Christmas Contest: Three Christmas movies you should see..🎬

Greetings my movie buff friends, I hope you are spending a few days calm and in harmony with your loved ones, I couldn't help but participate in the contest proposed by the Movies & TV Shows team, in which we must talk about a movie or series Christmas, on this occasion I want to make a brief review and recommend three films that, for me, are very good, the plot, the message of each of these films, is excellent, and of course the story unfolds during the Christmas season, we begin .

The first movie: The Last Night, I saw this movie last year, and I really liked it, it is very different from the common Christmas movies, they show us a story a bit about the end of the world, or the human race, in a different way than what we are used to seeing, zombies do not appear, or anything like that, but yes, many things happen, when a group of best friends get together, precisely on Christmas night, one night in which they have fun, fight, receive gifts, and also follow a plan, created by the government, and which according to them is the best for all humanity, the story takes a drastic turn, and the ending is a little unexpected, they leave us a good message, the performances by the protagonists were fabulous, I recommend them.

Image of my property

Image of my property

Second Film: Last Christmas, this film captivated me, when I saw the trailer, I wanted to see it immediately, its protagonist is Emilia Clarke, who gives us another great performance, it is a film of self-love , about second chances, with a little humor, is told during the Christmas season, in which many of us like to dream, Kate's (Emilia Clarke) life is a disaster, she does not believe in beautiful loves, much less in Christmas, even though she works in a Christmas gift shop, until she meets a slightly strange man, who makes her see life in a different way, shows her all the beautiful things we can do, and how lucky we are. We are by the mere fact of being alive, this couple begins a story of love, of friendship, and they also surprise us with an unexpected ending.



Third film: Angela's Christmas, I couldn't miss a story for children, I had several animated films in mind, but I decided on this one, because it is a very beautiful story, a little nostalgic, they tell us what it was like On Christmas night, a little 5-year-old girl named Angela, along with her family, her three brothers and her mother, Angela has a slightly strange idea, while she is at the Christmas Eve mass, and she carries it out, causing several setbacks, this film is ideal to watch with the family, it leaves us with a very clear message about the importance of family and its support, how there are people who, even having little, are capable of helping others, music is a beauty, the truth is that if you have small children I recommend it 100 percent.


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I hope you liked the films I chose, if you have already seen them, you can tell me what you thought in the comments, see you next time, I hope you have a Happy New Year.

Thank you for reading and supporting my posts💗

The cover image was edited in canva.


Of the three you recommended, I only watched Last Christmas and I thought it was really cool, with a light and fun script.


I thought the three were very good stories, the last one is ideal to watch with the children. Thanks for the support. Happy New Year.🎄


Hola bella, la verdad es que no he visto ninguna de estas películas y que bueno que las has recomendado, en estos días una amiga me preguntó sobre films navideños y yo no sabía que responder. Las tres me parecen muy interesantes y de seguro cada una nos sorprendera con el final. Saludos bella.


Hola amiga, pues si, estas tres pelis están muy buenas, ojala las puedas ver pronto, gracias por pasar, abrazos y Feliz año nuevo.
