Concurso comunitario de Ladies of Hive n.° 222 | Ladies of Hive Community Contest #222


Saludos damas de la comunidad, para esta semana tenemos un nuevo desafío con preguntas interesantes que nos propone la dama @saffisara.

Greetings ladies of the community, this week we have a new challenge with interesting questions proposed by lady @saffisara.

Quién o qué te inspira?
Me inspira las personas auténticas, bondadosas, humildes, sinceras, honestas que se mantienen con los pies sobre la tierra y la mirada en el cielo, fiel a sus raíces y creencias.
Aquellas personas que no dejan que los días malos los detenga que a pesar del miedo y los fracasos lo vuelven a intentar una y otra vez , que sonrien así estén hechos pedazos y que siempre, siempre están agradecidos .
Me inspira el mundo que me rodea, la naturaleza que siempre me invita a conectarme con la madre tierra y a aprender de su sabiduría infinita, jamás olvidó que soy parte de la tierra, de ella soy y a ella volveré .

Who or what inspires you
I am inspired by authentic, kind, humble, sincere, honest people who keep their feet on the ground and their eyes on the sky, faithful to their roots and beliefs.
Those people who do not let bad days stop them, who despite fear and failures, try again and again, who smile even if they are broken and who are always, always grateful.
I am inspired by the world around me, nature that always invites me to connect with Mother Earth and learn from her infinite wisdom, never forgetting that I am part of the Earth, I am hers and I will return to her.

¿Quién fue tu modelo a seguir cuando eras niño?
Mi ejemplo a seguir cuando era niña era sin dudar mi madre, una señora de campo, humilde, trabajadora, luchadora, con carácter fuerte y.mirada gentil, quedó viuda con muchas bocas que alimentar, viviendo en un ambiente rural, inhóspito para una mujer sola, se vio con muchas carencias, trabajando la tierra de sol a sol, sin quejarse, sin buscar apoyo solo de sus hijos más grandes.
Paso por muchas adversidades, se enfrentó casi al mismo tiempo con la perdida física de su padre, esposo y la de un hijo, siempre la veía como alguien con mucha fortaleza, entereza, la recuerdo vestida de negro, luto que le guardaba a sus seres queridos, buscaba proveernos sin renunciar, se ocupó de que nosotros fuéramos a la escuela, procuró darnos lo necesario dentro de lo que estaba a su alcance.
Enfermó, pero no se fue de este mundo hasta asegurarse dejarnos protegidos y en buenas manos, siempre fue y será mi ejemplo a seguir sin importar que no nos dió lujos y comodidades, de ella heredé mi pasión por el campo, la tierra y la naturaleza, gracias madre por tus huellas imborrables que dejaste en mí memoria y corazón que convertí en mi refugio y fortaleza.

Who was your role model when you were a child?
My role model when I was a child was without a doubt my mother, a country lady, humble, hard-working, a fighter, with a strong character and a gentle look, she was widowed with many mouths to feed, living in a rural environment, inhospitable for a single woman, she found herself with many shortcomings, working the land from sunrise to sunset, without complaining, without seeking support only from her older children.
She went through many adversities, she faced almost at the same time the physical loss of her father, husband and that of a son, I always saw her as someone with a lot of strength, integrity, I remember her dressed in black, mourning for her loved ones, she sought to provide for us without giving up, she made sure that we went to school, she tried to give us what was necessary within what was within her reach.
She fell ill, but she did not leave this world until she made sure that we were protected and in good hands. She was and will always be my example to follow, no matter that she did not give us luxuries and comforts. From her I inherited my passion for the countryside, the earth and nature. Thank you, mother, for the indelible marks that you left in my memory and heart that I turned into my refuge and strength.

¡Gracias por leer, contenido original!

fotografías mostradas son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi teléfono Redmi .

La Versión en Inglés la realicé con el Traductor de Google.

Thank you for reading, original content!

photographs shown are my property, taken with my Redmi phone.

I made the English Version with Google Translate.


No doubt your mother was a very brave woman, as you say, her indelible traces are your refuge and strength, thank you for sharing,


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@mariperez316, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.


Indeed its nice to know about your mother through these writings. Her struggle in raising you children without any moral support is an appreciable fact.


Greetings 😁 your mother is certainly a person to admire. Like her, many women have had to go through difficult situations with nothing but their hands, mind and body. It's good to know that she had the fullness for it. And I think that's where your admiration comes from for those who, like your mother, don't let themselves fall. A warm
