi mano derecha, las consecuencias llegaron de inmediato, dolor y deformidad visible, el diagnóstico: fractura del antebrazo, del tercio distal del cúbito y radio del miembro superior derecho. En segundos todo había cambiado, no podía valerme por mí misma, ni cuidar de los demás, la ayuda no tardó en llegar, pero he de ser sincera durante mi discapacidad temporal, los días se convirtieron en años, muchas noches lloraba a escondidas, estaba en la zozobra de posibles secuelas y limitaciones, fueron días agobiantes y de mucha reflexión. Ahora recuperada, aun en rehabilitación, por algunas limitaciones para escribir, pero ya en sintonía con mis actividades, entre ellas la creación de contenidos, agradecida a la vida.
Estoy intimada y es parte de mi praxis terapéutica la cavilación asidua, mis recorridos cognitivos, no alcanzan la consumación de un final, en antípoda viajan a menudo en la recursividad de lo vivido, de lo andado y de las acciones realizadas, con el arbotante de la abstracción interior del ser insondable, necesario para repensar y rehacer mi inacabado propósito existential, vital para los míos y para mí. Las reflexiones, desde la mismidad, representan el escrutinio franco, sin disfraces ni embozos, en constante construcción y desarrollo, en hermeneusis.
Esta es mi respuesta a la interrogante del Concurso #194
¿Cómo te sientes cuando estás solo y tienes que responder a tus pensamientos? Es posible que hayas compartido cosas en el pasado con tu madre, abuela o hermana, alguien que ya no está contigo. ¿Te diriges a ellos y les preguntas qué dirían si estuvieran contigo hoy? Comparte esos pensamientos y miedos internos que llevas en tu corazón.
18 de Julio de 2024

All content is my own unless it is specifically expressed
Translations are done with DeepL Free Edition
Grammar/Spelling checked with Grammarly Free Edition and Google Docs Spellcheck

Todo el contenido es mío a menos que se exprese específicamente
Las traducciones se realizan con DeepL Edición gratuita
Gramática y ortografía revisadas con Grammarly Edición gratuita y Google Docs Corrector ortográfico

I really loved reading you both fears are very understandable I think they are fears of many, but I hope that you are working on one and the other is better not to think about it so much, since everything has its time and you will surely see your daughter become a great woman and you will continue to accompany your sister you will see, Greetings and happy day
Hello @yolimarag it is a pleasure to meet you through this interaction. Thank you for the deference of your words, they are elixir of tuning and harmony, in the assiduous dynamism of life, they exude wisdom and radiant energy. Grateful for the good wishes, may it be so and may they be fulfilled. Until another time. Health and well-being to you and yours !LUV !LADY !LOTUS
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Hola querida @marilour, gracias por compartir tus temores con nosotros, deseo de corazón puedas liberarte de ellos, tratando de no pensar mucho, vivir y ser feliz !HUG !LUV !LADY
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @almajandra.
Hola estimada @almajandra gracias por tu visita y bonitas palabras. Eso es lo que trato, no pensar en mis miedos, gracias por tus consejos !LUV !LADY
This reminded me of the time I broke my shoulder following a bike accident. There's not a lot I could do with just my left arm. I didn't go out late evenings since I couldn't effectively defend myself. I couldn't work or get chores done in time. The good out of it was getting my kids to take over some of the chores and some time off work though my income was reduced.
!LUV ❤️
Hi @kerrislravenhill thank you for your visit and for sharing experiences. I am sorry for the accident you had, and what it entailed, I hope you have recovered satisfactorily, with resolution to integrus, and that your right shoulder is functioning as expected. For me the most tormenting thing was the limitation imposed by the immobilization, which unfortunately made me dependent on others, during that period of time, I contributed little, more than a solution, I also contributed to be part of the problem. But at the same time, idle time arose, which in other consitions would never have had a place, allowing me to think and rethink many things about my life and our family. Thank you for your valuable contribution and support. Health and well being for you and yours !LUV
Thank you so much @ladiesofhive team for the support !HUG !LUV
@marilour, sorry!
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Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Warm regards @untilwelearn and @ecency team, honored and grateful for the deference of support. Health and wellness !HUG !LUV !PIZZA
@marilour, sorry!
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How can anyone ever be out of hugs? @hug.bot
You know hugs are more powerful than a thousand words, Just one hug can make you feel good all day, They work better than medicines in many places. And you're telling someone that they are out of hugs😑😑
Anyways, @marilour Now you'll have 2 hugs and you also can spread them. 😊🤗
Ohhh thank you @untilweleam for these words, you are so right, hugs are good energy and very therapeutic when they come from the Heart, thank you for the gift, we will continue to give out lots of hugs !HUG !LUV
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @marilour.
Thank you for spreading it dear 😊 Have a beautiful Sunday!💚
This is a beautiful piece
Thank you so much @bestbeauty, for your visit and reading my post , appreciated. Health and wellness !LUV !LOLZ
He had no chance against all 5 of us.
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Thank you
Dear friend @marilour, I feel you. I had experienced some of my own fears and at a point almost being overcome by them that I decided to shift my focus from them and concentrate on the things that bring me pleasure. And My fears included the ones you mentioned...
And then, a month ago I slipped and fell, hurt my right hand, and although there was no fracture the pain has been severe. It was a sharp reminder of how frail life is but it strengthened my resolve to keep having mindful moments of gratitude and practice visualisation of my perfect life and economic situation.
I wish you speedy recovery, my friend, and hope you continue finding strength to push on.
Nice to greet you @ngwinndave, thanks for joining the dissertation, bringing value to the discussion. Grateful for your valuable advice, those that emerge from one's own life experiences. Grateful for your positive energy and good wishes, may they multiply for you and yours, in health and well-being !LUVG !PIZZA !LOLZ
It is slowly coming back to me.
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@ngwinndave, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of marilour
Temporary disability possibly led to your deeper thought toward uncertainty and time, we are all exceptionally vulnerable especially when facing too much on ones own.
Greetings dear @joanstewart, thank you for your visit and your words. Undoubtedly, you have expressed the feeling of what I experienced in my temporary disability process, being limited dependent on others, being third parties in charge of my needs and my family, made me think and rethink harder, the weakness of vulnerability was exacerbated in my thoughts and emotions. I do not refuse solidarity and mutual support, I practice it assiduously with my fellow human beings and I have often received their kindness through many loving hands. However, being functionally limited, moved my floor and my balance. We are not exempt, there are no criteria that certify what can happen (thank goodness), I know that sometimes it is not easy and everything is uphill, take pause, continue and along the way enjoying happiness with the little big moments that life gives us. Thank you for your valuable contribution to socializing, it has been a pleasure the interaction. Health and well being, for you and yours !LUV !LADY !LOTUS
Extreme events in our lives makes us think, we are fragile more often than depend on each other. Take care with !LUV
Thank you very much @joanstewart for strengthening my path, with your wise reflections, grateful for your noble and sincere wishes, may they multiply in blessings with much well-being for you and your beloved family !HUG !LUV !LADY
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¡@joanstewart! Has recibido un aporte en $LOTUS de parte de @marilour.
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My wife had the same fear and infected me with it. I realized that we are not sure how and who would take care of our kids if we were gone and if they be treated well.
There is so much ot fear on this life
Hello @tonton23 grateful that you join this sharing of experiences, we live every day of our existence with fears around us, especially those who represent the alienation or the affectation of welfare for our own, because our pure and great love is protective. Sometimes it is difficult for us to cope with the eventuality of the unexpected, but we must strengthen ourselves in our love giving us confidence to continue, of course on the way establishing measures that can strengthen security. It has been a pleasure and honor your comment, thank you for coming and contributing your opinion, it is valuable. Health and wellness for you and yours, happy and comforting weekend !HUG !LUV
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @marilour.