My younger self, and achievements..✨ LOH 191 Contest..

Happy and blessed week to all my Hive friends, as usual we have a week with some very interesting questions, that make us think, personally, they made me travel to the past, and remember so many anecdotes, I think both questions are perfect, And well, I wanted to share my participation with you.

1️⃣ If you had the opportunity to offer guidance and wisdom to your younger self, what insights or recommendations would you share?

I would have loved to be able to go through those times of my younger self and give me some life advice that I know would have been very useful to me, although I believe that we are all destined to live all those past experiences, the If I had done that or not made such a decision, it does not exist, we live what we have to live, but, since we are faced with a possibility, if I would like to give some advice to my younger self, I would start by telling him that not all people are Well, that evil exists, and that I should not be so trusting, that I should focus more on my thoughts, and not on the thoughts of others, that storms do not last a lifetime, the sun always rises, do not sink with every fall, get up because at your side, there is a God who wants to hold your hand.

My younger self didn't have the easiest things to say, maybe I lacked advice, or maybe as I mentioned at the beginning, I had to live every good moment and every not so good moment, so I would also tell him, don't run, Don't rush into anything, everything has its time, keep being you, even if they criticize you, those who truly value you are the ones who will stay by your side, never shut up, it's important that you speak, don't lose your light for anything Not even for anyone, it's not worth it, and finally, I would tell myself, learn to be grateful for every step you take, one day you will understand.

2️⃣ Reflecting on your personal journey, which accomplishments stand out as your proudest moments?

When I read this question, I immediately thought about the day of my graduation from university, it has been one of the most important achievements, of which I feel proud and that has marked my life in a positive way.

My university degree, this achievement for me, means a lot, because, I think that with it, I showed everyone that I could, and that if I was prepared, many did not believe, especially my own family, that I could go to study in another city and bring a university degree, I was always a bit rebellious, I did not have a quiet adolescence, motivated to do many things, leaving home for another city, completely alone, was not easy either, many things happen to you, but I think that everything It helps you learn and grow as a human being.

There were so many experiences during this journey through university, that for me, the best years of my life, even though everything happened to me, I cried like never before, but I also laughed and enjoyed, I met wonderful people, I learned to let go of everything that I It tormented me, and I became the woman I am now, I graduated with an engineering degree and I was able to show everyone what I was made of, with this degree, I thanked my parents for believing in me, and for the support they gave me according to their capabilities during this time.

I say goodbye my friends, delighted to be able to participate in this contest, and grateful to @priyanarc for bringing us such good questions, see you next time, blessings.

Thank you for reading and supporting my posts

All images are my property


Feliz y bendecida semana para todas mis amigos de Hive, como de costumbre tenemos una semana con unas preguntas muy interesantes, que nos ponen a pensar, personalmente, me hicieron viajar al pasado, y recordar tantas anécdotas, creo que las dos preguntas están perfectas, y bueno, les quise compartir mi participación.

1️⃣ Si tuvieras la oportunidad de ofrecer orientación y sabiduría a tu yo más joven, ¿qué ideas o recomendaciones compartirías?

Me hubiera encantado, poder pasar por ahí, por esos tiempos de mi yo, más joven y darme algunos consejos, de vida, que sé, me hubieran servido de mucho, aunque, creo que todos estamos destinados a vivir todas esas experiencias pasadas, el si hubiera hecho aquello o no hubiera tomado tal decisión, no existe, vivimos lo que tenemos que vivir, pero, como estamos ante una posibilidad, si me gustaría dar algunos consejos a mi yo más joven, empezaría diciéndole, que no todas las personas son buenas, que la maldad existe, y que no sea tan confiada, que me enfocara más en mis pensamientos, y no en los pensamientos de los demás, que las tormentas no duran para toda la vida, siempre sale el sol, no te hundas con cada caida, levantate que a tu lado, hay un Dios que quiere sostener tu mano.

Mi yo más joven, no tuvo las cosa muy fáciles que se digan, quizás me faltaron consejos, o quizás como mencione al principio, tenía que vivir cada momento bueno y cada momento no tan bueno, así que, también le diría, no corras, no te apresures por nada, todo tiene su momento, sigue siendo tú, así te critiquen, los que de verdad te valoran son los que se mantendrán a tu lado, no te calles nunca, es importante que hables, no pierdas tu luz por nada ni por nadie, no lo vale, y por último, me diría, aprende a agradecer por cada paso que das, algún día lo entenderás.

2️⃣ Reflexionando sobre tu viaje personal, ¿qué logros se destacan como tus momentos de mayor orgullo?

Cuando leí esta pregunta, de inmediato pensé en el día de mi graduación en la universidad, ha sido uno de los logros más importantes, del que me siento orgullosa y que ha marcado mi vida de manera positiva.

Mi título universitario, este logro para mi, significa mucho, pues, pienso que con él, le demostré a todos que sí podía, y que si estaba preparada, muchos no creían, en especial la propia familia, que yo podría irme a estudiar a otra ciudad y traer un título universitario, yo siempre fui un poco rebelde, no tuve una adolescencia tranquila, motivada a muchas cosas, irme de casa a otra ciudad, completamente sola, tampoco fue fácil, te pasan muchas cosas, pero creo que todo te ayuda a aprender y a crecer como ser humano.

Fueron tantas experiencias durante este camino por la universidad, que para mi, los mejores años de mi vida, a pesar de que me paso de todo, lloré como nunca, pero también reí y disfrute, conocí personas maravillosas, aprendí a soltar todo eso que me atormentaba, y me convertí en la mujer que ahora soy, me gradúe de Ing. y pude demostrarle a todos, de que estoy hecha, con este título, agradecí a mis padres por creer en mí, y por el apoyo que me brindaron según sus capacidades durante este tiempo.

Me despido mis amigos, encantada de poder participar en este concurso, y agradecida con @priyanarc por traernos preguntas tan buenas, nos vemos en la próxima, bendiciones.

Gracias por leer y apoyar mis posts

Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad


I should not be so trusting, that I should focus more on my thoughts,

Yes, even now we shouldn't trust people so easily. This world is cruel and we have to take our steps wisely.

My university degree, this achievement for me

This is a big achievement and a proud moment in life. All of the hard work pays off when you graduate and get the degree, it opens a new door for the future... Congrats

Thank you so much for your participation and have a great day...


It's correct my friend, there is still a lot of evil in this world, but now I know, and I don't trust everyone so quickly.
My university degree cost me a lot, so I will always feel proud of this achievement.
Thanks for the support. hugs and blessings


Sin duda que muchas veces no la tenemos nada fácil en la vida, pero es esa fortaleza especial que tenemos adentro las que nos hace resistir. Un abrazo de grande logros.

Without a doubt, many times we don't have it easy in life, but it is that special strength that we have inside that makes us resist. A hug of great achievements.


Así es mi amiga, fortaleza y ganas de seguir adelante, siempre estaré agradecida con Dios y la vida por que pude levantarme de cada caída y salir victoriosa. Gracias por el apoyo, Saludos y bendiciones. 🤗


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don't lose your light for anything Not even for anyone, it's not worth it,

This is so very important, we must never let anything take our light, it's never end well for anyone.

A big congratulations 🎉 on your degree,it is such a thing to be proud of, when people thinks we can't do something and we prove ourselves that we can.


Hello my friend, that's right, our light is what defines us, and we should not lose it for anything or anyone. Thanks for the support, hugs.
